You've probably seen those videos where a certain song intro can epicify any action sequence.
---------- It works for VAM too! -----------

Basic Instructions:
-- Hit Play and enjoy the ride. ~3 minutes

Detailed Instructions:
1st viewing:
-- Only presented with button for standard play through mode: CamRide + Light Show
If you're prone to motion sickness, the cam ride is pretty mild, but I do recommend you are seated at the beginning.

Subsequent Play throughs: (even after restarting VAM because of MiniSaves plugin!)
-- Start screen has new button for "options" menu which skips standard start and allows you to change lighting, appearance, embody/cam/free, etc. Not really all that useful I just wanted to use this new plugin I ran across.

Additional Options:

Viewing: CamRide, Embody, Passenger (fixed or free look), or free roam

Lighting: Soft White or Lightshow

Clothes: On/Off

Custom Appearance:
Experiment with your own looks or try one of the many looks in the Groundhog Girls Mega Look Pack (included dependancy) - scene seems to be pretty tolerant of different looks (within reason)
Scale adjust +/-12% - that's about the limit of reliability. I tried +/-20% and things started missing their target.

Big Dick: 1x to 1.75x - any bigger and becomes unreliable.

Note: Double click any menu to make it go away then hit the menu hide icon for a clean environment.

Thank you to all the incredible plugin creators who make VAM what it is.

Notable Plugins:
I used a couple new tools included in the VAM Story package:
1. Appearance Swapper - Great tool for changing appearances without entering edit mode.
It seems like this tool is still a little buggy so let me know if it doesn't work for you.
If it doesn't work, you can always revert to the old way of switching appearances.
Personally, I'm still having trouble with it in VR mode, but desktop works fine.
2. Mini Saves - Sets flags via save files for variable triggering.
I'm using this to "encourage" a certain play mode the 1st time you play the scene.
This implementation of flag dependant triggers is awesome. So many possibilities.... Like maybe saving progress in an RPG???

Total Size
4.18 MB
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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