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Hi, I made this scene to move and play easily in VR (passthrough)

Blue UI are for male/futa
Pink UI are for female

EASY MOVE for move easily
EASY THRUST for sex action easily ( with the excellent plugin BodyLangage )
and other options to play
Update : EASY RECORD animation system, accessories, mirror and more
Update added a Ragdoll button "All joint off" and a Gravity slider.
added too female hands grasp options, breast and booty expansion with a calibrate button for tits and ass ( works with Naturalis)
Update: added spheres for better control of person ( with sliders for alpha ) and sliders for rotation ( auto rotation for female )
update: added gaze for mal and female, with the choice of look at him/her or me
Added too embody for male or female.

For passthrough Use Virtual Desktop :
red 98
green 120
blue 100
similarity 5
smoothness 0

not a must do, but can be better for masturbating female: install the excellent plugin Divining Lips and Hands in SESSION PLUGIN before running the scene !!
( I decrease hand grasp, and hand grasp tits for better effect)

Thanks to all creators, you make some awesome works !

AcidBubbles.Glance.23 By: AcidBubbles​
AcidBubbles.Timeline.287 By: AcidBubbles​
AshAuryn.AshAuryn's_101_Female_Genitalia_Morphs.latest By: AshAuryn​
Awas.AwasAutoJuice.2 By: Awas​
AWWalker.AWW_GenMorphResources.latest By: AWWalker​
ceq3.TongueControl.1 By: ceq3​
CheesyFX.BodyLanguage.57 By: CheesyFX​
CheesyFX.BodyLanguage.60 By: CheesyFX​
CheesyFX.FreeTheLegs.5 By: CheesyFX​
CheesyFX.HeelAdjust2.20 By: CheesyFX​
CheesyFX.ShakeIt.40 By: CheesyFX​
ClockwiseSilver.SilverKiss.1 By: ClockwiseSilver​
ddaamm.hair_bun.latest By: ddaamm​
ddaamm.hair_long12.latest By: ddaamm​
Epi.8K_Female_Diffuse_and_Gloss_Yuki.latest By: Epi​
Epi.8K_Female_Normals_and_Speculars_Yuki.latest By: Epi​
Epi.GraceLook.1 By: Epi​
Epi.RenVR_RMX_Skins_and_Textures.latest By: Epi​
Epi.VictoriaLook.2 By: Epi​
everlaster.Naturalis.54 By: everlaster​
hazmhox.fluids101.11 By: hazmhox​
hazmhox.vammoan.22 By: hazmhox​
Hunting-Succubus.AutomaticBodySmoother.7 By: Hunting-Succubus​
Hunting-Succubus.Enhanced_Eyes.latest By: Hunting-Succubus​
Hunting-Succubus.EyeBall_Shadow.latest By: Hunting-Succubus​
Jackaroo.Eyes_Lips_Nails!.latest By: Jackaroo​
ky1001.HandMorphManager.8 By: ky1001​
Lasseur.2BUN_Look.latest By: Lasseur​
LO.[Hair]Ear_hook_bob.latest By: LO​
MacGruber.Life.13 By: MacGruber​
MeshedVR.3PointLightSetup.latest By: MeshedVR​
MeshedVR.AssetsPack.latest By: MeshedVR​
Mestre.ExtraAutoGenitalsPlus.1 By: Mestre​
Mestre.ExtraAutoGenitalsPlus.2 By: Mestre​
NoStage3.Hair_Long_Upswept_Top_Bun.latest By: NoStage3​
NoStage3.Hair_Long_Wavy_9_Bangs_4.latest By: NoStage3​
NoStage3.Hair_New_Pixie.latest By: NoStage3​
NoStage3.Hair_Short_Pixie.latest By: NoStage3​
OrangeGumi.Simple_Natural_Nail.latest By: OrangeGumi​
PhantasyStarfan.pixie_hep.latest By: PhantasyStarfan​
prestigitis.script-HeelAdjust.3 By: prestigitis​
Redeyes.GiveMeFPS.24 By: Redeyes​
s p l i n e VR.DILDO_SKINS_2.latest By: s p l i n e VR​
s p l i n e VR.SPLINE_DILDO.latest By: s p l i n e VR​
Sally.CameraBackgroundColor.6 By: Sally​
Shadow_Venom.GameParameterPro.1 By: Shadow_Venom​
Spacedog.Import_Reloaded_Lite.latest By: Spacedog​
Stopper.FemaleSoftPhysicsForMale.3 By: Stopper​
SupaRioAmateur.Nails_as_Cloth.latest By: SupaRioAmateur​
UrukYay.UYBalls.3 By: UrukYay​
VaMChan.Hair_Afro_braids.latest By: VaMChan​
vamtaco.AutoCock.3 By: vamtaco​
VL_13.Lashes_2.latest By: VL_13​
WeebU.My_morphs.latest By: WeebU​
WeebU.Sweat_gloss_maps.latest By: WeebU​
WgSoup.MoveControl.1 By: WgSoup​
Wolverine333.maria2_0_2.latest By: Wolverine333​
Xstatic.MegaParticlePack.latest By: Xstatic​
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First release
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5.00 star(s) 3 ratings


Creator Support Link
Sally Whitemane Sally Whitemane
redeyes redeyes
meshedvr meshedvr
CheesyFX CheesyFX
hazmhox hazmhox
M Mestre
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
CheesyFX CheesyFX
prestigitis prestigitis
ClockwiseSilver ClockwiseSilver
ceq3 ceq3
everlaster everlaster
epi.noah epi.noah
Awas Awas
K ky1001
hazmhox hazmhox
MacGruber MacGruber
U urukyay
vamtaco vamtaco
epi.noah epi.noah
S Stopper
CheesyFX CheesyFX
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles
s p l i n e VR s p l i n e VR
s p l i n e VR s p l i n e VR
wolverine333 wolverine333
Spacedog Spacedog
AWWalker AWWalker
Shadow Venom Shadow Venom
CheesyFX CheesyFX
wgsoup wgsoup
CheesyFX CheesyFX
Acid Bubbles Acid Bubbles

Latest updates

  1. added Gaze (male, female, look at him/her/me) + embody (male/female)

    added Gaze (male female, look at him/her/me)+ embody male/female) Embody and easy record is...
  2. reset pose with hands down

    thanks to atani to guide how to do with pose preset and var
  3. Gaze button added

    Gaze button added, permanent squish sound deleted, plugin experimental for balls deleted.

Latest reviews

This is exactly what the community has needed for streamlined vr play. This scene allows all my plugins and models to be used with a lot less stress... putting us one step closer to our vision of the future.
Thank you for your review. 😎😎🙏
Upvote 0
Thanks for combining all these great plugins and tools and assets into an easy to use scene.
Upvote 0
Great idea and exactly what I was looking for, most scene are choreographed and designed with only a few things in mind and I wanted a scene where I would be free to just play with the models and mess around in VR, this is perfect for that plus any custom stuff you want to do is easy! I added some more furniture and some walls, amazing scene well done Verole you hit the nail on the head (you read my mind for VR play!)

If you have a VR headset then download this and let your imagination run wild
Thank you for your review ! yes it's a sort of base of creation, to play relativey easily in VR, it's exactly that ! Made with awesome plugins from creators here !
Upvote 1
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