Nope, what I'm talking about is 100% built-in

Except maybe the shortcuts, I haven't looked into that.
Yes, those walking animations are build in, but using them to move a person to a certain place would need plugins. There were some older plugins, that makes a figure following the VR pointer, for instance.
What makes VaM unique is the fact, that you could almost create everything you can think of.
Of course, you can create a very complex scene, where you can steer a person through a labyrinth and to trigger various events by collision triggers, for instance.
But that would be only a funny sort of game IN VaM made WITH VaM.
There are many new users who didn't know that VaM is a sandbox tool and not a kind of ready made game like Koikatsu, for instance, where you can run around in some levels and doing stuff, and therefore are dissapointed. There were some other questions in this regard.
Others are unhappy with the way you generally move the camera or persons around in desktop mode.
As far as I have understand, the OP was asking for a plugin or build-in functions to directly move a given person plus camera with keyboard keys (obviously in desktop mode) like in a completely other style of games.
I have to apologize, If he was only looking for a way to create his own advanced scenes. Thinking about it, I maybe was stupidly fooled by his "New Member" status.
Yes, as VaM is a sandbox tool with almost infinity capabilities, you can do your own third-person game style scenes, if you really want.
No, I unfortunately don't know any plugins that you could use for this purpose out-of-the-box.
Your options are to search through other scenes which will have some aspects you want to use for your own idea.
There is those recent scene linked by ZRSQ above, or you maybe want to have a look at "
Synthia" by VAMDeluxe, which is the old plugin that I have mentioned.
There are some plugins you could look at to maybe code your own or ask the creators for help.
- Acidbubble's
- McGruber's VirtualLock plugin (part of "Connect") is detecting button presses and then triggers stuff based on it.
- Fabio's
Basic Gamepad Support for VAM.
- Ife's
Keyboard Shortcuts
- For the camera novement maybe Acidbubble's
Passenger and
Improved POV.
- Some more that I don't know.