Sexpressions was my first work and included 174 facial expression pose morphs to bring your model alive during sex scenes.
NEW FOR 2023
I have taken my original work (seen at the bottom of this post) and updated and improved all 174 morphs (see below). I have also included 114 additional "plugin-friendly" alternate versions which work well with plugins that use the "mouth open" morph to simulate breathing and moaning.
All total, with the original morphs, there are 462 morphs! I have also included a Plugin Preset for @MacGruber 's Life and @ClockwiseSilver 's Silver Expression Tool plugins. (see video demo below). These plugins are helpful but not required to use the expressions in your scene.
If you enjoy this and other content I have made, please support me on Patreon so that I can continue!
Expressions can be found in the morphs tab under categories Pose/Head/Expressions/AshAuryn/Sex and AshAuryn/Expressions/Legacy2.0/Sex
Plugin Preset Demo Vid:
174 New Versions for 2023:
Alternate "Plugin Friendly" Versions (showing normal and with the "mouth open" morph applied):
Screenshot of some of the original 174 Morphs: