Hey I've been postponing this for a while, are you able to make a scene that shows the "incorrect" behavior, and tell me what should be the "correct" behavior? I didn't play a lot with subscene and I would like to avoid guesswork if I can!
Sure thing, thanks for considering this!
Here's a scene using a subscene (animated with Timeline) loaded twice. Each subscene contains a cube with Timeline plugin and 2 buttons that interact with it. I've included the subscene in the VAR if you want to add more instances of it.
When clicking on either button to animate a subscene, it animates all the subscenes. Once again, this is totally logical: a subscene is a perfect copy of a set of atoms, including the plugins (you define the set of atoms by parenting them to the subscene, when creating it).
The "correct" behavior would be:
- if the
"[ ] Make this animation subscene independent" option is
on for the Timeline linked to the cube within a subscene, clicking on the green "Animate subscene" button will only trigger the animations with the same name within this subscene, not in all the other subscenes. I.e. in my demo scene, it will only animate 1 cube.
- if the
"[ ] Make this animation subscene independent" option is
off (which should be by default) for the Timeline linked to the cube within a subscene, the current behavior is unchanged: clicking on the green "Animate subscene" button will trigger all the animations with the same name, even if they are in other subscenes. I.e. it will animate all the cubes.
And the behavior without any subscene should be:
- if the Timeline plugin is linked to an atom which is not within a subscene, the
"[ ] Make this animation subscene independent" option is disabled.
I hope this is clear. I'm available to help with more info or testing if needed
If it's of any interest to you, I've made a quick tutorial on how to add subscenes in a scene:
1) Add atom: "Misc" / "SubScene" (click directly on the UI flag icon to have this pre-selected).
2) Select the added Subscene and go to its "SubScene" tab.
3) Click on "Load existing" and navigate to the subscene you want to import.