• Hi Guest!

    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.
Vam To Daz 2

Plugins + Scripts Vam To Daz 2


Well-known member
Featured Contributor
Chokaphi submitted a new resource:

Vam To Daz - Import VAM characters into Daz Studio

This is a utility I made to bring my VAM characters back into Daz Studio. Once it is in Daz you can then send the model out to Maya, Blender, Zbrush, etc... for further refinement.

This utility does not convert bone transforms, so you will need to run the rigging tool in Daz to correct bones positions if you want a proper rigged figure.

  • Use Morph Merger to save your character as a single VAm...

Read more about this resource...
When I try to download it, I get an error message that a virus has been detected, is that okay?
It should be clean, here is what virus total has https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...c8587687ce6f8798787950f2b5fdc46433d?nocache=1

Usually exe like this get flagged because they are unsigned by the AI Hurestic only scanners like Cylance/Cynet. You are actually downloading the zip file from here and not some Adverstiting/malware popup right?

Thanks for the reply.

Yes I downloaded the zip from Hub.
I can't download it in my chrome, but I was able to download it in other browsers.
If there is no problem, I will try to use it.
Is it possible to import VAM character with its morphs(hmm as blendshapes? :) , rig to Unity ? whats with clothes ?
No matter what app protection or security settings I turn off I cannot run this app. something is blocking it.
I was wondering if you have, or know of, a tutorial of what to do when I get to Daz. I used your tool and I saw the morph was placed in the described directory but I looked for "Actor/VAM To Daz/" in Daz studio but it is not there.

Really hoping there is something to help me along as I am excited about the possibilities your tool provides.

Thank you.
I was wondering if you have, or know of, a tutorial of what to do when I get to Daz. I used your tool and I saw the morph was placed in the described directory but I looked for "Actor/VAM To Daz/" in Daz studio but it is not there.

Really hoping there is something to help me along as I am excited about the possibilities your tool provides.

Thank you.
Tex, Daz studio is a complex beast on par with Blender, but there are a lot of tutorial guides for beginner's on Youtube. Here is one showing how morphs work and you can see Actor tab in the Shaping Tab he is playing with. It will also show in Paramaters Tab.

The Generation of figure may be different but the basics for how you work with them remain the same.
When trying to open app as admin I get "failure processing application bundle bundle header conversion compatibility check failed'. Any ideas on what's wrong on my machine please?
When trying to open app as admin I get "failure processing application bundle bundle header conversion compatibility check failed'. Any ideas on what's wrong on my machine please?
It should not need Admin rights.

What operating system and do you have .net 6 installed? You would want the
.NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.1, You want the Desktop not the SDK or runtime only versions on that page.
from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0
I guess I don't understand how to use this, my morphs in DaZ Are coming out strange, and don't really look like the character in VAM. Is there a parameter I'm missing in the Morph Merger? I'm assuming that is where the issue lies. - I posted there instead of here.

Side note, can we extract the textures used for the characters as well??
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Make sure you are selecting all the morphs with morph merger before merging.

Since this tool only deals with morph file it has no idea what textures are being used, that data is in a totally different file.
Silly bloody question - just joined up after coming from DAZ for art purposes and finding VAM, but is there any way to convert these to G8? Not sure I can even find a blank G2, much less load up the morph when I search for it under the Actor tab.
Silly bloody question - just joined up after coming from DAZ for art purposes and finding VAM, but is there any way to convert these to G8? Not sure I can even find a blank G2, much less load up the morph when I search for it under the Actor tab.

Daz made a lot of changes in the g2 to g3/8 figures so there is no easy way. Their is a tutorial on taking g8 to g2 here https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/import-genesis-8-character-to-vam-with-pictures.6260/ Perhaps you use that information to do the reverse.

You can also get the g2 starter essentials from Daz store for free for the blank g2 figures.
Daz made a lot of changes in the g2 to g3/8 figures so there is no easy way. Their is a tutorial on taking g8 to g2 here https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/import-genesis-8-character-to-vam-with-pictures.6260/ Perhaps you use that information to do the reverse.

You can also get the g2 starter essentials from Daz store for free for the blank g2 figures.
You read my mind - I've sunk more time/investment into Daz than I care to admit and it turns out I never even had the G2 bundle installed. Tried it out and the test morphs I took seemed to work (though no hair was attached - I might have to play with the all-in-one morph plugin.)
That said, without much in the way of G2 poses available on renderoticia or anything like that, I might be better off getting some good looks for VAM and keeping them separate.
VAM hair is totally custom and has no way to work or export in non unity projects. Or and least the physics hair that 99.999% of current models use.
VAM hair is totally custom and has no way to work or export in non unity projects. Or and least the physics hair that 99.999% of current models use.
Well, kinda/sorta in the same vein, and not that I'm in a rush to go and give them more money than they already had (or promote another website) but I did find these for a roundabout way of converting modern models to VAM and back again.
Thank you so much for this tool! I tried it back when you first uploaded and it worked just fine. Fast forward to tonight, I really needed to use it for a custom morph that I was working on. Because of you and your amazing tool, I don't have to start all over from scratch! Thank youuu! ❤

It is a very good software and I transform a VAM charater to DAZ G2F and then G8F succefully, but when I try to transform another charater there is something wrong in the chest part,would you like to help me to solve it?
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