• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
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A collection of demos showing some of my assets, implementations plugins, or ideas.


How to use
  • Download (including all dependencies)
  • Load a scene and enjoy !

What is this ?

These are (kinda) simple demos of several assets and plugins of mine, or even plugins of other creators of the community.

To stop creating useless dependencies on my own assets, I though it would be better to have the demos gathered all in one place.

Consider this as either : a simple set of scene you could enjoy. Or a "live tutorial" of possible use case of plugins and assets.

Demos list and "features"

  • bathroom-demo-01 and bathroom-demo-02
    • Characters poses ideas
    • Animation pattern control and audio control with the scene animation
    • Animation pattern setup
    • Use of CUA as physic objects and details
    • Use of VAMAtmosphere for the audio and reverb
    • Use of Fluids 101 for the shower
    • Setup of Bathroom asset with the included plugin
  • bathroom-tiny-demo-01
    • Characters poses ideas
    • Animation pattern control with the scene animation
    • Animation pattern setup
    • VAMMoan in manual on the girl controlled with the scene animation
    • VAMMoan in manual on the girl synchronising guy intensity through triggers
    • Use of VAMAtmosphere for the audio and reverb
    • Use of Fluids 101 for the shower
    • Basic implementation of Divining Rod
  • bathroom-tiny-demo-02
    • Characters poses ideas for a threesome
    • Animation pattern control with the scene animation
    • Animation pattern setup for both hand and pelvis
    • VAMMoan in interactive mode on both girls, intensity driven by the interaction made possible by the animation pattern.
    • VAMMoan on the blond girl synchronising guy intensity through triggers
    • Use of VAMAtmosphere for the audio and reverb
    • Use of Fluids 101 for the shower
    • Basic implementation of Divining Rod
  • Demo-Stasislab-Clones
    • Interactive assets with complete sound design
    • Plugin to control the cryopods
    • Use of VAMAtmosphere for the audio and reverb
    • Timeline animations
    • Timeline randomization
    • Timeline synchronization through a master atom controlling the scene
    • VAMCUI implementation with buttons changing states
    • I suggest playing the demo before reading the spoiler below :
      - Timeline control of clothes (geoshell) to simulate the character being wet and drying up after being released of the crypod
      - Timeline control of hairs to simulate water.
      - Advanced configuration of timeline with group weights to trigger scary animations less often than usual idle animations inside the cryopods.
      - Use of Look at trigger to animate scary animations
      - Use of vfx assets synced with timeline
  • Demo-Stasislab-Room-Setup-01 to Demo-Stasislab-Room-Setup-03
    • Three different room setup
    • Characters poses ideas
    • Basic setup of Glance and VAMMoan.
  • thehideout_demo_01 and thehideout_demo_02
    • Two different room setup
    • Characters poses ideas
  • Icicles-editor-demo-01
    • Explains how the editors works for the Custom Unity Assets but also the snow VFX.
  • Icicles-cave-demo-01 and Icicles-cave-demo-02
    • Level design with the Icy assets
    • Use of VAMAtmosphere for the audio and reverb
    • Implementation of Animation Pattern control through the dynamic arousal system of VAMMoan (demo 02).
  • Food101-Collisions-demo
    • Shows how to use the collision plugin with the assets.
    • Shows a use case of Zero-G in a scene
    • Implements the awesome Glance from @Acid Bubbles with Glance target to drive Ella's look and line of sight with the CUAs
    • Implements a basic Timeline animation to make Ella interact with the floating assets.
  • Food101-Breakfast-demo
    • Shows almost all assets displayed on a table. Ella is hungry!
  • anim-basics-demo
    This scene is a basic tutorial on how to use timeline and make basic animations. It is good for beginners and might have some insights for advanced users about circular motion.
  • fluids-101-cumshots-presets
    A scene made to show a timeline implementation of cumshots for the Fluids 101 male asset. It also features presets file for timeline for you to import in your scene.
  • fluids-101-demo
    A basic scene showing basic triggers with buttons
  • fluids-101-demo-rain-01 and fluids-101-demo-rain-02
    Basic scenes showing an implementation of the rain.
  • VAMM-Scripted-interaction-demo-01
    A scene showing how to control VAMMoan with triggers from the characters ( in this case, nipples triggers ).
  • VAMM-Boobjob-demo-01
    A basic boobjob scene using the squishes and pelvic slap sounds. The interactive system to drive the male arousal. And some triggers to control the male fluids.
  • VAMM-Blowjob-demo-01
    A basic blowjob scene using the blowjob/mouth sounds and squishes sounds. The interactive system is also used to drive the male arousal.
  • VAMM-Squishes-demo-01
    A basic fingering scene using the squishes sounds system.
  • VAMM-Pelvic-slap-demo-01 & VAMM-Pelvic-slap-demo-02
    Two basic sex scenes using the pelvic slap sounds system.

VAMMoan 2 (teaser)
  • VAMMoan2_KatanaShenanigans_Demo
    A scene showing control of VAMMoan 2 over a VAMStory user interface
  • VAMMoan2_SlappingFun_Demo
    A silly slapping animation demo
  • Tutorial-Part01
    Advanced tutorial covering the base use of VAMMoan 2 controls
  • Tutorial-Part02
    Advanced tutorial covering the playback of specific sounds
  • Tutorial-Part03
    Advanced tutorial showing the slapping feature controlled over a timeline animation and a VAMStory user interface

  • VAMAudioAnalyzer-demo-01
    A basic scene showing how to control assets with VAMAudioAnalyzer. Light control, material control, assets control (rotation or position) etc...
    Also shows an implementation of a mocap with keyframe cleaning/reducing on Timeline. Mocap kindly shared by @VamTimbo over Discord.
Crowd Generator
  • CrowdGenerator-Config-Example-01 to CrowdGenerator-Config-Example-03
    Three scenes showing different customization of Crowd generator in different situations.
  • VAMA_Demo_CityAmbience, VAMA_Demo_CryptAmbience, VAMA_Demo_SeasideAmbience
    Three scenes showing different ambiences created with VAMA Ambiences.
  • VAMA_Demo_Thunder, VAMA_Demo_ThunderInteractive
    Two scenes showing the dynamic thunder with a basic implementation or an interactive one with triggers.
  • VAMA_Demo_Neighbors, a scene showing the neighbors simulator.
  • VAMA_Demoocclusion01, a basic voyeur scene showing the occlusion system working with VAMMoan.
  • VAMA_Demoocclusion02, a more advanced scene showing several VAMA Ambience and an AudioSource with music playing and a basic animation with Timeline.
  • Walls101_InteractiveTilesDemo, showing how tiles can be animated
  • Walls101_PhotoshootDemo, showing a "photo booth" setup
  • Walls101_WallTilesDemo, showing a basic wall tile setup
  • Three scenes with a complete level design, Space_Force_Bedrooms_Full, Space_Force_Bedrooms_DeltaOnly, Space_Force_Bedrooms_CapOnly. They can be used as a starting point for your scenes.
  • Space_Force_Props_Archive is a scene with all props laid around to help you see what you could use.
  • Space_Force_Alurian_Toy_Fun is a tiny kinky scene showing off Timeline's randomization system.
  • Space_Force_Shower_Fun is a tiny kinky scene showing off Timeline's randomization system and the implementation of the occlusion system from VAMAtmosphere.
  • VAMStory_basic_tutorial is a simple scene showing a story example made with VAMStory. Ella will be teaching you how to use the plugin.
  • VAMStory_actions_tutorial is a simple scene showing a story example made with VAMStory. Ella will be teaching you how to use the sub-plugin of VAMStory: VAMStoryActions.
  • VAMStory_director_tutorial is a simple scene showing a story example made with VAMStory. Ella and her clone will be teaching you how to use the sub-plugin of VAMStory: VAMStoryDirector.
  • VAMStory_buttons_examples is a gallery of VAMStoryActions customized properly to give you and idea of what you can do with the options.
  • VAMStory_buttons_advanced is a gallery of a VAMStoryActions system configure to make a main tab menu with sub-menus (using VAMStoryDirector).
  • Demo_Story_driven_Alurian_Toy_Fun is the same scene as Space_Force_Alurian_Toy_Fun, but this time it is story-driven with a bit of dialogs.
  • VAMStory_Director_GateTriggers is a tutorial explaining how to use the gate trigger system in Director.
  • VAMStory_AppearanceSwapper is a tutorial showing a basic implementation of the Appearance Swapper tool. Featuring a short excerpt @VamTimbo's mocap. If you like Timbo's idle mocap, checkout the wonderful Photoshoot scene!

  • VAMLive-demo-01 is a basic demo of three screens and two cameras.
  • VAMLive-demo-02 is a basic demo of three screen with one parented to a tablet and animated with a character.

Thanks to you all awesome creators!

I will not list all the persons who might have indirectly contributed to these demos by sharing awesome content on the hub... especially since it might grow in the future with new dependencies! You can find the list of dependencies in the tabs on top of this page.

Thanks to you all for your great plugins and content.
Total Size
13.28 MB
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 25 ratings

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Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
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MacGruber MacGruber
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Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
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ToumeiHitsuji ToumeiHitsuji
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SupaRioAmateur SupaRioAmateur
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Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
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Latest updates

  1. New VAMMoan 2 Tutorial

    Added one new advanced tutorial for VAMMoan 2. Aimed at teaching VA Groups.
  2. Sanctuary Two Update

    Added new folder Sanctuaries. Added two base scene for the environment setups for Sanctuary Two...
  3. New VAMStory demo

    Added a new VAMStory demo VAMStory_AutoSkipDialogs demoing the new auto-skip feature.

Latest reviews

super dance)
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If it wasn't for your demos I don't know what I would have done. xD
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Anything hazmhox is gold!
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These demos are a great way for us prospective scene developers to look under the covers so to speak :) and see how the sausage is made :)
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fantasy Work~
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nice! thanks 4 sharing
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Simply superb. A must have. Thank you.
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This is fantastic. Thank you for putting this together!
Upvote 0
An amazing pack that will show off the power of both VaM and hazmhox :p Must get!
Upvote 0
Many of these "demo" scenes are better than a lot of scenes uploaded by others on the hub. Amazing work!
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