Gameplay :
- A difficult to make intro, but, immersive. This will allow us to ,, travel '' anywhere in the world. A continuous scene of modern times
- 9 loop animations. One is 2 mins. 2 mins loop animation has an episode where fem stops and looks at the male & says a random phrase, 1 out of 30 options
- 8 cam modes. Speed slider for cam modes. Turn off cam mode by clicking at the wooden doors nearby
- 10 random phrases for when you start & 10 random phrases few seconds later. Planning to do more of these later on, for example when you choose continent, she would say something random or she would say something random if you stare at the world's map for too long
- A comment for the country once you chose it & minor button sounds when clicking
- 2 songs and a playlist of 10+ ~ in the location of fun
- Remove the top for the clothing. Got an idea for a wardrobe to choose before the trip
- You can now choose voice types easily in fem's / male's / futa's options menu (10 options)
- A in between story text - wall - like a secondary intro for specific country. Each country could have such a temporary stop to describe how things rolled out after our heroine arrived to the new spot
- Other minor fixes such as :
Sphere body options circle now can be rotated sideways
Text under animations was updated to inform that hands are free for male in RND anims
Now you can toggle male/futa character on/off (at male's/futa's body options menu)
Fem and male now sets scales to 1.0 on the start button
Added Female facelight to toggle on/off (at light options) - *** Known bug - fem's fist morph (can't bend fingers) and sometimes facial anims stops working, even if i add fist animation. Have no clue da hell it's about ***