Updated Version of @NoStage3s script solving a problem with parenting CUAs.
I just edited as described by @hazmox https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/unityassetvamifier.571/post-7985
UnityAssetVamifier is a simple plugin to convert Materials used in Unity Asset Bundles (.assetbundle) from Unity default shaders (Roughness setup preferred) to the builtin VAM shader and expose the shader properties in the UI.
All the credits go to NoStage3
You may support NoStage3 https://www.patreon.com/nostage3
I just edited as described by @hazmox https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/unityassetvamifier.571/post-7985
UnityAssetVamifier is a simple plugin to convert Materials used in Unity Asset Bundles (.assetbundle) from Unity default shaders (Roughness setup preferred) to the builtin VAM shader and expose the shader properties in the UI.
All the credits go to NoStage3
You may support NoStage3 https://www.patreon.com/nostage3