• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

TittyMagic 5

TittyMagic enables more realistic breast physics, optimizes colliders, and adjusts breast morphs dynamically. With TittyMagic 5, you can also customize physics and colliders beyond what's possible in Virt-A-Mate by default.


  • automatic breast physics settings based on breast mass/volume
  • automatic adjustment of breast shape in animations and different poses
  • automatic adjustment of physics parameters with pose to simulate the effect of gravity
  • advanced breast collision physics with a combination of optimized hard colliders and directional morphing
  • easily adjust breast behavior with Breast Softness, Breast Quickness and Breast Mass Offset sliders
  • tweak individual physics parameters further with offsets - all soft physics settings can be adjusted per group (main, outer, areola, nipple)
  • additional Twist Angle Target physics parameter
  • tweak breast hard collider parameters: collision force, radius, x/y/z offset
  • visualize soft physics colliders when editing Fat Collider Radius and Fat Collider Depth
  • use adaptive collider friction to make breasts automatically slippery when skin is glossy
  • adjust nipple erection
  • customize the amount of morphing and the effect of gravity on breasts



Total Size
4.48 MB
5.2.4 (free) / 70.var
First release
Last update
4.99 star(s) 73 ratings

More resources from everlaster

Latest updates

  1. 5.2.4: Fixed bug with breast collision when loading appearance preset

    Breasts will now always have collision after calibration is done if the person's Collision...
  2. 5.2 end of early access!

    Version 5.2 is now free! Changes: 5.2.0 release, 5.2.1 patch, 5.2.2 patch, 5.2.3 patch
  3. 5.2.3: Twist Angle Target fixed

    Twist Angle Target offset works correctly again. The previous patch broke this due to some code...

Latest reviews

My English is very weak so I use a translator, I must tell you that this version has a bug, when you select the pose saved with tittymagic with an older version (eg 5.1.2), with this version 5.2.4 it will not remove the chest related ones The old pose is then recalculated automatically, causing the pose superposition of the chest to appear incorrectly distorted.
I hope the translator has the correct expression
Thank you for the review. TittyMagic is a legacy resource that is no longer developed since it has been replaced by Naturalis for about a year. It contains many bugs that will never be fixed :)
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MVP plugin. Must have. Also Booty Magic!!
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Well optimized and of a vital use if you want to explore the physic possibilities of VAM, BootyMagic will also surprise you by its quality.
Theses plugins really makes Vam be alive and vam must know it!
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Love this plugin! It's given a whole new "volume" to my look making ;) will always be using this going forward! Fantastic work!
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You don't know how good this is until you try it in VR. The experience is something else.
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Those tiddies really ARE magic!
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Gets better and better every update! I have begun to get an issue though, when changing appearance presets, sometimes I lose collision entirely on breasts, with everything else retaining. It often requires a full program restart to fix as well. Aware of this? Not sure if it's specific to only this version or if there's something I'm not toggling.
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Amazing! Save/Load a preset would be a nice feature to add.
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Your plugin has improved so much from the first early versions. I recently created a tittyfuck scene and wow, the realism that Titty Magic adds is incredible, finally the collisions are correct and look like the real thing. Thanks again for creating this and all the work you put into it.
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