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Sequencing no longer working on my scene. I have a group set up to randomize the next animation, and it was working great and now it doesnt. Hitting the all button would normally start the animation and then a countdown timer would show, meaning it was going to transition into a new scene at that time. Now it shows the total amount it was going to play, but when it gets to that number it just stops. What do I need to fix to get this working again?
Screenshot 2024-05-14 155652.png
Screenshot 2024-05-14 155948.png


  • Screenshot 2024-05-14 155652.png
    Screenshot 2024-05-14 155652.png
    94.2 KB · Views: 0
Is anybody else having this issue?

when deleting selected keys it will also delete keys within the Trigger/Audio tracks even though they are unselected.

Is anybody else having this issue?

when deleting selected keys it will also delete keys within the Trigger/Audio tracks even though they are unselected.

I can't confirm 100%, but I've definitely noticed trigger keys go missing quite a few times since this update (287), and your description could certainly be the case. I just haven't yet zeroed in on replicating the issue since it's somewhat rare, and I work pretty fast, but trigger keys are definitely disappearing.
Is anybody else having this issue?

when deleting selected keys it will also delete keys within the Trigger/Audio tracks even though they are unselected.

yes this happens to me too, when I delete keyframes, aligned audio/triggers are also deleted even if you didnt select them
Great plugin. So powerful.

Feature suggestion: Forces
Basically, it allows you to apply a force or torque to an atom or control on the timeline. It works the same or similar to the position/rotation now, but you add Targets that can have forces applied. This should be independent of the Pos/Rot for best effect.

One way to implement this might be to add a Force option in the current Targets, and an option to turn "Apply Pos/Rot" and "Apply Force" checked or unchecked. That way, you could create nodes that have Pos/Rot, Force or both.

Keep up the great work!
Hi all!
Please tell me what I “turned on” or “turned off”?
I have 2 Sims and this only happens on one.

Hi, I've always had a problem with several versions of Timeline. Maybe there's a problem?

I do motion capture with the VR headset (quest3).
When I animate on 20 sec for example and I start the motion capture at 0, it always stops around 19.25-19.99 and yet, it is well defined on 20.
It never stops at the end, I always have to copy/paste the end keyframe.

Hi @Acid Bubbles thanks for everything you do for the community! I was wondering, would it be possible to make the Timelime plugin multi-core, similar to how the Render plugin has been made multicore? I ask because I'm using smoothing in a mocap imported timeline animation, and I can tell it's running single core and going to take roughly 20-30 minutes for everything. If it was multicore I bet it would be reduced to just a couple of minutes. Is this feasible?
Hi folks, is there a way to sync a video to an animation timeline? Reason being I wanna use the video as a reference for keyframe animating like how some folks do in other software. Thanks!
is there a way to access these two parameters inside Timeline?
I would like disable this for Macgrubers Gaze and active in the next animation.
Tried the accessing by trigger but only controller weight is accessible.
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