? Nevermore Academy ?
Welcoming Sex Outcasts of all kinks for over 200 years
Scene with built-in appearances, use your own appearance presets
Welcoming Sex Outcasts of all kinks for over 200 years
Scene with built-in appearances, use your own appearance presets
Welcome all newcomers to the Nevermore Academy
As newly enrolled students of this academy, we expect you to follow these guidelines and best practices:
- latest VaM
- built-in female appearances: use your own appearance presets
- facial expression options
- several body and actions customizations in the menuUI
- usable with any quickdress, quickspeech, quickmusic VARs you may have (see further down)
- Embody Passenger is activated on load when using a VR headset, toggable in the main UI
You should also now this about the academy:
- FFM scene: 3 persons (FPS killer)
- built using the revised 2023 FFM Template
- persons scale is 1 for easier replacing
- when you change appearance or clothing press the button clean fluids to merge-load the fluid clothing back
- ambience music included and playing from the quickmusic atom
- recommended use of a quickdress VAR which includes several outfits for both characters (see further down)
What you may expect from this academy
For those enrolled in special crash courses (Wednesday outfits)
There is a quickdress VAR shared externally that you can download and use on the scene. This VAR is a combination of clothing presets with a UI which allows you to quickly change and control outfits for the female atoms in the scene. The clothing shown in the pictures above are part of the quickdress clothing presets.
The VAR solely contains clothing presets, a empty atom preset, and some plugins. Most dependencies are Hub-hosted, but there's a couple that are not, one free and one payed I think. These are your responsibility, if you don't have them it just won't load that part of whatever outfit it is for. The quickdress VAR I share is a extra I provide to better enjoy this scene, I do not provide support for missing dependencies and it's not required for the scene to work.
Download the Wednesday quickdress VAR
You can use the quickdress VAR by following these steps:
- download it to the AddonPackages folder like all VARs
- get the dependencies from the Hub Browser in VaM; the non-hub hosted dependencies are reasonably easy to track down
- on the scene's quickdress atoms (quickdress and quickdress2), load the preset that exists in the VAR; match the correct preset names, please
- the UI will load and allow control of various outfits
To learn more about the quickdress setup:
quickdress: quickly load and control clothing presets - Guides -
It's the cousin of my quickspeech guide. This time, you get to load and control clothing presets with a dedicated UI, and even with animations if you so wish. I say this is a cousin guide to quickspeech because it shares the same base ideas...
Enjoy as much as you can during your time at the Nevermore Academy
And finally a big thank you to our benefactors:
Credits section below + packaged assets from ZRSX (textures) and Hexenv88 (girl's bedroom)
quickdress VAR clothing and screenshots:
AnonChunk - Enid look
Cloudcover - Clothing
Denngar - Clothing
Jachu - Clothing
Jackaroo - Clothing
JoyBoy - Clothing
Kemenate - Hair
NoStage3 - Hair
OptiMist - Clothing
paledriver - Clothing
Ramsess - Hair
Strelok - Clothing
TGC - Clothing
Vecterror - Wednesday look
vvvevevvv - Clothing
YameteOuji - Clothing