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    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
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  1. Preset VAR checker

    Other Preset VAR checker

    This resource is a python 3 script that reads the VAR references in your preset files, compares them with your VARs, and creates a list with the differences. Latest version features: Appearance presets Clothing presets Hair presets UI for selecting what presets to check Why would I want to...
  2. V

    Question If the script detects that the meta.json format of certain var packages is incorrect...

    I have noticed that the format of the meta.json files in some var packages is not correct, mostly due to missing or extra punctuation marks, and a few using escape characters. As a result, Python's ujson and json cannot read meta.json correctly. Can Vam read them correctly? If so, how does it...
  3. VAM Evolutionary Character Creation

    Other VAM Evolutionary Character Creation v1.2.4
    Hub-Hosted VAR CC BY

    Important Notice Please ensure you download all dependencies for this app; failure to do so may cause the app to malfunction without any error message. Example Use Video Check out the video below to give you an impression of how the app works and is initialized. App Overview This upgrade from...
  4. VAM Character Fusion

    Other VAM Character Fusion v1.0.0

    Hi people, this is my first upload ever. I hope you like it :). VAM-Character-Fusion Create beatiful girls (and guys!) for Virt-A-Mate by fusing two parent appearances using a genetic algorithm. This app is made in python (you can look at the source) but is also available as a windows...
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