
Modified scenes of the NEXT template for other uses

  1. manifesting variety, deviation, or disagreement
  2. varying usually slightly from a usual or standard form

How to best use the scene(s) in this resource

The scene(s) here use built-in skins, no environment, no music. Please read the guide for the NEXT template to maximise your experience and fill in parts that are not provided, like for example a environment (quickplace) that is included with the guide:

Available variants:

to be continued​
Female sex doll​

Origin and purposes
This was originally started for the "2023 Template" scene, and v2 (Sex doll) was made with it. Newer versions and variants besides the Sex Doll scene v2 use the NEXT template.

If you don't know what I mean by "NEXT template", it's a scene of mine that works as a template to build your own scene. For a quick new scene you just need to add a environment, reposition the persons or the environment (quickplace), save, and you're done.

These variants are altered versions of the original template scene for specific themes or uses. The differences will be presented below in this page on each variant section.
As these scenes are made from NEXT, almost or all features of the original template are available. For more information about NEXT that is 99% of this scene, see the resource page information:

Variant: sex doll

The female atom here acts as a sex doll. All expressions from the female were removed, no blinking, no moaning, no movement. It's now a hyper-realistic inert sex doll.

This variant is has my Doll Boxes VAR as a dependency that you can find on this guide:

You can make your own too, it's fun.

Using a sex doll box:

If you want to use a sex doll box, the needed subscene atom is already present in this variant scene between the female's feet. I added a UI with the doll boxes, making it super easy to load a doll box, just pressing a button.

The scene only shows a doll box in the "Reset position". When you get "into action" the doll box subscene is turned off to prevent having the box in weird places depending on how the environment is like. When you press reset, the doll box subscene is turned on again.

Other changes and options:

As the female is a inert sex doll, it is static but also adjustable during the animations. You're free to move limbs and head a bit, but try not to move the hip too much or things will get a bit wonky.
The original animations are mostly with the male thrusting, those were kept with only limited alterations.

Credits on the photos:
  • ddaamm - hair
  • Femurface and vecterror - look
  • Maru01 - clothes
  • PetaZwega - look
  • VamTastic - environment
  • VirtaArtieMitchel - clothes
  • Yaneks - clothes
Total Size
0.34 MB
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Updated to latest NEXT

    The sex doll NEXT variant, currently the only variant, is now updated to the latest NEXT...
  2. Updated to NEXT

    Upgraded to the NEXT template. V2 uses the 2023 template.
  3. Poor quality control

    Turns out the triggers to turn the box on and off were not well though about because loading the...
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