Water assed from https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/vfx/shaders/aquas-lite-built-in-render-pipeline-53519
Shader is slightly modified to be more customizable, and now have stencil mask.
Water plane requires:
Directional light (shadows ON, and NOT ForceVertex)
Premade reflection probe (for good reflections)
Use external plugin MacGruber.Essentials: MacGruber_SkyMagicExporter.cs / Loader. To create reflection probe.
There is tutorial, you need to use separate CUA, create "6 side screenshot", export it in Unity Editor, create and export reflection probe as asset bundle, and put it near the water CUA.
WeterPlane package contains WaterConfig.cs plugin, load it in water CUA for customization.
Shader is slightly modified to be more customizable, and now have stencil mask.
Water plane requires:
Directional light (shadows ON, and NOT ForceVertex)
Premade reflection probe (for good reflections)
Use external plugin MacGruber.Essentials: MacGruber_SkyMagicExporter.cs / Loader. To create reflection probe.
There is tutorial, you need to use separate CUA, create "6 side screenshot", export it in Unity Editor, create and export reflection probe as asset bundle, and put it near the water CUA.
WeterPlane package contains WaterConfig.cs plugin, load it in water CUA for customization.