How to use
- Grab the last version of HZMDemos
- Load any of the scenes contained in the folder named SpaceforceEnviro01
- Create a new scene
- Populate your scene with the assets contained in the package
Space Force Enviro is a huge collection of assets meant to be set in Space Force's universe. I can't thank enough @Spacedog to let me me riffing around Space Force theme and create some pretty cool assets and lore ideas around level design and props.
This package represents months of work, including over 100 props and assets... some conversion from Sketchfab but also a lot (lot) of custom props, scripts and interactive assets to allow the creation of an immersive scene set in space. From Alurian sextoys, to tools, bottle, glasses and the usual furniture. I hope you will find something you like.
There are some "funky" stuff you need to know if you want to create content from scratch. Especially for some assets. Please, read this with at least the "full" demo scene loaded on the side, to understand what I'm talking about.
Collision Manager
You will find an atom named !!CollisionsManager in the atom list. This a simple empty atom with a script on it. It scans at scene load all the assets and find the ones that are "throwable" (meaning you can interact with them, throw them) and enables proper settings so that the items do not fall through the floor.
Having the plugin is important but it is not the only step needed to make an asset throwable. You also need to disable position, rotation and enable physics on it. Compatible assets are those "obvious": fork, knives, tools, tablets, wine bottle, shampoo bottles etc...
The plugin gives the list of all compatible assets enabled. You can add some assets, reload the plugin and check if it is compatible or not.
UI Manager
You will find an atom named !!UIManager in the atom list. This a simple empty atom with a script on it. It scans at scene load all the assets and find the ones that needs some UI settings.
There are:
- Alarm Clocks
- Door Buttons / UI
Alarm clocks are initialized automatically, you don't need to do anything.
Buttons on the other hand, need a specific name to work. The way the atom name should be written is NAME:ROOMIDENT:OWNER
If the plugin does not detect this syntax, it simply ignores this button.
For example, you could name it MyButton01:Bedroom:Hazmhox
Compared to the example picture below:
- The first part (MyButton01) is ignored and is only a way for you to recognize the button.
- The second part (Bedroom) will be written in the place of "VANG-SCI-LIVQ-0639"
- The third part (Hazmhox) will be written in the place of "CASSIE REINART AND DELTA"
Just like the collision manager, you can reload the plugin to see the effects of your changes.
PBR Tweak and blanket presets
When creating a new CUA, you can load four presets for the different blankets. These presets use the models AND a plugin allowing color correction of the blankets.
But it is not only limited to blankets. You can try to put it on the assets, if they are compatible with the script, you can then change the color. If no color change happens, it means that the assets is not compatible with the script. On the top of my mind I know that beds, chairs, seats, tables can be changed... I'll let you discover the rest.
Bedroom Manager
If you want the interactive part of the bedroom to work, you need to add the bedroom manager script on it. Look at the atom named !BedroomEnviro. The plugin pretty much does nothing like this. You need to trigger the different actions by yourself ( door opening or privacy system toggle ).
Alurian Fun
Alurian fun is a girl on girl scene contained in HZMDemos. The scene is meant to show off the Alurian toys and several scripting technics with Timeline and VAMMoan including controlling voice intensity and making a "procedural" scene animation with groups and weights.
Some assets under CC-BY 4.0 from Sketchfab:
TomF, re1monsen, lorib2306, MRowa, Luciano O. Mollo, alexeyshadrin80, 2REK, Payam Tavakoli, Igor_K., Vilad,, Ragnarrokk, ul1tka, Epic_Hard_RU, jakuza, Alex Sanches, Artkalsin, EspinArt3D, OyVeyKitty, Gabriel Victor, Jeff Kratzer , G1ngerBoy), Paubr, isnainul, SEED.EA, Duznot, SalrunMacaod, zubair498, KneeKnow, inuhitman, gianpego, andrea.notarstefano, Blender3D, LuddePudde, Admne, Helindu