
A One Stop Template Showcase that makes use of several fantastic tools, assets, animations and plugins from the VAM community. With this scene, you have the freedom to randomly mix and match your own collection of clothing/hair/pose/appearance presets (ky1001's PresetLoader plugin scans for existing favorited presets in the default directories, select the appropriate preset type and hit Shuffle Presets). Easy access to over a thousand poses and dozens of options to animate your favorite look in a variety of ways via the animation sections. As well the ability to use a sex toy and thrust in nearly any pose.

The goal of designing this scene was give access to all of the essential features that VAM and the community have to offer while being as user friendly as possible for even newer users of VAM.

Please trust that there is a reason that this scene has 70+ dependencies. All of them are needed to get the full experience of everything that this scene has to offer. Thanks for reading.

Update (10/5)

To use chromakey triggered passthrough support on VR. Make sure to download the dependency from Sally Whitemane's Plugin Camera Background Color

To use it with Virtual Desktop on the Quest, make sure you have the newest version of VD and use the following settings: Red 98, Green 120, Blue 100, Similarity 5%, Smoothing 0% (thanks to Saint66 for the recommendation)

Once enabled, click on the Passthrough Mode button in the scene and you should be in business.


Also incorporates the options to embody the character's POV (AcidBubbles Embody), or view from a fly by camera ride (CheekiBreeki's CameraMan plugin)


Includes an interactive touch component that will affect your characters expressions and reactions if you touch, tickle, spank, caress different parts of your model. As well as other options to affect your environment and setting.





Lots of new features since the first version. Please read the info in the updates tab for more insight on the features available and way to use them. Enjoy!

Special thanks to:

AcidBubbles, JayJayWon, SPQR, Hazmhox and Macgruber for essential plugins.
ky1001 for the great preset randomizer
CheekiBreeki for the CameraMan plugin
Wgsoup for the WindControl plugin
AshAuryn, Everlaster, Ascorad and Kemenate for expression morphs.
Jackaroo for lighting, environment textures, and water rigs
Clockwisesilver for the SilverKiss plugin
Maru for the Rope and Chain clothing
Sally for the Camera Background Color and Garbage Collector plugin
Everlaster for the Naturalis plugin
Spacedog for the skyboxes
WeebU for the sweat gloss skin textures
VRAdultFun for the Dynamic Hand Movement plugin
Klphgz, SPQR, MonsterShinkai, Guru33, Virtamateur, Luminestrial for poses and interface and bill_prime for normalizing the great majority of poses
VamTimbo, xxxa, ReignMocap, NL, KittyMocap, XRWizard, AnythingFashionVR and others for their pose animations
Vinput for the Autothruster plugin
Via for the Synergy plugin
IAmAFox, DarkFantasy, Cloudcover and Joyboy for clothing assets
JackyCracky for Muscle Tone Bumpmaps from their Gwen Stacy Look
TGC, Trety and Jachu for CUA environments
Xstatic for the Fairy Wings Asset
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366.38 MB
First release
Last update
4.97 star(s) 36 ratings
Click the links below to support the other creators whose content was used to make this resource!


Creator Support Link
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
ascorad ascorad
AshAuryn AshAuryn
AshAuryn AshAuryn
AshAuryn AshAuryn
AshAuryn AshAuryn
AshAuryn AshAuryn
AshAuryn AshAuryn
AshAuryn AshAuryn
bill_prime bill_prime
CheekiBreeki CheekiBreeki
ClockwiseSilver ClockwiseSilver
Cloudcover Cloudcover
DarkFantasy DarkFantasy
djsoapyknuckles djsoapyknuckles
djsoapyknuckles djsoapyknuckles
everlaster everlaster
everlaster everlaster
everlaster everlaster
everlaster everlaster
hazmhox hazmhox
hazmhox hazmhox
hazmhox hazmhox
Hunting-Succubus Hunting-Succubus
jasik jasik
Jackaroo Jackaroo
Jackaroo Jackaroo
Jackaroo Jackaroo
JayJayWon JayJayWon
JayJayWon JayJayWon
JayJayWon JayJayWon
JayJayWon JayJayWon
JoyBoy JoyBoy
kemenate kemenate
kemenate kemenate
klphgz klphgz
klphgz klphgz
K ky1001
MacGruber MacGruber
MacGruber MacGruber
maru01 maru01
maru01 maru01
M Matt_
M Matt_
NoStage3 NoStage3
Riddler Riddler
s p l i n e VR s p l i n e VR
Sally Whitemane Sally Whitemane
Broshido Broshido
Spacedog Spacedog
SupaRioAmateur SupaRioAmateur
T tolborg1
trety trety
via5 via5
V Vinput
VRAdultFun VRAdultFun
wgsoup wgsoup
Xstatic Xstatic

Latest updates

  1. V 1.9d 100+ New Hair Colors, Drunken Passout, The Cross, Mocaps, UI improvements and more

    The following has been updated: Added two more great idle mocaps to the CuddleIdles Animation...
  2. V 1.9c New Morph Menu, Cuddle Idle Mocaps, More Lighting and Makeup options, Improved Bedroom scene

    Created a new menu popup called "Morph Adjust" that allows for quick access to all the most...
  3. V 1.9b Blushing, Timeline fix, New Ride Mocap, New Lighting Options, Cam Ride Speed Adjust, and more

    Updated new versions of many plugins including timeline and reworked the animations to work...

Latest reviews

Can't you just bring in the fainting scene?
Thanks for the review. Please detail what you mean by "bring in the fainting scene" in the discussion tab and I will try to give feedback.
Upvote 1
Great scene with a very helpful creator!
Appreciate the kind words.
Upvote 1
Lovely scene, the pass through is amazing and fun to play with. About the only other thing I'd love to see is a native plugin to bring in other looks, but being able to import appearance pre-sets seem to work just fine.

It's fun to play with them in AR for sure.
Upvote 0
The best passthru scene ever and keeps getting better!
Always great to hear people are enjoying the scene. Thanks for the feedback.
Upvote 1
perfect for passthrough, really nice job! it would be cool to add other movement or dance, and improved lighting+++
Thanks for positive feedback. Feel free to add any suggestions for light/animation that you think might help to improve the scene in the discussion tab.
Upvote 0
best scene on hub to anyone want to play easily. more sex animations would be great !
Thanks for the feedback! Been busy lately but definitely plan to add more animations to the scene sometime in the future.
Upvote 1
Thanks man! Hard work!
Appreciate the feedback!
Upvote 1
Very good scene. Great with passthrough as well.

Not sure what I am doing wrong but I cannot get a proper hand (like in the screenshot) to work. Also when using the slap paddle and slapped her down to the ground, it would be better if she can stand back up automatically after a few moment.
Thanks for the review. Check your settings under VR1 and VR2 tabs. There should be an option to enable VR hands. If you have any further issues, please report in the discussion tab.
Upvote 1
Amazing Scene, thank you author for the great work!
Glad you like it. Appreciate the review.
Upvote 0
The model keeps exploding.Report an error
Please detail this in the discussion tab. At what point does the model explode? When you first start the scene? Changing poses? Animations? You can try lowering the floor a bit so the model is less likely to collide with it when making changes.
Upvote 0
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