First of all I would like to thank all the creators of vam.
When I found that the functionality I wanted to achieve was not implemented by default, I searched the official forums and found that most of them had been solved by the creators who came before me. This saved me a lot of time.
This is a scene that allows you to control the blowjob yourself. We plan to add not only blowjob but also tittyjob and some posture in the future.
Each male and female have their own controller, and the male can control the penis and the female can control the head by dragging the position of the penis and the head, respectively.
In addition, when the view is rotated by right-clicking, the male's waist moves to follow.
By default, the act is automatically initiated by bringing the penis close to the woman's mouth.
Pressing the cum button in the lower right corner starts the cum animation, and the woman's state changes as the number of times it is performed increases.
In this scene, option menus are located on the left and right sides of the screen. Each can be hidden by pressing the hideui button.
How to install
Instead of downloading the dependency files for this scene one by one yourself, you can play the scene much easier by using the DependencyViewer by the wonderful creator DemonLord.
Download DependencyViewer on Vamhub, ① with my scene open, apply DependencyViewer in the MainUI one session plugin, and ② open the Open Cusom UI.

③ After selecting Check Current scene, open the downloader with ④ Check Download Dependency.

⑤ After selecting the download all, ⑥ Close and return to the previous screen.

⑦ Select Load Json.

⑧ In the search field, type in Beyond and select gggg.Beyond the Steam, and ⑨ select the meta json file.

⑩ Select Check Download Dependency again and go to the downloader.

⑪ Select Download All again and you are ready to go. Reload the scene and it is ready to play.
Menu on the left of the screen
・Load girl preset
You can load your own preset for the girl's appearance.
If you change the appearance of a woman from anything other than loading a preset, the scene will not work correctly.
・Ejaculation effect
Toggles on/off the screen effect at the moment of ejaculation.
Toggles the display of steam from the bath tub.
Toggles the display of water from the bath tub.
・Room off
Switches the room display.
・Cloth reset
Resets the condition that the chest is held by a towel.
Normal lighting.
・Dim blue
Switches to dim blue lighting.
Switches to pink lighting, which is bad for eyes.
Female position
Adjust the depth and height of the female position with the slider.
Menu on the right side of the screen
Toggles the depth of field between 60 and 80.
・Free cam
Toggles between first person and third person view.
・Manual thrust
Toggles between automatic blowjob or not.
50shades.Cum_pack_of_9.latest By: 50shades License: FC Link:
AcidBubbles.ColliderEditor.38 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link:
AcidBubbles.Embody.60 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link:
AcidBubbles.Timeline.287 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link:
AcidBubbles.Utilities.7 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link:
AlienAxeMan.Person_Transparency.1 By: AlienAxeMan License: CC BY Link:
AnalogueBob.Eye_Workshop.latest By: AnalogueBob License: CC BY
AnalogueBob.Realistic_Eyes.latest By: AnalogueBob License: CC BY Link:
AshAuryn.Pose_Tools.latest By: AshAuryn License: CC BY Link:
AshAuryn.Sexpressions.latest By: AshAuryn License: CC BY Link:
Blaspheratus.Simple_headscarfe_2.latest By: Blaspheratus License: CC BY
Blazedust.Script_ParentHoldLink.1 By: Blazedust License: FC
Captain Varghoss.TriggerUI.2 By: Captain Varghoss License: CC BY Link:
CheesyFX.BodyLanguage.69 By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
CheesyFX.BodyLanguage_Resources.latest By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
CheesyFX.CheesyPluginSuite.8 By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
CheesyFX.HeelAdjust2.20 By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA Link:
CheesyFX.ShakeIt.40 By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
ChenRong.CanvasButton.6 By: ChenRong License: CC BY
ClockwiseSilver.SilverExpressionTool.7 By: ClockwiseSilver License: CC BY-SA Link:
crimeless.wet_penis.latest By: crimeless License: FC
DragonPhantom.[DP]8_Pools.latest By: DragonPhantom License: CC BY
DragonPhantom.[DP]basic-skybox-pack-1.latest By: DragonPhantom License: CC BY
Eosin.IronGrip.2 By: Eosin License:
everlaster.PresetLoadedTriggers.3 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA Link:
FlyRoxy.PlayEditTriggers.1 By: FlyRoxy License: CC BY
hazmhox.fluids101.10 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
hazmhox.spacedust101.2 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
hazmhox.vammoan.20 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
hazmhox.vamoverlays.6 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
ICannotDie.LUT_Pack.latest By: ICannotDie License: FC Link:
Jachu.Throbbing_Morph_Jachu.latest By: Jachu License: CC BY
Jackaroo.JarModularExpressions.latest By: Jackaroo License: CC BY Link:
kemenate.Morphs.latest By: kemenate License: FC Link:
LFE.KeyboardShortcuts.12 By: LFE License: CC BY-SA Link:
MacGruber.Life.13 By: MacGruber License: CC BY-SA Link:
MacGruber.LogicBricks.14 By: MacGruber License: PC EA Link:
maru01.bath_towel.latest By: maru01 License: CC BY
MeshedVR.PresetsPack.latest By: MeshedVR License: CC BY
Nial.[Assets]_bathroom.latest By: Nial License: CC BY
NoStage3.Hair_Long_Backswept_Pony.latest By: NoStage3 License: CC BY
NoStage3.Hair_Long_Upswept_Top_Bun.latest By: NoStage3 License: CC BY Link:
OrangeGumi.MosaicSet.latest By: OrangeGumi License: CC BY
PicoVAM.TeethLowerGumFix.latest By: PicoVAM License: CC BY
Redeyes.cloth_tit_fuck_cum.latest By: Redeyes License: CC BY
Redeyes.Yet_Another_Cum_Pack.latest By: Redeyes License: CC BY
Riddler.Skin_6_4k.latest By: Riddler License: CC BY
Romolas.Eye_Saccades.2 By: Romolas License: CC BY Link:
Saking55.AutoBulger.7 By: Saking55 License: CC BY
Shadow_Venom.GameParameterPro.1 By: Shadow_Venom License: CC BY-SA
Stopper.LinkTriggers.2 By: Stopper License: CC BY
Stopper.SliderUnlocker.1 By: Stopper License: CC BY
The Cum.Cum_Facial_Free06.latest By: The Cum License: CC BY
The Cum.Custom-made_Cum_01.latest By: The Cum License: CC BY
V2.___UniversalMorphCollection___.latest By: V2 License: FC Link:
VAMJFD.FullMouthTexturePack.latest By: VAMJFD License: CC BY Link:
VikLamant.Bra_Cleavage_Morph.latest By: VikLamant License: CC BY
VL_13.Lashes_3.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link:
VL_13.Morph_Phonemes2.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link:
vs1.vs1_C151_Eye_Reflection_02.latest By: vs1 License: CC BY Link:
WeebU.Cum_cloth.latest By: WeebU License: FC Link:
WeebU.My_morphs.latest By: WeebU License: FC Link:
WgSoup.MoveControl.1 By: WgSoup License: CC BY
WgSoup.WindControl+.6 By: WgSoup License: CC BY
YM.morph_pack_hardcord.latest By: YM License: CC BY
This uses the Dripping Cum( men's outfit I posted earlier, which is shown and hidden in the timeline.