- I've traced down the issue with penis colliders. Should now be properly positioned and sized.
- Auto-colliders auto-determine their size based on the mesh vertices. Vertex indexes are different for the alt-futa model so they had to be adjusted.
- Using the adjusted vertex numbers on a male model messes up physics (which can happen if you switch from AltFuta to a male skin). I've added logic to set them back whenever this happens but it might not be perfect. Let me know if...
Stopper updated [Experimental] Alternative Futa with a new update entry:
Fixes for Penis Colliders. Sliders for Morph controls
Read the rest of this update entry...
So things appear to be working fine when you aren't using Draw Male Pelvis. But, and I hate to say it, but colliders still don't seem to be working correctly when you have Draw Male Pelvis on. Every so often they are resetting to a very small size(this has happened twice so far over the course of an hr of testing), and when they are properly scaled for a moment, changing the size of the penis starts causing physics abnormalities like before (if not a little worse). It looks like the Gen1 collider(the base of shaft) is having the most issues, like it doesn't know where it is or what to associate with. And the others just don't end up scaling with penis properly.Stopper updated [Experimental] Alternative Futa with a new update entry:
Fixes for Penis Colliders. Sliders for Morph controls
Read the rest of this update entry...
So things appear to be working fine when you aren't using Draw Male Pelvis. But, and I hate to say it, but colliders still don't seem to be working correctly when you have Draw Male Pelvis on. Every so often they are resetting to a very small size(this has happened twice so far over the course of an hr of testing), and when they are properly scaled for a moment, changing the size of the penis starts causing physics abnormalities like before (if not a little worse). It looks like the Gen1 collider(the base of shaft) is having the most issues, like it doesn't know where it is or what to associate with. And the others just don't end up scaling with penis properly.
I'm primarily using the Draw Male Pelvis option, as it's far easier to make it have no seams. Though, it appears no matter what I do, they go all wonky with it Enabled.
As far as I can tell, with Draw Male Pelvis disabled, things appear to work well. But I haven't tested it as extensively as with it enabled. But Once I got it set-up (w/ Draw Male Pelvis disabled), it seemed to function correctly for a good 3-5mins of changing sizes and positioning.
Interesting, for me the old issue has been resolved now and flaccid works as it should on male pelvis but yeah with little twitching there too which i fix by going into collider editor and there in autocolliders for penis i adjust auto length buffer a tiny bit. For now i am not facing issue after doing these but who knows maybe something might happen later as it is in experimental stage anyways so those are atleast expected.So things appear to be working fine when you aren't using Draw Male Pelvis. But, and I hate to say it, but colliders still don't seem to be working correctly when you have Draw Male Pelvis on. Every so often they are resetting to a very small size(this has happened twice so far over the course of an hr of testing), and when they are properly scaled for a moment, changing the size of the penis starts causing physics abnormalities like before (if not a little worse). It looks like the Gen1 collider(the base of shaft) is having the most issues, like it doesn't know where it is or what to associate with. And the others just don't end up scaling with penis properly.
I'm primarily using the Draw Male Pelvis option, as it's far easier to make it have no seams. Though, it appears no matter what I do, they go all wonky with it Enabled.
As far as I can tell, with Draw Male Pelvis disabled, things appear to work well. But I haven't tested it as extensively as with it enabled. But Once I got it set-up (w/ Draw Male Pelvis disabled), it seemed to function correctly for a good 3-5mins of changing sizes and positioning.
The only way I could get it to work for a short period of time, was if I made the Gen1 collider much smaller length-wise then it should be. By default it's supposed to got into the pelvis a tiny bit, so that when the penis is inside another object, the collider prevents the base of the shaft from moving out of alignment. But at the same time, when width or length of the penis changes, the auto buffers are also supposed to shrink(or enlarge) the collider. That's currently not happening for me. Whether its a heavy morphed character, or the default, a quick test of adjusting the Penis Length, causes the penis colliders to collide with one another, causing the penis take on bizzare shapes, as it's colliding with itself. You should be able to easily set penis length to 0.000, without a collision issue in a normal situation, heck you should even be able to go to -2.000. But on a default character with no morphs, going anywhere below 1.000 causes the shape of the penis to go out of wack like the image you showed, but now its also acting jittery.Interesting, for me the old issue has been resolved now and flaccid works as it should on male pelvis but yeah with little twitching there too which i fix by going into collider editor and there in autocolliders for penis i adjust auto length buffer a tiny bit. For now i am not facing issue after doing these but who knows maybe something might happen later as it is in experimental stage anyways so those are atleast expected.
Hmm i also don't enable the hide female genital so really can't tell why it's not yet the case on my part but as you said i am using autocock for male penis morph so maybe it happens on the male morph section, i will test it out too without the plugin to see if i encounter the same issue or not. But i am using the custom genital from the male morph section. Well will see what happens once i test it out too.The only way I could get it to work for a short period of time, was if I made the Gen1 collider much smaller length-wise then it should be. By default it's supposed to got into the pelvis a tiny bit, so that when the penis is inside another object, the collider prevents the base of the shaft from moving out of alignment. But at the same time, when width or length of the penis changes, the auto buffers are also supposed to shrink(or enlarge) the collider. That's currently not happening for me. Whether its a heavy morphed character, or the default, a quick test of adjusting the Penis Length, causes the penis colliders to collide with one another, causing the penis take on bizzare shapes, as it's colliding with itself. You should be able to easily set penis length to 0.000, without a collision issue in a normal situation, heck you should even be able to go to -2.000. But on a default character with no morphs, going anywhere below 1.000 causes the shape of the penis to go out of wack like the image you showed, but now its also acting jittery.
As a side note however, it does seem to act much better when "Hide Female Gens" is enabled. When disabled, and vagina is shown, there are a lot more issues that start occurring. It's possible that if the plugin just disabled collision for certain colliders in the front of the vagina(aka the lower pelvis) it may actually rectify the jittering issue. By Disabling PelvisF2-F5, and pelvis FL2 and FR2, it helps heavily with the jittering issue. But the penis does still arches up like in your previous screenshot.
PS: It may also be worth noting, I'm not using the additional plugin that you were using in that screenshot, I'm just adjusting the morphs from the Male Morphs menu.
So after taking another look at it here, determined to get it working, It's still messing up xD primarily with the colliders. It appears as if the auto buffers aren't actively updating, and are only updating on first load. Atleast when checking with Collision Editor.
I went back to just a regular male model, and everything checks out with it. I also made 1000% sure everything I'm using was updated. You know, dotting my i's and crossing my t's.
So far I've confirmed:
-That Collision editor will not find the penis colliders correctly, unless it's added AFTER this plugin. Meaning loading a save currently isn't functioning correctly. It does LOOK as if it is okay at first glance, but when you go into collision editor, the Penis colliders are nowhere to be seen when Showing Previews, and will only appear after removing collision editor, and re-adding it. The odd part is that the colliders for the penis are there, they are just invisible to Collision Editors Show Previews option.
-> However, using a Capsule to collide with the penis, shows that the colliders are active, they just aren't actively updating before or after re-adding Collision Editor. They Collide correctly with the shape the penis was when the save occurred, but after adjusting the penis shape in any way, the colliders don't update to the new shape/length/size.
-Upon loading a save, positioning of the male gen (using included positions morphs in the plugin) isn't what it was when the save occurred.
-Also, it appears (if softbody is disabled) that certain vagina colliders aren't being activated either, I had to go in and turn on Detect Collision for JointGr, and JointGl under the Vagina group. When Softbody is enabled, there is no issue. I assume most will have softbody on, but for those with performance issues, it might be worth noting?
- As noted before, by Disabling PelvisF2-F5 (F5 I'd prefer not to disable, but that one only depends on how high or low the user sets the gens positioning(or its size)), and pelvis FL2 and FR2, it helps heavily with the jittering issue. (Penis Gen1 is clipping into them causing the jitter)
On the bright hand, I don't really see any other issues, it seems to work with every plugin I've tried so far, textures load in correctly from saves and what not(other then needing to select the characters control at least once after loading. (it seems it's loading a bunch of textures quickly when you do that)
And all of this appears to be the case whether Draw Male Pelvis, and Hide Female Gens is active or not. I assume when I had previously tested it (for that short period) with Draw Male Pelvis off, that I hadn't refreshed the preview toggle, and I was also actively clicking the slider for the length, which was doing that One time readjustment of the collider for Gen1. But it appears to be all the Penis colliders that aren't actively updating when the mesh is adjusted.
Hope this helps in some way. I know your doing all the heavy lifting over there. I've been wanting something like this for a couple years now, the least I can do is test it the best I can xD.
I'm getting a copy of all my 'favorited' male morphs in the female morph tab no matter what I type in the search box.
A couple of fixes to collision. Seems to be better behaved but let me know if you still see issues.
- Fixed Collision between gens and pelvis.
- Fixed auto-collider size/position not updating in response to morphs.
So it's definitely working way better now! Should be usable to make a scene, for the most part anyway. The Colliders are now updating, and keeping a general shape! They are however updating to be somewhat smaller then what they were after adjusting/positioning them in collider editor, and slightly shifted upwards as-well. This occurs after adjusting shape and size of the penis through various morphs to make the flaccid or hard. I dunno if it's the plugin or VaM, or Collider Editor. At first I thought it might be the Mesh Offsets or Bone Offsets; so I spent a decent amount of time configuring the bones with the mesh in various spots to see if it just came down to very specifically placing the mesh and bone morphs in the right locations; but that didn't end up resolving it. (Edit: as a side note, I did try adjusting the collision editor values to be bigger, and lower then they should be, in hopes that when they got smaller and shifted upwards abit, they'd just end up being in the correct spots. Oddly enough, they didn't shift upwards (quite) as much as they were before, but they still got considerably smaller, as if making them oversized didn't make a difference.)
Then I realized, after setting the colliders positioning in Collider Editor, and Saved the Preset; when I then Loaded the Preset, all the colliders were smaller and slightly shifted up again, in the exact same way they were shrinking and shifting upwards when I was adjusting with morphs. So I wasn't entirely sure if it's Collider Editor registering information about the mesh incorrectly, or VaM, or this plugin.
What I also noticed though, is that Collision Editors values for where you place the colliders, were technically still accurate, they just weren't initially being allowed to use those values? Let me try to break down what I mean.
-So you set the colliders. Save preset. Load preset. Preview colliders again, and they are all smaller and shifted up slightly. When you look at the values that you set for the colliders before saving, they are still the correct values, by switching the numbers ever-so-slightly, in-order to maintain the positioning (ie. +/-0.00000001) The colliders will jump back to where they were correctly positioned before the save.
If I were to guess, something is attempting to override the collider editor, until the collider editor gets adjusted/updated again?
Somehow i was able to use divining hands and lips plugin by accident meaining it was able to recognize it as a male genital and was able to close hands on it, same with the Cue handjob trigger button, which is strange cuz silver handjob plugin works great if used seperately but this same one is used in cue plugin too but it cannot recognize the penis? wonder how i managed to make it work accidently with divining hand and lip and cue handjob XD
OoO! That makes sense now! I must have had those plugin run after the futa one to make them run cuz normaly i have i have the divining hand and lip as a session plugin so that is the reason it was not properly working for me, same goes with cue i been using it before applying futa one. So i just need to load futa one 1st and then the other ones thats an easy fix for me thanks for letting me know ?Are the colliders off-set from the bones/controllers? They seem to be working for me. Are you using the Mesh-only morphs at all?
Barring other bugs, these sorts of mods should typically work if they're loaded in after this plugin enables all the male components. I think I might be able to get it to be more deterministic if I enable them earlier in the load process, and you put this plugin first in the load order. I'll try that with the next update.
So turns out it does kinda happen with fresh too but its pretty fast to capture it at 1st glance, cuz the load scene one is really noticeable at 1st glance. So i think it is a normal bhaviour anyways i might had gotten it wrong lol.
Oh! just noticed the bone mesh z offset is also showing it as a y in the video so letting you know
Just as i imagined alot of thought process went doing this project no wonder its working out to be great, i got a really good insight of this now ?Material Option selection is a little involved and there's a lot of room for error. The flickering you see is due to the fact that the plugin loads/reloads in stages. This roughly how it's supposed to work...
- Character Setup
- Capture the previous selected character and their skin options.
- Overwrite captured skin options with those saved in the scene.
- Initialize the base objects and create a new character for the futa, using the base female prefab of the previous selected character.
- Note that new characters start 'empty' and all of their assets are loaded when they're first enabled (usually when they're selected)
- There's also a base male character created to copy some settings from.
- Add all of the logic for adding the penis and merging meshes into the OnLoaded hook of the new character
- The new meshes need materials. These are copied from either the base female or base male.
- You might see these materials for a frame or two...
- The new character is set as the selected. OnLoad hooks run in the background while we wait...
- After Character is Loaded
- We now have a fully merged and initialized skin. We can...
- Set up morphs
- Set up Material Options
- Restore Material Settings. These should be the final settings you'll see
- Apply the skin options of the previous character (colors, custom textures)
- Apply the non-texture params to the penis
- Overwrite all other settings for the gen materials with what was saved
- After Material Option UIs are loaded
- While linking the UIs we set material settings to default again. We restore material settings again.
- On testing, I think this isn't actually needed and I'll remove it in the next patch.
For reload, there are two options.
- Plugin Reload
- Select the previous character, destroy everything, start over.
- If you set settings on the futa character, these get lost.
- Internal Reload
- I try to carry forward all settings to the new skin, but there's a bug and all the default skin options get lost..
- Will fix in the next release
Hope that helps explain the behavior. It certainly helped me spot some issues...
Oop, so it is.
Just as i imagined alot of thought process went doing this project no wonder its working out to be great, i got a really good insight of this now ?
omfg, I feel like an idiot. After a solid 2 hours, having numerous situations where it would happen and then not happen. I had to take a step back and look at other things that might be affecting it.Are the colliders off-set from the bones/controllers? They seem to be working for me. Are you using the Mesh-only morphs at all?
I really don't think male clothing will work out as this is the one thing that is almost impossible to pull out on current vam. Hopefully everything is resolved on vam 2 but by then i might be at my death bedomfg, I feel like an idiot. After a solid 2 hours, having numerous situations where it would happen and then not happen. I had to take a step back and look at other things that might be affecting it.
Finally... The issue wasn't because of this plugin, but likely Collision Editor(?), or VaM itself. Apparently, if your characters Scale (under Control & Physics 1) is above or below 1.000 you start getting all these weird positioning issues with collision editor.
It appears this plugin is functioning correctly. Sorry if this wasted any of your time. When I was testing it previously I had a character that was at 1.150 Scale, and that's what was causing the alignment and sizing problems I was referring to in my previous post.
EDIT: Appears to be a reported issue with Collision Editor, and it's on a to-do list. But may not be updated for awhile, acidbubbles trello looks pretty fullI'd say it looks like they got a lot on their plate, but trello makes it look more like they got a lot on the table, the counters, the floor.... etc. Nevermind the plate xD
EDIT2: I'm gonna begin making a more complex scene with the plugin now. I'll report any issues/ideas I come across. But at this point, Things are working pretty well!
EDIT3: More as Addition's, or new ideas to add/implement:
-Having the ability to adjust properties of the materials on the Genitals from other menus/atoms like Animation Patterns, UI Buttons, and what not, would be useful. As things like adjusting gloss levels and what not during an animation don't currently affect the penis.
-Or being able to switch decals on the fly through AnimationPatterns and other windows.
-(I mean I don't even know if this next thing i'm about to say would be even remotely possible) Or being able to get male clothing to work for the penis? Things like Penis clothing meshes can allow for transparent adjustments of things like blush across the penis, allowing for dynamic changes in color to occur over the course of a scene. These sort of clothing items already exist, but being able to equip them would be amazing. Dunno how realistic this idea is tho xD.