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added Gaze (male female, look at him/her/me)+ embody male/female)

Embody and easy record is really cool to record anim on the fly with a good result, like on the video here


  • embody easy record.mp4
    62.2 MB
thanks to atani to guide how to do with pose preset and var
Gaze button added, permanent squish sound deleted, plugin experimental for balls deleted.
errors with body langage and reset buttons fixed ( again ^^ )
I added poses in var files, now buttons reset male/female would be ok
easy thrust repaired
I added spheres for control easily the entire person, and sliders for rotation ( + auto for female )
You can place Spheres where you want by placing them, then reset button.


  • update 26.mp4
    27.4 MB
Added a ragdoll button named "All joint off" for male and female
Added a gravity slider, so with ragdoll it's so fun it seems the caracter floats in space


  • Easy play VR update.mp4
    43.6 MB
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