This var contains all my male & female hair parts FOR THE MALE hair store. If you are looking for the female version go here.

- All the hairstyles default to a LESS VOLUME look for males. There is a preset for almost every style that loads the more Volume version (that is default in females)
- There are also the same 6 color presets for every hair piece, to make mixing easier
- Load the length/volume first, then the color and the shape will stay
- Curls 01: Natural afro curls (warning: devours performance)
- 7 Long hair styles. Long 02 are actually 2 styles: tied and open. 06 and 07 are originally made or females.
- 4 Manbun styles. The "knot" parts are inter-changeable with the knot parts from the modular undercut set.
- Manbun 02 is a traditional japanese "Chonmage" hairstyle. The parts also work independently. The "more volume" version is closer to a traditional "Shimada" Geisha style
- Lowbun: Inspired by ancient mesopotamian hairstyles, comes with two bun sizes and a fitting headband of fine quality copper.
- 4 medium length hairstyles
- Modular heroic half-up set. Different bases, tops and tails to mix and match.
- Modular Undercut set: Different bases, tops and some knots to mix and match. These include a bunch of short hairstyles: fauxhawk, quiff, buzzcut...
- 7 Shaved hair parts that work well for Punk/Tribal/Fantasy character. Actually, they are historical: a Cossack Chupryna, a monk's Tonsur, a small and wide Sikha, Manchurian queue, Mongolian front lock...
- and the Mohawk 01 with presets for color and length