Well, you are asking whether you can remove audio from an entirely audio-driven plugin.

Life works by using a large JSON database of hand-edited timing data so play animations in sync with audio. So while this will totally ruin the experience, technically you COULD create a custom version of Life that does not actually play the audio and doesn't override volume/pitch settings on the HeadAudio. If you are a coder, you can check the customization example that ships with Life.12.
What I would recommend instead is to add your own audio to Life! That means you need to create a JSON database for timing data (and some other things) and put it in an Unity AssetBundle together with your custom audio. Assuming you know what you are doing, it takes a few minutes for each individual breath in/out pair to process....so if you plan to add some 100 breaths, it could take a while. There is a tutorial how to do this and what you need to consider, however note that it is for an older version of Life: