• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
This is a must have addition to VAM, it did take me some time to get it to work as a new user so here are a few things I found out just in case other beginners also struggle a bit.

Step1: This step is easy, just direct to the folder the Vam.exe is in.

Step2: This step only works with VAP files, usually found in custom - atom - person - appearance. You can of course use a custom folder instead.
To create a VAP file, you don't save the Look or Look Preset. Instead save using the Appearance Preset tab.

Step3: This step browses the Appearance folder to find saved presets, you select the one you want the outcome to look like.
If for some reason you can't see anything here change the values in Step 7a in the app.
Set it to 0 to see all the appearance presets. The app only sees presets with more morphs than the selected value, 0 sees everything until you choose to narrow it down later.

Step4 + 5: This step lets you use all your appearances (which is probably a huge amount) just the favourites (narrows it down) or lets you select specifically (step:5).

Like with Step:3 if you can't see anything here adjust in Step:7b on the app.
With a lot of the looks I have downloaded the morph count is "low" because although the Looks themselves used a lot of morphs they got consolidated into "head" and "body" morphs so I had to use a low number for them to show up as choices.

(I'm not sure how to split the "head" and "body" morphs back into multiple morphs so if anybody knows how and is willing to help I appreciate it)

Step6: Use Gaussian Samples if you have over 20 added, use random selection if its under 20 as stated in the tutorial.

Step7: Options A and B are linked to what will be selectable in the early steps, I don't know what C does so I just left it, D is self-explanatory.

When I first tried to use this I could not get the app to connect in the game, I had all the dependencies installed it just would not connect. Using a new install of VAM it worked right away so I'm assuming I have a plugin somewhere that was active and causing a conflict, I just don't know which one.

If I would add anything to this it would be a few pose options so I could see how the characters that are generated look in a few different poses a bit quicker.

Overall I love this and highly recommend it.
Thanks for the kind words and the detailed write-up! This will definitely help other users!
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thanks you!
Glad you like it!
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Excellent work! I created so many models with your app:)
Awesome, glad to hear!
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I have been with VAM for several years now. I followed the instructions over and over again line by line. I am NOT using the steam version. I have the latest VAM update. When I open the app in VAM and click on Connect to App it keeps saying Please Click Connect to App When Ready... Be really nice if I cold actually get it to work. I have been able to connect a lot of apps to VAM over the years but this one is a head scratcher.
Upvote 1
Thank you, the results from the generation are very unique, very coherent, interesting, and fun! And.. sexy!
Thank you so much! Great to hear!
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I used this tool to combine all my favorite morphs together and the result is amazing!
Thanks, I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
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This is the best morph 'randomizer' I've seen. I'm surprised how well it works. After just 4 generations, magic is already happening!
Thanks for your kind words! Glad you enjoy it :).
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im waited for new ver.thx a lot,
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i still dont understand how it work but its get done
That's great feedback :) as long as it works for you I'm happy :).
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I know right? :)
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Hi love your work but can you help me out abit, I selected to apperance folder I wanted and there was about 30 in there but somehow to step 5 said there is only 2 appearances found even tho I see all of them in the child template in step 3
Thanks! If you set min morph threshold to a lower number (or 0) you will probably see more, but those are single morph characters (and not suited for this app). When selecting the template you see all of them (including the single morph characters) since for the template you only want the skin, makeup and clothing info. (The morph info will be overwritten by the genetic algorithm). That’s why you see them all during template selection, but only a few, which can be used by the app.
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Juno motivated me to test this out.
It's absolutely awesome when you understand how to configure it! : )
Thanks man, much appreciated coming from you :).
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so the explanation seems a bit too simplistic, doesn't refer the viewer to the video at all and the appearance folder shown has nothing usable. I've spent several hours scouring every folder in my vam directory and given its size that's no small feat in and of itself and not a single appearance is available to use. that's over 600 files btw so it seems a bit hard to understand why I have no appearances I can use, select, see, what have you. might I suggest adding a little "maybe you don't understand" portion and try explaining what an appearance is, I'd really like to give this plugin a shot and have tried for many many days now but alas, the directions make it nearly impossible to know where and what I'm doing wrong and i so much want to figure it out!
Upvote 4
Excellent resource, but I cannot get any clothing to apply to a futa model I've generated. Surely this can be done, and if so, please let me know what to do or what I'm doing wrong. Thanks!
I think you need to add male clothing?
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I love the idea!

is it correct to say that it won't work well for characters that had their morphs merged?

Improvement idea - option to save data, so you can optionally continue improving generations at a later session.
You are correct that it won’t work well on merged morphs. The feature you request is already there! :) You can quit generating anytime you want and restart the app and VAM to continue where you left off.
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If you're on the fence about trying this out, spend 20 minutes learning the interface and going through your first "Evolution". You'll be blown away.

"Ugly" models (yes, subjective) can easily be transformed into dream girls.
Thanks for the super kind words, that really makes my day :).
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Very intuitive tool to quickly generate new looks.

I did encounter one problem. When selecting a parent preset in step 4 i can only select 3 of my ~50 presets in the apperance folder. I see in the logs that all my presets have been loaded. I can select them all in step 3 but in step 4 its allways the same 3. If i duplicate one of the 3, i see the duplicate too. I still can generate good looks with the "variate population" button.
This is probably since most of the characters are single-morphed. Try changing the min morph count from 150 to 0 and see if they appear. If so, that’s because they were single morphed. Single morphed characters have all their information in only 1 morph, which unfortunately doesn’t work well with the app since it needs separate morphs to tweak and improve. I’m glad you’re enjoying the app! If you have more questions, join the discussion pages.
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amazing addon, 100% must have
Awesome, thanks a lot!
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Thanks for your kind words and helping me out :).
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