• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
var browser

Plugins + Scripts var browser

1) "buton named "Remove Invalid Vars" is remove all the duplicated or not incorrect named vars to "InvalidPackages" directory."

What exactly is a "incorrectly named" var? I was unaware vars can be "incorrectly" named.

2) I don't mind using your hub browser, but that would be kind of hard to download missing dependencies for var files that are not hosted on the hub as that would mean I'd have to individually go to each missing dependency and download them through the hub compared to downloading all of them quickly with something like "scan for missing dependencies" in the package manager.

3) In the "Custom" filter, what's the difference between a "Custom Saved Person" and a "Custom Person Preset"?
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i will keep var browser workable. but not put into too much time. so if there is some function is needed and not cost too much time,i will handle it.
I totally understand when an older work product is lower on one's priority list. As it is currently, Var Browser is indispensable and very useable for me. Actually, it is so essential for me to have VAM running that if it were less "useable" I would still use it. But for your consideration, here are a few things I would love to see implemented. Of course I have no idea of the work that could be involved. The following are quality of life requests and should not be interpreted as bugs which need fixing.

1. VR features. I pretty much use VAM in VR most of the time.

-1a. Launching Var Browser:
Along the lines of what JayJayWon did with BrowserAssist, it would be great if one of these two buttons were used to launch VAR browser UI (vs using the keyboard hotkey OR navigating to session plugins, scrolling down to Var Browser and then Open Custom UI). I would suggest the top button since I always open the main UI in Edit mode by default. Others may have a different use case. Or perhaps users who only have Play Mode access may have an issue.


-1b. Var Browser window location in VR:
Once a button is clicked, the Var Browser browser window is currently opened in a fixed location (I think it is anchored in the default viewing direction of the VR headset). For me, it would be great if the window were floating just like the main VAM UI. Or if not floating as part of the VAM UI, it would be great if the window were opened directly in front of where the VR Headset is currently pointing. Again, this is a quality of life issue - so that I would not have to expend precious energy turning my head. Just kidding.

2. VAR management

- 2a. Speed.
In my experience clicking on "Install in Background" has no discernible difference than clicking on "Auto Install". Both actions freeze up VAM until the VAR file is migrated from AllPackages. It would be fantastic if "Install in Background" is an action that takes place in the background while we do other tasks.

- 2b. Gear icon is too small.
The action icon associated with each VAR panel is too small. Because VAM is so slow AND the opening of a scene is atomic, there is a significant time penalty for clicking outside the active area of the action icon. For example, if I want favorite a VAR, if my mouse overshoots the gear icon and I accidently click outside of the icon, VAM proceeds to spend the next few minutes opening that scene. I have no choice but to go get a coffee, go to the bathroom, or watch some porn while VAM does its thing. Ideally, the active areas for opening a scene vs opening the action screen would be inverted. Or at least 50-50.

- 2c. Batch operations.
It would be great if there is a way to select multiple VARs and perform a single operation for the batch (e.g. change Auto-Install or Favorite status). Perhaps using an action similar to File Explorer with a Ctrl-click.

- 2d. Uninstall individual VAR.
There is a batch "Uninstall All". It would be fantastic to have the option to uninstall individual VARs - preferably as a background operation. Currently as you know, VAR Browser moves VARs into AddonPackages so it can be opened by VAM. The use case for the individual uninstall would be for when checking out a newly downloaded VAR. If the VAR turns out to be something that I will not likely open up again, I would like it moved back to the AllPackages (instead of doing an "Uninstall All"). BTW, if you implement a batch function suggested in 2c, it would be great if it were extended to this requested feature as well.

- 2d.1. Script based mass action.
If implementing 2d would take too much effort, perhaps if you could tell us how Var Browser's internal DB is organized. I looked at the JSONs in Cache\AllPackagesJSON. It did not seem to me that the JSONs contain information about a VAR's Var Browser status. My thought would be to act on the DB to operate on multiple VAR files (such as in a collection) quickly.

- 2e. Flag for deletion.
I know that giving users a means to delete VARs is dangerous. (Another tool which I will not name, enabled me to accidently delete all my custom scenes). So instead of deleting files, I propose that VAR browser allow us to "flag" a file for deletion (e.g. a red X). This will provide us a note to remember which var files to delete manually. Of course, once a file is removed by the user, VAR browser would no longer present the VAR.

sfishere, I know this list is long. But I assure you that if you do nothing from this list, I will still be a huge fan of Var Browser. As I said before, these are just quality of life issues for me. Thanks again for your invaluable tool.
Hi. Sorry for the delayed response - I was away for a few weeks. Anyway, I'll take a look at the session plugin. Thanks!
so detailed description, very thanks,it really help for me to better under your question.
I answer your first VR question,i have post the solution for using “VarBrowserSessionPlugin.cs”.
it provide actions to invoke.
Hi. I went to the link, but the cs file appears to be the same as what I already had? Would you please post the updated cs file? Thanks.
I want to try this but I'm afraid because I have many session plugins, the most important ones are UI Assist and BrowserAssist, I have many configs there.
Do you know what will happen with that? I mean I need to remove everything from AddonPackages first right? that will remove those plugins too.
What will happen when VAM tries to load them as session plugin? and also what will happen with their config.
Thanks for your work, this is a great tool!
I can load the scene normally, but when I want to change the person or the hair or something like that I get an error.
This error log pops up every time
!> Missing addon package VaMChan.Hair_Afro_braids.latest that packageWeebU.Futa_Hair.9 depends on
!> Missing addon package VAM-YJ.VamYJ-KOREN.latest that packageAndiFang.ZombieHarassment-End.3 depends on
!> Missing addon package FishBig.FB005_Stiletto003.latest that packageMRdong.B012.1 depends on
Thanks for your work, this is a great tool!
I can load the scene normally, but when I want to change the person or the hair or something like that I get an error.
This error log pops up every time
!> Missing addon package VaMChan.Hair_Afro_braids.latest that packageWeebU.Futa_Hair.9 depends on
!> Missing addon package VAM-YJ.VamYJ-KOREN.latest that packageAndiFang.ZombieHarassment-End.3 depends on
!> Missing addon package FishBig.FB005_Stiletto003.latest that packageMRdong.B012.1 depends on
I am new to this whole environment. But isn't it because you didn't load these addons first?

I was hoping "var browser" is more intelligent and detects which packages are needed and loads it himself...
But this is not the case...
Thanks for var browser, my loading time was huge, but not anymore! Wish I found it earlier :)

I want to try this but I'm afraid because I have many session plugins, the most important ones are UI Assist and BrowserAssist, I have many configs there.
Do you know what will happen with that? I mean I need to remove everything from AddonPackages first right? that will remove those plugins too.
What will happen when VAM tries to load them as session plugin? and also what will happen with their config.
I tried it out; moved all my vars including UI Assist to AllPackages as part of installing var browser. After launching VaM, my session plugins were still in the list, but in a red colour and unavailable. After installing e.g. UI Assist back again through var browser, my plugin config was still intact. Same goes for other session plugins I have.
Just want to understand this properly, all VARs and transferred back and forth automatically? Since VARs aren't in AddonPackages by defaullt anymore using this, I'm assuming you won't be able to customize outfits and mess around with morphs?
Just want to understand this properly, all VARs and transferred back and forth automatically? Since VARs aren't in AddonPackages by defaullt anymore using this, I'm assuming you won't be able to customize outfits and mess around with morphs?
To both questions: correct.

Also note that you must use the bundled var browser to load scenes, morphs etc, since they won't be available in the default browser as they are missing from AddonPackages. The bundled var browser has similar functionality though as the stock one, including previews, filtering etc etc.
In VR, you can use var browser's session plugin to open the bundled var browser. I can recommend combining this session plugin with another one: UIAssist. With UIAssist you can add a shortcut to VAM's menu to quickly open var browser's session plugin. Quality of life improvement ;-)

If you have any saved presets like appearances, they will load normally and var browser will automatically transfer the VARs. So you don't need to use the bundled var browser to load saved presets.

Var browser will keep any directory structure in AllPackages/AddonPackages intact, although I haven't verified this myself: my AllPackages directory is a huge dump of thousands of VARs 🌝

Edit: one last thing, the latest version can be found here instead of on the hub: https://github.com/sFisherE/vam_plugin_release/tree/main/var browser
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To both questions: correct.

Also note that you must use the bundled var browser to load scenes, morphs etc, since they won't be available in the default browser as they are missing from AddonPackages. The bundled var browser has similar functionality though as the stock one, including previews, filtering etc etc.
In VR, you can use var browser's session plugin to open the bundled var browser. I can recommend combining this session plugin with another one: UIAssist. With UIAssist you can add a shortcut to VAM's menu to quickly open var browser's session plugin. Quality of life improvement ;-)

If you have any saved presets like appearances, they will load normally and var browser will automatically transfer the VARs. So you don't need to use the bundled var browser to load saved presets.

Var browser will keep any directory structure in AllPackages/AddonPackages intact, although I haven't verified this myself: my AllPackages directory is a huge dump of thousands of VARs 🌝

Edit: one last thing, the latest version can be found here instead of on the hub: https://github.com/sFisherE/vam_plugin_release/tree/main/var browser

Thanks! Was worried about not being able to customize characters but it seems this handles everything. Will have to give this a go
I'm using BrowserAssist to load my scenes, because I have them filtered with tags there, is this compatible with that?

Also, I have many UIAssist buttons loading:
presets (appearance, hair, skin etc, sometimes random selected from BrowserAssist filtered by tags)
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I'm using BrowserAssist to load my scenes, because I have them filtered with tags there, is this compatible with that?

Also, I have many UIAssist buttons loading:
presets (appearance, hair, skin etc, sometimes random selected from BrowserAssist filtered by tags)
yes,just try!
add option to "reduce texture size",it is because some VARs use too big texture,eg,4k,or even 8k.
it cost too much time to load them for low-end devices and it cost memory,even from VAM's cache.
so i add function to reduce texture size,the first time open the scene,var browser will create cache for the textures,and next time you will benefit.
it reduce disk IO,use less memory and load faster.
the max texture size can be configed,the default value is 1024.
An option to automatically uninstall vars when you swap scenes would be nice if possible. Also, what does the GC button do?
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delete cache in “Cache\var_browser_cache”,and using the latest version.

if you meet some bug,tell me!
Could you add auto load missing dependencies from hub? It's really annoying to download all one by one and reload the scene...
Automatic switch of auto load to new var version if available locally.
And add https://github.com/sFisherE/vam_plugin_release to OP.
Glad you've returned.
you should solve dependencies by yourself before loading scene.
the hub browse in var browser provide way to download missing vars.

auto use new var version may be broken old var, but may be an option by config.
An option to automatically uninstall vars when you swap scenes would be nice if possible. Also, what does the GC button do?
uninstall automatically is feasible but i don't think it's MUST HAVE.

var browser keep some cache in memory to prevent disk IO.
you can click GC button to release these cache.

i will optimze the memroy usage later. but currently i want to prove the "resize texture" first.
I think some dependencies are being missed when using this plugin's version of the hub to auto-install dependencies, or they're not beeing loaded properly, I'm seeing errors about missing dependencies. Plugins like DiviningForeskin for example isn't working properly despite all the dependencies being available in the hub and installing them through this plugin. When installing through the normal version of the hub everything works as it should. I'm noticing the same thing for other plugins that depend on morphs like AWW GenitalMultipass, these aren't working as they should because their dependencies aren't being loaded for some reason. I have all the dependencies needed in the AllPackages folder as well, I even manually installed and added them to the AllPackages to make sure everything needed is there.


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delete cache in “Cache\var_browser_cache”,and using the latest version.

fix colorspace conversion.
delete cache in “Cache\var_browser_cache”,and using the latest version.

make compatible with Chokaphi.VAM_Decal_Maker
add cache for assetbundle.
it will lower the memory and reduce disk IO.
asset is always loaded from assetbundle,when VAM load asset,it must load the whole assetbundle to memory then load asset from assetbundle.
I change the way,let VAM load assetbundle from file,it is only need the header of assetbundle,then load asset.

it benifits after cache generated when first open the scene,
the cache is in "Cache\var_browser_cache\ab".
you can close it by set “CacheAssetBundle” false in config file.
it's opened default.

tell me is it effective
Hi here.
I tried to build the dll myself to test a few of my ideas, but it didn't work. I received several errors.
Can I ask you to write a short readme or advice on what environment should be for the build?

Of course I plan to push a patch with my code to the main branch after I debug and test it.
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