Female dominant poses

Paid Scenes Female dominant poses

I present to your attention female dominant poses. Enjoy watching.


There are 23 poses in the scene with animation from the body language plugin, all poses were created by me.

music from Silent Hill but it's a 2000's Alt Rock album, link in discussions.

in the scene you will find the control menu, in it you can set up the graphics to your liking, and I also added both albums with music to the vam browser, check out my vam settings. note, there will be a slight delay in the transitions to some poses, this is due to the loading of bondage assets. the scene was tested in desktop mode

permission: Jackaroo.Leon.latest By: Jackaroo License: PC EA Link: https://www.patreon.com/Jackaroo

Authors' resources:
AcidBubbles.Embody.60 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link: https://github.com/acidbubbles/vam-embody
AnalogueBob.Realistic_Eyes.latest By: AnalogueBob License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/analoguebob
AshAuryn.AshAuryn's_101_Female_Genitalia_Morphs.latest By: AshAuryn License: CC BY Link: https://patreon.com/ashauryn/
AWWalker.AWW_GenMorphResources.latest By: AWWalker License: CC BY-ND
Azimuth.Whitney.latest By: Azimuth License: CC BY
bill_prime.Ultimate_Layered_Makeup_Addon.latest By: bill_prime License: CC BY
CheesyFX.BodyLanguage.71 By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
CheesyFX.BodyLanguage_Resources.1 By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
CheesyFX.BodyLanguage_Resources.latest By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
CheesyFX.ShakeIt.40 By: CheesyFX License: CC BY-SA
ClockwiseSilver.SilverKiss.1 By: ClockwiseSilver License: CC BY-SA Link: https://www.patreon.com/ClockwiseSilver
DemonLord.DLUtils.5 By: DemonLord License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/DemonLordVAM
Epi.epiFurniture.1 By: Epi License: CC BY-SA
HAL9001.CUA_Editor.8 By: HAL9001 License: CC BY-SA
hazmhox.beds101.latest By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
hazmhox.fluids101.11 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
hazmhox.vammoan.22 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
ICannotDie.Pubic_Hair.latest By: ICannotDie License: CC BY-SA Link: https://www.patreon.com/ICannotDie
Ivam.Locker_Room.latest By: Ivam License: CC BY
JustLookingForNothin.Breathing_Deluxe_Plugin.2 By: JustLookingForNothin License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/JustLookingForNothin
Korisaki.BDSMPack.latest By: Korisaki License: CC BY Link: Korisaki
MacGruber.Essentials.14 By: MacGruber License: CC BY-SA Link: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/macgruber-essentials.160/
MacGruber.Life.13 By: MacGruber License: CC BY-SA Link: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/life.165/
MacGruber.PostMagic.4 By: MacGruber License: CC BY-SA Link: https://www.patreon.com/MacGruber_Laboratory
MacGruber.SecretRoom.6 By: MacGruber License: CC BY-SA Link: https://www.patreon.com/MacGruber_Laboratory
maru01.UnderwearM1.latest By: maru01 License: CC BY
Mestre.ExtraAutoGenitalsPlus.2 By: Mestre License: CC BY-SA
MR.Bar_Stool.latest By: MR License: CC BY
OrangeGumi.Condom_Assets_A.latest By: OrangeGumi License: CC BY
paledriver.Eyes_reflection_and_shadow.latest By: paledriver License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/paledriver
PetaZwega.Matthew.2 By: PetaZwega License: CC BY Link: patreon.com/PetaZwega
Phawniks.Penthouse.latest By: Phawniks License: CC BY
Register.armchair1.latest By: Register License: CC BY
rernat.UnityAssetVamifier21.1 By: rernat License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/nostage3
Romolas.Skyboxes.latest By: Romolas License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/Romolas
s p l i n e VR.Hair_Mega_Pack.latest By: s p l i n e VR License: CC BY-ND Link: https://www.patreon.com/splinevr
Scamp.Deluxe_Pussy_Hairstyles.latest By: Scamp License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/SCAMP
Scamp.Kitchen_Table_and_Chair.latest By: Scamp License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/SCAMP
Scamp.PyssyHairParadise.latest By: Scamp License: CC BY
Slimy.masamune_Chain.latest By: Slimy License: PC EA
Spacedog.Import_Reloaded_Lite.latest By: Spacedog License: FC Link: Stopper.ClothingPluginManager.7 By: Stopper License: CC BY
Stopper.Shoe_Helper.4 By: Stopper License: CC BY
Stopper.StaticClothing.2 By: Stopper License: CC BY
TGC.Asset_NooN_BDSM_Collection.latest By: TGC License: CC BY-SA Link: https://www.deviantart.com/noone102000
TGC.Clothing_ZoroD_Stockings.latest By: TGC License: CC BY-SA Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/40168025/
tolborg.Layered_Makeups.latest By: tolborg License: CC BY
ToumeiHitsuji.DiviningRod.4 By: ToumeiHitsuji License: CC BY-SA
VL_13.Bondage_set_free.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/VL_13
VL_13.Condom.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/VL_13
VL_13.Lashes_3.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/VL_13
VL_13.Scalp_v12.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/VL_13
VL_13.Shoe_KIT2.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/VL_13
VL_13.v9N.latest By: VL_13 License: CC BY Link: https://www.patreon.com/VL_13
WgSoup.MoveControl.1 By: WgSoup License: CC BY
xxxa.LooseSocksAndShoe.latest By: xxxa License: CC BY-ND Link: https://patreon.com/xxxa
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CheesyFX CheesyFX
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VL_13 VL_13
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