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    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

New to VAM

Jean boisvert

New member
Hey guys! I'm new here and oh boy, let me tell you that I'm here to stay! It's crazy what we can do... and see... with this game. I love it, I love it, I love it. Since I'm new here, I'd like to know what are the essentials mods that I need to instal. Also, I would like to know if I need more than my entertainer subscribtion to use all the mods there is. (I have a sub with vrporn.com). If any one wants to give me a quick rundown of the must have and/or send me some of your best work, message me or comment this post! If an experienced player would like to setup my VAM for money, I'd also love to pay someone to make me video and everything. Thanks!!
I'd like to know what are the essentials mods that I need to instal.
Not sure whether that is meant as a general question or you are asking specifically for the plugin collection called Essentials. The latter is rather popular, mostly due to SuperShot (massively improves the quality of screenshots) and PowerHandles (a tool for creators working in Desktop mode):

Entertainer subscription is not really suited to make your own scenes...more to loading scenes made by others and do slight modifications. If you want use VaM to its fullest and make your own stuff, I strongly recommend to go for Creator edition.

Some notable plugins that I think are the most important (of course biased toward my own plugins, but this is vaguely based on number of downloads ):
Hello and welcome to "the Club" :)

You don't have to pay someone, just go and explore, thats a fun part. If you wanna know something just ask in here.
Like MacGruber said: get the creator edition.

Plugins I recommend are ...
- Glance https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/glance-realistic-head-driven-eye-motion.5461/
- EasyMoan https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/easymoan-by-geesp0t.1320/
- AutoPupil https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/auto-pupil.970/

Glance brings a lot more realism to a character, EasyMoan and AutoPupil ... yeah, as well :D
To me those are essential and should be implemented in VaM 2.0.

But there are a lot of other plugins that are worth testing. Just try!
Well, if you want to spend your money on something, get the Creator key first. That will bring you all features and flexibility of VAM.

You've got so much for free here on the Hub. Explore, find what you like!

Just go in each category and look for the featured resources on top: those are hand-picked and will give you a good overview & quality stuff.

Take a good look at the Guide section: all explanations you're looking for are in there! There's also a very good Wiki, now.
It is a bit difficult to answer your question for the plugins, because there are so many different interest VaM user have.
Some people only want to download stuff and watch it, others are doing complicated scenes with animations and triggers and some others like to create the ideal look of her favourite girls (or boys) the whole day.
Every one of these will use different plugins and have their own favourites. The one who only creates looks, doesn't need LogicBricks, the one who only does scenes, might not need morph packs, for instance.
Like it is said above, you maybe want to play around with VaM for a while, explore it one step after another, have a look through the free stuff and then you most likely will know what plugins you want or need for yourself. You are welcome to ask questions here.
Have fun!
Wow, thanks to all of you for your time! I was not expecting a single answer this quick. Super! I take note of every comment and will try to get a deal on the creator edition to be able to pay some of the paid look (wich are trully jaw dropping btw). This community is really helpfull and talented! I love it :) thanks again for your help everybody. This game is revolutionning my sex live, made it more interactive than ever and the fact that you can personnalise every aspect of every scene is really impressive. Never tought a game like this could exist until I opened it for the first time.
to be able to pay some of the paid look (wich are trully jaw dropping btw).
Just one simple advice before you spend a lot of money: the preview pictures are mostly edited and do not show the real outcome ingame. Similar, yes. But don't take the pictures as a guarantee, just sayin' ... ;)
It's like with those burger pictures, yummy yummy!
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Yeah, It's a bit of a letdown when you load up a new look scene and find the amazing background is just a photo poster on the wall behind the model !
Not to mention when they load up missing all the clothes that you don't have in your collection.
Ohhhh I see! And I looked up to buy some of the sexyest ladies (selena gomez, an alien woman, D.va, etc.) But it required to pay subscription from different people each month... i was expecting to pay couple bucks per look/scenes/etc.

Is everything pay per month? I tryed to look a way to get collector vam cheap, but all I can do is pay 15$ every month to get it plus the $ I already spent on vrporn.com... its a bit frustrating :(
I won't go into the whole paywall fiasco that is people selling a look that's just a collection of other peoples work.... That sucks.
There are a lot of free scenes on the hub.
When you have Vam you go to the hub browser in game and can easily scroll through free content, just click to download. If a scene has dependencies you can normally get those downloaded through the same hub section.
The better patreon accounts normally only reference their own work or free content.
If a seller is trying to get you to subscribe to their patreon and all you get are files that require a dozen other subs? I would personally just avoid them completely and not give them any money, but that's just me.
There are plenty of quality creators both free and paid.

The lack of a simple asset store has lead to the rise of the patreon paywall where people hide their content behind protected posts. There is no simple pay $x and get Y model in VaM at this time. I imagine it's something they are looking at hard for VaM 2.0. I have nothing against people wanting to charge for their work, but it rapidly becomes unscalable to get some scenes loaded because of all the subs you would need.
Do remember though, most subs give you access to download ALL their existing content, which you can then keep. Even if you cancel right away. There is no need to keep subscribing.
A lot of people change their subs each month. Only doing a a few, even 1 or 2 subs, cancelling right away and doing different creators after. Look on it less as paying for a single look or scene and more of "showing your support for the creator", because that's what it is. You normally get all their work, so it's not just the one look. Find out if you like all their stuff, that makes it more worth paying.

Just to mention, it's the same with VaM itself. You don't need to keep paying every month. It's great if you do, but if you can't afford it you can't.
You do not lose access to VaM. You get a key for the latest version and I believe that will probably last until VaM 2.0 is out now. It would be amazing if everybody could afford to fund them all the time but that just isn't realistic for a lot of people.
I did not know that you could do that! Thanks for the info. I would really like to pay everyone more money, but like you said there's a limit to what I can afford... I feel like they (the mods creators) should regroup with VAM directly and take a % out of every download they get or something like that. I would be happy to pay 100$/year or so at one place to get everything there is. Just a newcommer opinion, but there's clearly a problem right now with paid mods. It's just impossible to sub to everyone and get a taste of everyone's talent :(
This makes me want to say some words... ;)
I am a VaM user almost all the way from the start where VaM was only a small proof of concept. Maybe 3,5 years.
At the beginning, everything was free and community driven, like Skyrim mods, or something like that.
Then there came some people up with patreon accounts and pay stuff and a storm of rage went through the community. As the storm slowly calmed down, more and more people were following that example. "If he gets money for his work, why not me?". Don't get me wrong, it is not illegible to get money for work, but that killed the "from the community - for the community" ethos. I am an old guy still living a bit in the golden days of internet wild west. I never would pay per month for a MSOffice version or ever played games selling ingame stuff. I have gigabytes of free VaM content and (almost) nothing of that pay-stuff... and I am missing nothing!
Long speech short: Gladly till today, pay-stuff is still the exception and not the common thing. I hope it will stay this for a long time. And... like HolySchmidt said, most of the time the preview picture is the best thing on those looks.
If you wanna get a taste of what is even possible with VaM regarding look-a-likes, visit Vecterrors patreon (no, I don't get paid for this), pay once, download everything and cancel your membership. That's how I did. I think there's nothing wrong with paying people for their work, if it's good. One look takes several hours probably.

In the end there's still enough free content worth downloading. But always remember: the more people pay for this, the more people wanna get paid. And that doesn't mean quantity=quality. I once paid Vecterror and of course meshedVR for VaM creators edition, that's it. If you know how the program works, you will soon create your own looks and that's that.
Yes, once you start creating your own looks it's great, but more importantly is the ability to make scenes and custom assets.
If you don't already know, I suggest you take a look at some of the CUA tutorials for Unity. That way you can download any of the millions of free models (NOT people) and import them via unity into your scene.
Need a car? House? Sofa? R2-D2? They are out there for free as models and a little work in Unity gets them into VaM. Check out my free resources on the hub! (I don't get paid for that either). They are all just freely available models that I found and converted into VaM assetbundle format.
Don't think paying others is the end of it, it's just the start. Creating your own work is where it's at with VaM.
If you wanna get a taste of what is even possible with VaM regarding look-a-likes, visit Vecterrors patreon (no, I don't get paid for this), pay once, download everything and cancel your membership. That's how I did. I think there's nothing wrong with paying people for their work, if it's good. One look takes several hours probably.

In the end there's still enough free content worth downloading. But always remember: the more people pay for this, the more people wanna get paid. And that doesn't mean quantity=quality. I once paid Vecterror and of course meshedVR for VaM creators edition, that's it. If you know how the program works, you will soon create your own looks and that's that.
Vecterrors only do humans look alike? I'm really looking for some overwatch/lol/hentai characters!
Vecterrors only do humans look alike? I'm really looking for some overwatch/lol/hentai characters!

Then you really have to take a look at the NoOC Discord channel. It is all about game and anime VaM characters. Tons of downloads. Most of them are for free or "early access."
NoOC has a discord?
Also, I only JUST got the name. No OC. No original content. Lol. Was it just me being this slow?
Then you really have to take a look at the NoOC Discord channel. It is all about game and anime VaM characters. Tons of downloads. Most of them are for free or "early access."
how to get there?! I woullllldddd love itttt
MacGruber was faster.
All/most of the download stuff is in one of the many channels. It is the one called "Completed-no-chat-please".
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MacGruber was faster.
All/most of the download stuff is in one of the many channels. It is the one called "Completed-no-chat-please".
thanks to both of you. TToby, you are my teacher without knowing it haha I keep finding your post when I have a question and I search on the internet, thanks for every student you have!
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