When I click "Use Current Pose" in the pose tab, nothing happens. Has anyone experienced this?
Wanted to come back and share my findings. It seems like my problem was using VRDollz's "Static Piercing Belly". Went through a whole process of trial and that seems to be the one thing that prevents me from using the "Use Current Pose" feature. Can't say for sure if it's an issue with the item itself or the plugins it relies on.
Hello everyone.
Could you please tell me how the “Next Segment” works?
I am using 2 buttons:
1 - Play Segmrent A
2 - Next Segment

When I press 1 -> 2 - Segment does not change.
Or does this button perform a different function?
When I press 1 -> 2 - Segment does not change.
Or does this button perform a different function?
I've already reported a similar bug one year ago, sadly the author seems very busy and didn't get the time to look into this yet.
From what I understand, changing the segments doesn't work properly, and this consequently renders other actions useless.
When I use built-in triggers to create sound effects, if the animation automatically switches, it will repeatedly produce sound
Is there a way to use timeline like a state machine? For example, to get to anim 5 from anim 1 you could define a path of animations to flow through for example Anim 1 -> Anim 2 -> Anim 4 -> Anim 5.
When I click "Use Current Pose" in the pose tab, nothing happens. Has anyone experienced this?
Yes, recently I have been experiencing similar problems with the pose tab not working on some atoms. I know the save file has been corrupted somehow and I can't figure out how to fix it without rebuilding the scene from scratch. i have been using 283 for a long time now and I have never had issues like this before. Could online updates be happening that we are not aware of?
Hello! I'm hoping this is the right place to post but I need help.

I've spent literally hours trying to find someone with the same problem and finally gave in and made an account.

I for some reason can not save a pose under the pose tab in Timeline. The buttons to "use current pose" and "copy current pose" aren't greyed out, but both do absolutely nothing. Sometimes if I load a default scene to test it out it'll work fine but the minute I load up one of my scenes it stops working, including if I make a new scene afterwards to test again (after having it not work in my scene)

Any insight would be lovely as I've run out of ideas for trouble shooting.
Wanted to come back and share my findings. It seems like my problem was using VRDollz's "Static Piercing Belly". Went through a whole process of trial and that seems to be the one thing that prevents me from using the "Use Current Pose" feature. Can't say for sure if it's an issue with the item itself or the plugins it relies on.
Glad you found a solution. I'm not using that but still experiencing this issue unfortunately
Thanks to @zeinaheart7 i Found the issue at my end, and it was the "static head scrunchie by VRDOLLZ" which uses custom plugins for clothing. So check if you have any clothing items that use custom plugins.
Turns out a static jewelry by VRDollz was the issue for me as well. I had to remove the offending item, save, and then reboot the game. Hope this gets patched at some point if possible!
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