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  • Hi Jackaroo

    I'm new to VAM and downloaded 'Martin.' WHen I play it, he just stands there - is there supposed to be action i..e is he supposed to walk around or wank or something? I am using a VR headset and I get the same as I get on my PC version.

    Hi pete, Glad to hear we have a new VaM member, Hope you are liking it so far!

    Martin is intended as a Appearance/look preset. You can load his appearance into one of the animated scenes you can find here on the hub.

    I may have included a small animation of just an idle stance where he sways a bit iirc, try hitting the play button on the vam ui menu.

    I also recommend checking out some of the beginner tutorials of how to use vam such as loading appearances into scenes ect.

    :) glad to have you!
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