■Scene's background (Story)
I'm Carter Coward.
I'll tell you a great pastime in my line of work.
Don't tell anyone.
Thank you to the following creators.
I am using them for my scenes.
- AcidBubbles
- AmineKunai
- AshAuryn
- BooMoon
- DarkFantasy
- FRK ( Actress : Mew )
- Fricisee ( Actress : Alice )
- Hexenv88
- IAmAFox
- Jachu
- JaxZoa
- JohnSaken
- Lasseur
- MacGruber
- Molmark
- Mowang_nixi
- Nemech ( Actress : StellaRoberts, Actor : Carter Coward )
- NoStage3
- PL_Artists
- PetaZwega
- PositiveResult
- Qing
- Roac
- Ruinvice ( Actress : Rola )
- Scamp
- Shadow Venom
- SolidVault ( Actress : Zoey_Left_4_Dead )
- TToby
- Tanklover
- ToumeiHitsuji
- VL_13
- VRDollz
- Xspada ( Actress : huyen)
- Xstatic ( Actress : Denise)
- YameteOuji
- Yaneks
- ascorad
- ddaamm
- hazmhox
- hirohiro
- maru01
- paledriver
- vs1 ( Actress : Charlotte )
- OCFM ( Music : landing-zone )
Please refer to VAM's OpenPackageManager or the attached depend.txt file. For information on how to download missing packages using VAM's "OpenPackageManager", please click here.
Nemech.BeHot.3.var PC license (New edition is now available and requires DL)
Nemech.EffectSounds.1.var PC license
The license of the attached file is [PC]. Please do not redistribute.
■About Functions
Operation function
- Switching between 8 Women Look
- 3 types of costumes per person (4 if defaults are included)
- Confirmation Pose 2
- message language switching (English/Deutsch/日本語/Français/中国语简体/中文繁體)
- Opening Pass
- Camera Exposure Volume
- Music Volume
- Voice pitch volume
- embody(position follow) : passenger
- embody(position free) : passenger
- Auto/manual Continue select SW
- toggle clothes
- load look (Read Look File)
- Automatic function
Automatic function
It's hard to call it automatic this time because it's built in.Randomness of male movement, response to movement, upper air, etc. are inherited.
You can view the video in the Media section. (Title is W.I.P.)

Dr. youA's daily life

The viewer might think it's a simple composition in a way.
I'm actually doing a hard job, you know,
It may be a big, futile job, but...
Please enjoy using different passengers.
There are 8 female characters, so CREDITS long~!