Woohoo Updates! Been away for a bit, will start testing it out tomorrow! Looking great from what I've read and seen image wise!
@Stopper, amazing work! The new update fixed the issue with the pelvis colors. However, the " morphs not found" error still persists:
!> Unable to find the morph by uid Stopper.AlternativeFuta.15:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/AltFuta Bone+Mesh Y-Offset.vmi or by the name AltFuta Bone+Mesh Y-Offset referenced in the save file.
!> Unable to find the morph by uid Stopper.AlternativeFuta.15:/Custom/Atom/Person/Morphs/male_genitalia/AltFuta Bone+Mesh Z-Offset.vmi or by the name AltFuta Bone+Mesh Z-Offset referenced in the save file.
Also, I've noticed that whether you perform a 'Hard reset' or just close and reopen VAM, the issue with the morphs remains. (It also significantly reduces the frame rate).
tried the last update and now this is game change! keep up the good work ? , also as i mention on discord something that would help on the use/creation using the plugin is the base 3d model to create textures for it .
Woohoo Updates! Been away for a bit, will start testing it out tomorrow! Looking great from what I've read and seen image wise!
'Export to Obj' should work. I've uploaded samples here:
File folder on MEGA
Thank you for providing these! When I opened them in blender I noticed a few things that were going to make texturing difficult, at least for me. I had ideas about how to fix them, so I put together a mega folder that contains some files that will hopefully be helpful to anyone looking to texture the "show gens" version of the plugin with no visible vagina. I am a beginner to both VaM and texturing but I wanted to use the time and knowledge I do have to hopefully help somebody out. If anyone has any suggestions, critiques or improvements to this please let me know. Here is the folder:
File folder on MEGA
View attachment 271274
Additional info and some pictures to demonstrate it under the spoiler.
The included .obj file has its UVs separated into 4 UDIM tiles, one for each texture. Extra facial features (eyeballs, mouth parts, lashes, etc.) that aren't included when making a skin were cut from the model. You can import it into Substance Painter with "Use UV Tile Workflow" and "Preserve UV Tile Layout" checked and it should work well. (Note: I wanted to include a .spp file with baked maps so Substance users could jump right in, but I couldn't get it down to a manageable size. As a compromise I uploaded the maps I baked to the folder. You can import them into your own .spp file with the .obj loaded and they should work well. I baked every possible map with maximum anti-aliasing at 8k, which is probably overkill! The maps I uploaded are only 4k, and some of them are obviously blank or identical to other textures, but I included them just to be safe.)
I also included a .vap file for the pose I used to export the model. This pose is hopefully fully symmetrical. The toes and legs are spread, and the face is posed for painting. Here are some things to note when posing for a texturing export that I've noticed so far: auto expressions should be turned off, and the model should be looking forward.
Thanks for reading!
@Stopper, I've tried to repack your plugin with the 'Morph Pack' checkbox selected, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. The error persists."
And here is the video on how to reproduce the issue:
- Fixed issue where FPS drops after loading the plugin and before character UI is loaded.
Could the script be modified so that the plugin initializes during scene loading, instead of when a character root is selected?My intuition is that after a hard reset VAM looks for the AltFuta morphs under any of the standard female morph banks and realizes they're not there (since the plugin hasn't run yet). That's where the error comes from.
Could the script be modified so that the plugin initializes during scene loading, instead of when a character root is selected?
Nvm i got it to working ?its your choice how long you want to make it work i know you have been into some other awsome plugins aswell so i just needed to to wait till you got back into this one, so far the plugin is working amazing then ever, but i wanted to ask what i need to do for divining lips and hands to work for it cuz i add that plugin after futa one and it still recognize it as a female atom, do i have to change into male skin while using futa plugin and then change back into the one i use or it can be done with applying futa plugin 1st? i need divining lips and hands to some how detect that the female atom is now a male atom after futa plugin applied.
Despite the error, everything seems to be working properly. No more FPS drops.In my experience with the additional controllers plugin, characters exist in the scene even before scene plugins are loaded. I don't know how that relates to when morphs are loaded though. I'll play around with it.
There's probably a solution. I'll just need to get creative.
Is it causing issues beyond errors on startup? Loading the morphs should still work if you have 'use male morphs on female' checked.
cool stuff, do you have any guides or information i can look at to utilise these templates you've provided?
There are still the odd bugs like if you change any textures on base model after adding the plugin, Alt Futa starts wanting to revert/alter the textures, especially if you end up disabling the Plugin and re-enable it, it will restore all textures that were on the Base character back to what they were when you first added the plugin to it. For the most part Colliders seem to be working correctly. Other then the Penis Tip(gen 3?) collider I think moves around a tad bit more then it should, but it's only obvious when using a handful of morphs that adjust the foreskin.
- Another thing I noticed Texture wise, is that when you have added a second atom to the scene, and then add this plugin to the second atom aswell, the Vagina texture on the first atom gets reset. you have to click "Clear" on the genitalia texture (the base skin textures on the character) and then re-apply it, to get the texture to show back up for the Vagina.
As far as quality of life goes, it would still be great if we were able to adjust various values in the plugin from other atoms, like timeline and animation patterns. Especially things like Gloss offset, and Bumpiness. Also things like Diffuse Offset for pelvis actively updates with the Base Skins value along with bumpiness, where the penis doesn't for either. Either having the Penis bumpiness and gloss update with the skin's, or have them available to be adjusted from other atoms like timeline, would give us the ability to fully utilize the plugin in most all situations. As a simple scene where you want the Character to look like they are starting sweat, doesn't apply to the penis what-so-ever.
-Also the ability to Hide the penis along with the vagina when it's toggled on clothing, would also be a nice addition.
The last thing I'd like to mention/ask? But it's likely too late in development at this point.., but a No Balls version would be cool to see. I mean if you can think of a 'quick' way to implement it, that would be awesome, if not no biggie, I'll just keep doing my make-shift no balls morphThere's a certain kind of elegance that occurs when you can see the vagina, and the penis at the same time from the front, without balls being in the way
Actually something just occurred to me. When you first add the plugin to a character, the physics are having a field day. You have awful performance physics wise. Turning off High Quality Physics alleviates the issue. This is especially noticeable when you have added a second atom, also with the plugin. HOWEVER, if you save the scene, and close out of VaM(or Hardreset) and then Load that same scene back up, the physics is no longer having the same issues as before, and you can comfortably have two Atoms with this plugin in one scene with High Quality Physics enabled. (ie. Physics goes from an average of 26.51 with two atoms with Alt Futa, down to an average 6.94 after saving and reloading the scene.
- Brought back the option to hide the male pelvis.
- Note: this turns off any pinning or other geometry changes.
- Merged the material options for the pelvis and penis into one.
- If anyone has a good reason to keep them separate let me know. Otherwise it just seems redundant.
- Added some fixes for AltFutas in SubScenes.
- Thanks to @WeebUVR for flagging! Should hopefully now work in his insane scenes.
- Fixed bug where testicle controls weren't enabled
- Fixed bug in latest update that cause penis physics to break