- Finally after a ton of testing & re-building them from scratch i finally managed to make everything work great
, was gonna release them as paid asset at first but that defies the whole purpose of it being available to other creators to make scenes with so here we go
- Comes with 4 variants (more on the way):
- Loop variant for holding hands & legs
- Simple variant for caress or Oral
- Beaded variant for Anal
- Penis Variant For pretty much any hole you cram it into (can adjust thickness with Atom Scale)
- I will upload the assetbundle file alone in the next post detailing how to proprely animate them, also a little plugin i made that auto sets every important controller that must be on timeline (5 in total for each)
-Here's a demo of the scene tested on a clean Vam install:
v2 changelog: (addition of new detailed text tutorial scene + small QoL plugin)
- video of the steps you need to do:
- One Very Important tip i forgot to add is to NEVER save a scene while any of the tentacles Atom Containers are disabled (Turned Off), for some reason CUA controllers plugin doesn't like that and it will break the scene & animations on the next scene load! make sure you have each CUA "enabled" checked before saving any progress.
- Open the new tuto scene and follow the steps and hopefully everything should work great, Enjoy!
- Comes with 4 variants (more on the way):
- Loop variant for holding hands & legs
- Simple variant for caress or Oral
- Beaded variant for Anal
- Penis Variant For pretty much any hole you cram it into (can adjust thickness with Atom Scale)
-Here's a demo of the scene tested on a clean Vam install:
v2 changelog: (addition of new detailed text tutorial scene + small QoL plugin)
- video of the steps you need to do:
- One Very Important tip i forgot to add is to NEVER save a scene while any of the tentacles Atom Containers are disabled (Turned Off), for some reason CUA controllers plugin doesn't like that and it will break the scene & animations on the next scene load! make sure you have each CUA "enabled" checked before saving any progress.
- Open the new tuto scene and follow the steps and hopefully everything should work great, Enjoy!