15 Crying and Pain Expression Morphs and presets.
PLUS 30 eye and Mouth expression morphs to mix and match for endless combinations.
Located in the morphs tab under categories AshAuryn/Expressions and AshAuryn/Tools/Expressions
Use the included scene's user interface to try out the new expressions:
Change gender from female to male with a click:
Switch to mix-and-match mode and use the color-coded sliders to create your own expressions:
Includes the following expression morphs, designed to work with AshAuryn's Modified Breathing Driver for MacGruber Life. Tested on multiple community looks for maximum compatibility.
Modified Breathing Driver for MacGruber Life - Plugins -
Modified Breathing Driver for MacGruber's Life Plugin All credit goes to @MacGruber for this fantastic and essential plugin. I did not write the plugin, only created the morph and released this version with the plugin creator's permission...
Expressions have closed mouths by default...just open the mouth with the mouth open driver morph (or by activating the Life plugin) to change a whimper to a cry.
Eyes reflection and shadow (Male/Female/Futa) - Clothing -
From G2 polygon mesh Contains Eyes reflection Eyes upper shadow Eyes side shadow Eyes bottom shadow CC BY You can use it in paid resources
LogicBricks - Plugins -
Overview LogicBricks is a collection of now 34 reusable logic plugins to quickly build simple logic without coding. These go from a simple Relay that just groups triggers via Counter and Blend to more complex bricks for RandomChoice and a very...
PostMagic - Plugins -
Admin Note: This plugin is specifically made for desktop use and as stated in the description only partially works in VR. If you wish to not have this plugin loaded at all you can permanently disable it from within the "Package Manager"...
Life - Plugins -
Life is a collection of plugins intended to essentially awake a character, let him/her come to life. Central part so far is the audio-synchronized breathing, which can be used to drive complex animations. The Version 13 update helps with making...
Eyeshadow and Eyeliner - Combined for female - Textures -
I created some new makeup textures (face decal) by combining an existing eye shadow texture with some different eyeliner textures. I created 6 different colors (blue dark, blue light, brown, pink, purple, red dark), trying to mimic some typical...