• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
VAM Evolutionary Character Creation

Plugins + Scripts VAM Evolutionary Character Creation

Please explain in more detail how to do this. I am a beginner, and I have the same error
«[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Games\\GQ\\virt-a-mate\\Custom\\Atom\\UIText\\VAM Evolutionary Character Creation\\Preset_VAM2PythonText.vap '" P.S I have launched the application many times
You first have to load the companion save file. Did you download the var file and put it in the right directory? If so, go to VAM, launch it, and then, in VAM, load the Evolutionary Character Save file in VAM. After doing that, the .exe file won’t give the errors anymore.
Hi, i really like your app!
I just wonder if it is possible to have an alternate version that only focus on the head morph?
Hi, i really like your app!
I just wonder if it is possible to have an alternate version that only focus on the head morph?
A future version would have this feature. It is the most requested feature. I am not making any promises when I would write such a feature, right now I am very busy with work and other stuff!
Loading file K:\VAM\Custom\Atom\Person\Appearance\Preset_001.vap into database.
VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py:495: DeprecationWarning: ANTIALIAS is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use LANCZOS or Resampling.LANCZOS instead.
Loading file K:\VAM\Custom\Atom\Person\Appearance\Preset_005.vap into database.
Loading file K:\VAM\Custom\Atom\Person\Appearance\Preset_006.vap into database.
Loading file K:\VAM\Custom\Atom\Person\Appearance\Preset_007.vap into database.
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python38\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1892, in __call__
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 126, in <lambda>
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 734, in select_appearancedir
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 479, in fill_data_with_all_appearances
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 2018, in get_appearance_gender
KeyError: 'useFemaleMorphsOnMale'
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python38\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1892, in __call__
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 143, in <lambda>
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 837, in select_template_file
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 989, in file_selection_with_thumbnails
File "VAM Evolutionary Character Creation.py", line 1072, in filter_filenamelist_on_genders
KeyError: 'K:\\VAM\\Custom\\Atom\\Person\\Appearance\\Preset_007.vap'

I save Preset file into folder VAM\Custom\Atom\Person\Appearance, but the software report error!

And the other files with prefix Preset_ and not with number subfix,but the software not read these vap files!!!


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I've followed the instructions, but when I get to the step of clicking "Connect to App", VAM crashes after a short moment. The app window just reads that it received the instruction to connect to VAM and remains running.

Edit: I tried using an older version of the app and VAM crashed when I tried to load one of the generated appearances. So the ECC generated appearances are causing my VAM to crash.
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I've followed the instructions, but when I get to the step of clicking "Connect to App", VAM crashes after a short moment. The app window just reads that it received the instruction to connect to VAM and remains running.

Edit: I tried using an older version of the app and VAM crashed when I tried to load one of the generated appearances. So the ECC generated appearances are causing my VAM to crash.
Please try it with a selected few appearances that are working. The easiest would be to create a new appearance from scratch with everything set to 0. Just a default appearance. You save a few of those appearances. And then load those to work with the app. My gut feeling tells me that you would not encounter a crash.

Do you use the latest version of VaM?

Did you download all the latest dependencies?
Please try it with a selected few appearances that are working. The easiest would be to create a new appearance from scratch with everything set to 0. Just a default appearance. You save a few of those appearances. And then load those to work with the app. My gut feeling tells me that you would not encounter a crash.

Do you use the latest version of VaM?

Did you download all the latest dependencies?
I had not updated yet to the new build released yesterday, but they've already rolled that back so that might be for the best. I did download the latest dependencies. I will try to do a process of elimination with my appearance presets and see if one of them is causing the issue.
Awesome work, had lots of fun in the past, revisited it today and it does not work for me right now. The model does not update and the "silkscreen" infront of the rating window stays permanently.
I am getting this message in VAMs Message Log:
Action Grouper (plugin#3_JayJayWon.ActionGrouper) was unable to load target (armedForRecord)

The external App says it is ready:
Writing appearance to: B:\TEST\VaM\7zO44FCFBD6\Custom/Atom/Person/Appearance\VAM Evolutionary Character Creation\Preset_Evolutionary_Child_20.vap We have a new command: Reset; 6750502 VAM is ready, let's go. Switching view Resetting ratings Sending generation number We have a new command: Connect To App; 7135940

I am on a freshly downgraded (from and use the cpu performance patch from turtlebackgoofy. I have tried with redownloading JayJayWon.ActionGrouper and unblocked the plugin any way I know of. Is there anything else I can try?
Awesome work, had lots of fun in the past, revisited it today and it does not work for me right now. The model does not update and the "silkscreen" infront of the rating window stays permanently.
I am getting this message in VAMs Message Log:
Action Grouper (plugin#3_JayJayWon.ActionGrouper) was unable to load target (armedForRecord)

The external App says it is ready:
Writing appearance to: B:\TEST\VaM\7zO44FCFBD6\Custom/Atom/Person/Appearance\VAM Evolutionary Character Creation\Preset_Evolutionary_Child_20.vap We have a new command: Reset; 6750502 VAM is ready, let's go. Switching view Resetting ratings Sending generation number We have a new command: Connect To App; 7135940
I am on a freshly downgraded (from and use the cpu performance patch from turtlebackgoofy. I have tried with redownloading JayJayWon.ActionGrouper and unblocked the plugin any way I know of. Is there anything else I can try?
Hi there!

I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the app—thank you for the kind words! I'm really sorry to hear you're running into issues right now, though. Let's see if we can get it sorted out.

I gave the app a quick test on my end, and everything seems to be running smoothly. Based on what you’re describing, here are a couple of things you could try:

ActionGrouper Plugin: Make sure you're using the correct version. I’m currently using JayJayWon.ActionGrouper4.var, so double-check that this matches what you’ve got.

Problematic Appearances: Sometimes specific appearances can cause trouble. Could you try testing it with just two custom-selected appearances and see if that helps?

As a very unlikely possibility, the CPU performance patch might be a factor, but I think it’s a long shot. It wouldn’t typically affect the app like this, though there’s a slim chance it could interfere with per-frame operations (which ActionGrouper relies on). Still, I’d recommend starting with the first two steps above before considering that.
Hi, Pinosante! Thanks for the quick reaction, I'm still testing what is going on. I changed the child model, only added two known good "parents" this time. The external program seems fine, but same behavior as before, nothing happens in the scene after I connect. I only get a message in message log that Actiongrouper was unable to load target "ArmedForRecord". I don't know how to troubleshoot ArmedForRecord myself. I got JayJayWon.ActionGrouper4.var and also their newer versions. The model does not even change to my template and stays on Lexy instead.

I am able to load my model when I "test trigger" in UItext#childstate via SPQRs dynamic triggers plugin.

I'll try redownloading the scene and ActionGrouper4 next.

> As a very unlikely possibility, the CPU performance patch might be a factor, but I think it’s a long shot

Yep, I hope it is not. Without the CPU patch my VAM perf is no fun as everything takes minutes, 5900x is one of the cpus that badly needed this patch.
  • redownloaded all dependencies and the program -> same error
  • killed the cpu perf patch via vam_updater.exe "resync all" and double checked with powershell that the module does not exist when vam is running -> same error
  • disabled all session plugins and reloaded scene -> same error
  • doublechecked that JayJayWon.ActionGrouper4.var is used. It is.
I'm at my wits end for now. Any ideas welcome. :)
Pfff.. Thank you for taking the time to look into this. What I'll do tomorrow, is get myself a completely blank new install of VAM and try downloading it from scratch and see if there might be anything preventing this from happening.

But for my understanding, the python part of the app is working right? So it is generating appearances, but you can't automatically see them in VAM? Can you load them by hand in VAM?

I had some seemingly unrelated errors in error log. I fixed what I could fix, removed 3 asian var that where unreadable both in VAM and 7zip and... and I think this is what fixed it.....

I went through plugins and set "always allow" for all SPQR, hazmhoax and yours. Weird thing is I have the general setting "allow plugins from HUB" on anyway and have a bepinex addin that allows any other plugin when normally a popup would appear. I had that thing so long that I forgot that plugin security exists in VAM.

I am sorry if I caused you any concerns, Evolutionary Character Creation is working great.

Still got to test what happens with cpu patch active.

I had some seemingly unrelated errors in error log. I fixed what I could fix, removed 3 asian var that where unreadable both in VAM and 7zip and... and I think this is what fixed it.....

I went through plugins and set "always allow" for all SPQR, hazmhoax and yours. Weird thing is I have the general setting "allow plugins from HUB" on anyway and have a bepinex addin that allows any other plugin when normally a popup would appear. I had that thing so long that I forgot that plugin security exists in VAM.

I am sorry if I caused you any concerns, Evolutionary Character Creation is working great.

Still got to test what happens with cpu patch active.
Awesome! Thank you for writing out your solution. It’s a complicated piece of software to get running. Your solution will hopefully help others! Enjoy the app, it’s pretty awesome (but I’m biased 😊)
Why can I select Child Template from all my 132 VAP files (app sees it), but once I do that, the program sees only 16 appearances in the Parent File Source step...
In the windows commandline window, there are no errors and I see 132 lines saying "Loading File..."
I don't know the why but It happens to me sometimes as well, in that case I just load the preset, overwrite it with itself and it usually works just fine after doing so.
I don't know the why but It happens to me sometimes as well, in that case I just load the preset, overwrite it with itself and it usually works just fine after doing so.
I found why...

By default the value is 150... I guess my presets do not use that many...
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