Hi Hub, how are ya?
Maybe you're not asking, but I'm great 'cause I finally published this thing I made. I spent whole lot of time on it, and enjoyed almost every minute of it (that's a lie, I wanted to kill someone multiple times while learning the hair styling tool).
Anyhow, here, for your pleasure, is Yalby, my own take on a character of a similar name from the game The Last Ascendent (or something like that).
May you enjoy her as much as I enjoyed making her.
For anyone who doesn't want to DL the massive dep list, check out the base 'look' resource located here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/yalby-look.51316/. It is a stripped down, single look version of this character.
If you do download this showcase resource, then you will need to check the hub for dependencies, as the basic look mentioned above holds the base appearance for both.
NOTE: If you save Yalby off as an appearance preset, when you load the look onto another model you might notice that her mouth is stuck a bit open. The way to fix this is to open "Jaw Physics & Trigger" and disable the "Tongue Collison" checkbox.
First, I want to apologize for how large my dependency list is! I'm sorry about that, but I promise you there is no extraneous bloat that was not specifically chosen to be in this showcase. As my first real contribution to the hub, I just wanted to learn as much as possible, so when I came across a new system or plugin, or cool asset, I just couldn't help but add it.
Now I'm gonna write a bunch of stuff.
She (and actually almost all looks) look really great is soft, warm light with mild shadowing... and, well, can look completely terrible, even ghastly in over-lit, overbright environments. Do yourself a favor and take a half an hour to read up on basic lighting principles, I highly recommend it, and it might improve your entire experience with VaM across the board. Also, bad lighting makes Yalby sad. Don't make Yalby sad.
I built her to look best for my setup. That means, she's likely gonna look best in VR on a Quest 3. It is what it is. I don't have any other HMDs, and 2d and VR are kind of in opposition in way that FoV fucks with perspective, so there's no real way to make something look the best on both screens.
Her helmet is a CUA. If you want to use it, I highly recommend getting the CUAManager as a session plugin and make it your friend, I like friends, Yalby likes friends too! Also, when saving off an appearance preset, notice an assortment of clothing and hair items on her that should probably stay with her look if you want to preserve what you see in the showcase.
Lastly, I wanted to thank a few people, in particular:
@VL_13 and @WeebUVR for their wonderful clothing that inspired me to take her in this off-source, but source-inspired direction.
@ddaamm and @VaMChan for their sick hair styles. I think I spent more time with, and fighting the hair editor than anything else. I have loads of room to improve with hair styling, but without seeing what could actually be done with that damn tool, I would never have even tried.
@atani and @everlaster for helping me through all the hurdles and brick walls I ran into while trying to get up to speed on actually creating something in this wild program.
And @RenVR Who has the Tara texture (among others) available on his discord with a CC license I can use. I would never have gotten the seams off of Yalby's neck without those files.
And of course @meshedvr, without whom none of this would be possible.
Thank you all. And a big thanks to everyone listed in the credits below. You guys all do stuff that I could never do. This hub really wouldn't be possible without all of you, doing what you do. I never expected to find such a welcoming community in what, two years ago, I thought was just another random VR porn game.
You lookin' at me?
Maybe you're not asking, but I'm great 'cause I finally published this thing I made. I spent whole lot of time on it, and enjoyed almost every minute of it (that's a lie, I wanted to kill someone multiple times while learning the hair styling tool).
Anyhow, here, for your pleasure, is Yalby, my own take on a character of a similar name from the game The Last Ascendent (or something like that).
May you enjoy her as much as I enjoyed making her.
For anyone who doesn't want to DL the massive dep list, check out the base 'look' resource located here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/yalby-look.51316/. It is a stripped down, single look version of this character.
If you do download this showcase resource, then you will need to check the hub for dependencies, as the basic look mentioned above holds the base appearance for both.
NOTE: If you save Yalby off as an appearance preset, when you load the look onto another model you might notice that her mouth is stuck a bit open. The way to fix this is to open "Jaw Physics & Trigger" and disable the "Tongue Collison" checkbox.
First, I want to apologize for how large my dependency list is! I'm sorry about that, but I promise you there is no extraneous bloat that was not specifically chosen to be in this showcase. As my first real contribution to the hub, I just wanted to learn as much as possible, so when I came across a new system or plugin, or cool asset, I just couldn't help but add it.
Now I'm gonna write a bunch of stuff.
She (and actually almost all looks) look really great is soft, warm light with mild shadowing... and, well, can look completely terrible, even ghastly in over-lit, overbright environments. Do yourself a favor and take a half an hour to read up on basic lighting principles, I highly recommend it, and it might improve your entire experience with VaM across the board. Also, bad lighting makes Yalby sad. Don't make Yalby sad.
I built her to look best for my setup. That means, she's likely gonna look best in VR on a Quest 3. It is what it is. I don't have any other HMDs, and 2d and VR are kind of in opposition in way that FoV fucks with perspective, so there's no real way to make something look the best on both screens.
Her helmet is a CUA. If you want to use it, I highly recommend getting the CUAManager as a session plugin and make it your friend, I like friends, Yalby likes friends too! Also, when saving off an appearance preset, notice an assortment of clothing and hair items on her that should probably stay with her look if you want to preserve what you see in the showcase.
Lastly, I wanted to thank a few people, in particular:
@VL_13 and @WeebUVR for their wonderful clothing that inspired me to take her in this off-source, but source-inspired direction.
@ddaamm and @VaMChan for their sick hair styles. I think I spent more time with, and fighting the hair editor than anything else. I have loads of room to improve with hair styling, but without seeing what could actually be done with that damn tool, I would never have even tried.
@atani and @everlaster for helping me through all the hurdles and brick walls I ran into while trying to get up to speed on actually creating something in this wild program.
And @RenVR Who has the Tara texture (among others) available on his discord with a CC license I can use. I would never have gotten the seams off of Yalby's neck without those files.
And of course @meshedvr, without whom none of this would be possible.
Thank you all. And a big thanks to everyone listed in the credits below. You guys all do stuff that I could never do. This hub really wouldn't be possible without all of you, doing what you do. I never expected to find such a welcoming community in what, two years ago, I thought was just another random VR porn game.
You lookin' at me?