A bathroom, most certainly somewhere in a japanese city.
This is the result of a collaboration with @Spacedog who is working on a new awesome scene.
How to use
- Download and open one of the demos
OR - Create a new scene.
- Add a Custom Unity Asset and load the assetbundle from the package, select bathroom_enviro.prefab
- Add the script hzm_bathroom.cs on the Custom Unity Asset. It will allow you to customize several aspects of the bathroom. (Furniture, type of shower, light assets etc).
- Add another Custom Unity Asset and load the assetbundle from the package, select bathroom_enviro_gi_a.prefab, bathroom_enviro_gi_b.prefab or bathroom_enviro_gi_c.prefab
- OPTIONAL : Add several CUA and load some of the props contained in the package.
DEMO Scenes
Both scenes comes up with an advanced setup of several plugins from the package, Fluids 101 and VAMAtmosphere. There is a basic animation pattern animation included, and a proper setup of the sound, reverb and lighting.
Demo 02 is a bit intensive and might only be for desktop users or people with huge PCs in VR.
These scenes are also excellent tutorials on how to use VAMAtmosphere (for overlapping sounds and attenuation or reverbs) or Fluids 101.
You will find some props with the enviro, they are meant to be placed inside the bathroom as you wish. You can enabled physics and add hzmcuacollisions.cs contained in the package on the CUA to improve collisions and avoid it to pass through objects. Demos are showing an implementation of this.
Reflections and global illumination
Three GIs / reflection probes are baked for different lighting setups, feel free to test them and light the room depending on your needs.
You can use the excellent SkyMagicLoader from @MacGruber's essentials to get a really nice global illumination. Demos are showing an implementation of this.
All 3D models are from Sketchfab under CC BY 4.0.