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How can I disable the locked position of persons in some timeline animations?
In some anims it is possible to move persons and some don´t allow changing positions X,Y,Z movement.
Is it possible to adjust positions and save them to the scene, so the new position is auto load on new scene load?
With 6.40, I tried to keybind "Next Segment / Previous Segment". However, I'm having a hard time getting it to play the next/previous segment using the bind keys. What's the best way to set up hot keys to play the next/previous segment of animations?

Thank you!!
Thanks for adding Next/Previous Segment triggers but they do not work for me either.
Tried with an UI Button as well as "UI Assist" Plugin.
Acid Bubbles updated Timeline with a new update entry:

Timeline v6.4.1

- Position and Rotation weights for controllers (shows up as two additional storables per controller, additive to the ones in the Parent & More panel)
- Allow deleting / cutting trigger keyframes at frame zero
- When trying to save an animation that has broken references, save the previous values instead of crashing
- Fix rotation controller panel showing the position target edit screen instead
- When importing shared animations only in an empty instance, keep Anim 1 to avoid crashes
- Fix...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Please keep us updated on the compatibility with older versions.
I'm still using on one of my setups for older scenes that won't run on the newer VAM
Position and Rotation weights for controllers (shows up as two additional storables per controller, additive to the ones in the Parent & More panel)
I have a strange bug. Whenever i load my custom animated scene again, movements of my person are slightly wrong. Some limbs might go further than the trajectory i have animated.
Later on i realized that curves are changing their form somehow (like they go from smooth to constant) and i don't know why so i have to manually revert every time for the animation to be normal as it was before.
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Still my favorite VaM plugin!

Since there have been some updates lately, I came up with a few suggestions:

- Let us hide the "OtherGenderMorphs" in the controltab, it just cramps up the list when looking for morphs.
- Like you can do with body part control (disable rot, pos), let us disable/enable Trigger or Morph lines per keyframe in their same respective menu.
For triggers: Where you can turn on live scrip for example.
- Allow us to disable/enable timeline body part control for the specific keyframe (right now it's for the whole animation).
Maybe make a seperate toggle in the same menu screen since there is enough space. It would be easier to use than triggers in complex animations.
How to replace the first frame with the saved pose? When I modify the properties of multiple bones and save them as poses, an error will occur when returning to the first frame. For example, returning to the position of the previous animation, but I am not on the timeline. Add this control point. This has been bugging me and I hope it can be fixed. :[
Hey, your plugin is insanely helpful and good. :D

But i always wanted to ask or rather figure out if it is existing, is there a way to create an animation without the need to add every control in "Targets" myself, like for example, there's the "Pose" tab; Is there a way to just animate the pose for everything (for example create a keyframe for a pose and when you play the animation it lets you transition through multiple poses you created. including would be like all controls on chosen characters or even the camera itself. it would make a lot of things so much easier to handle, and would make a lot of things very time efficient.

I'm not sure if i made it perfectly understandable, if it's in the plugin already and just didn't see it, or if it's even possible.
I just had to ask anyway :D because it would be really insane :3
Hi there.
Thanks for the continuous updates!
But the next/previous segment triggers still seem to not work or am i doing something wrong?
idk if this is a bug but whenever I parent a hand to an atoms head using the timeline, sometimes the handcontrols flips in different directions although sometimes it just corrects it self it is somewhat annoying
Thanks for the plug-in - it's really a must have for this program.

A few questions:
  1. Is there a reason why the UI/UX has the 'play' button(s) separated from the 'stop' button? I can appreciate the two separate play type buttons, and that the 'stop' button is overloaded to restart the animation, but it's harming a bit of my workflow when trying to keyframe some actions.

    Basically, I want to bind a pause feature to spacebar so that as I'm listening to a track to sync an animation, I can pause the action and set a keyframe. For workflow, it would be ideal to just hit the spacebar again to unpause. There is a 'pause' keybind, but while it freezes the animation, it doesn't actually pause the sound, which still breaks the workflow.

    So, I guess there's two solutions, fix the sound bug to stop the scrubbing when it's paused.
    Change the start-stop to basically be the same as the pause but swap out the stop overloaded feature to just be a separate button to restart the scene.

    I'd almost prefer the second solution to be implemented regardless as restarting it when stopping is also messing up my work flow, relating to question 3.

  2. Is it possible to get a similar scrub behavior from loading sound in from an AB package from logicbricks? I've gotta imagine this has been asked before and there's probably a technical limitation to doing this...

  3. Lastly, I don't know if this is a timeline thing but I've noticed that when transitioning between key frames, specifically between animations, some of the atom links don't stay as their toggled setting. I.e. to keep a proper penetration alignment, I have to lock the pelvis but when I return, it goes back to a previous setting of 'comply'. Thus, whenever the persons are 'loaded' into an animation, the alignment gets all messed up and wrong orifice. Am I just not using timeline correctly or is this a VAM behavior? Is it possible it's a plugin that's doing it? I'm trying to also use a physics rig (one of AppetiteVisual's biorigs) but that's not a plugin, just a method to string together atoms AFAIK. Still new to VAM so could just be something I'm ignorant on.
Does anyone else have issues with VAM freezing for a second every once in a while when you use Timeline?
Sometimes this happens when I am working on a scene (moving a person atom maybe), and I get this message:

!> Timeline.RebuildAnimationNowImpl: Suspiciously long animation rebuild (00:00:01.0166470)
I've been getting this error lately too, not sure why as I have not done any changes to the plugin timelines that should be causing this. This occurs with a single animation that I imported from another scene. The animation from the other scene doesnt spawn this error, and i make no changes to it upon load into my timeline.

ETA: Seems there is a limit to the length of animations in total. I deleted a few of the other animations in my timeline and the error goes away, i left the new "offending" animation. Once i deleted some of the other animations the error goes away. I ended up deleting about 2 minutes less than the new animation I imported, so i must have only a had a few minutes left before the error would show up. Looks like it takes into consideration any segment, so these could all be in 1 segment or across many.
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I am having problems when switching animations while using the SetTime parameter. It seems the SetTime only applies to the animation currently displayed in the UI and not the animation that is 'currently playing' ? Is that deliberate?
It didn't have an issue before but there is an issue now where when I add body gloss to the plugin I have remove it and add it in for it to work again
Hello, your plug-in is great, but I am currently encountering a problem, that is, when loading my model in an animation made by others, the legs will appear to be too long and bent. I would like to ask if you can Solve this problem?
Is the scrubbing issue on audio tracks fixed? This is a great program but with this big bug.. it's so annoying. Initially it works, and suddenly it stops working. Reloading the plugin, restarting VAM.. nothing helps. It's a showstopper for dance videos...:cry:

edit: scrubbing works again when deleting the audio track and inserting another one.

Also my audio track suddenly stops at 200s (original timeline lenght but I set it to 300s, still it stops at 200s)), reloaded the audio track, even deleted and did a new audio track... and it still stalls at 200s. When scrubbing worked, I could scrub beyond 200s and it played fine.. till it stalls again at unpredictable timeline positions.
Thanks for the update, but I will revert to an older version as I have noticed an increase in random freezing/stuttering without any errors during playback as mentioned by others.

What version do you recommend as I got freezing and stuttering as well?
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