Maggie heard that her ex had a very bad flu. She knew that there was a pandemic recently in his country, but despite the fact, she flew in and gave him a visit. Be it for a true genuine care or due her own personal kinks, she ended up getting all that she actually wanted...
* 5 anims, - loops
* There are 4 speed options above male's head, use those for RND anims, so that it effects only the speed of the male and resets fem's speed
* 4 clothing options
* Some spooky light options for atmosphere (one light on the table)
* Sounds - NONE, because it all started crashing down when i was about to do it and 11'th anim is kinda broken cuz laptop died at that time
* 5 anims, - loops
* There are 4 speed options above male's head, use those for RND anims, so that it effects only the speed of the male and resets fem's speed
* 4 clothing options
* Some spooky light options for atmosphere (one light on the table)
* Sounds - NONE, because it all started crashing down when i was about to do it and 11'th anim is kinda broken cuz laptop died at that time