• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Sex and Misc SFX

Audio Sex and Misc SFX

Sex and miscelaneous SFX for scenes

VAR cover

This VAR contains the following:
  • Queefing sounds
  • Miscelaneous sounds
    • Cloth rip
    • Cumflation fluid
    • Swallow (gulp)
    • Water flow
For each main bullet point above you can find a audiobundle (assetbundle) and the source sounds in ogg/mp3/wav format. Feel free to use the type of file you prefer for your scenes.

Assetbundles are in /Custom/Assets. These are played using MacGruber's Logicbricks (Random)SoundFromAB.
The source sounds are in /Custom/Sounds/Sexsfx. There's many tools and ways to use sounds in a scene, and you probably already know that.

Queefing sounds

Zipacna shared a collection of queefing sounds in mp3 format - thank you - and I packaged them into a audiobundle: queef.assetbundle.

The queef assetbundle includes two subfolders:
  • queef zipacna is the original mp3 files packaged into the assetbundle without modifications
  • queef mono is a modified version of Zipacna's sounds where I applied a Loudness Normalization of -24 DB, reverberation changes, stereo to mono, and converted to ogg before the assetbundle packaging
You can play separately any of these collections using the Logicbricks (Random)SoundFromAB.

The source sound files for queef mono are inside the VAR, and for Zipacna's in the original VAR at this location:

Miscelaneous sounds

These can also be found as a assetbundle, misc.assetbundle, or as the original sound files. The listing on top of this description shows the sounds present in this audiobundle.
The sounds in this collection are all CC 0/Public Domain.

Credits and thank yous:

MacGruber - Logicbricks
Zipacna - Queefing sounds

See also:
Total Size
2.24 MB
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Swallow sfx

    Not the bird.
  2. Added Water flow sound

    Small update that adds the sound "Water flow", which is of a liquid dripping to a container...
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