BrowserAssist (Free)

Plugins BrowserAssist (Free)

Hey, does BrowserAssist check plugin vars for thumbnail jpegs to automatically show when listing plugins?
If you package a thumbnail in the same folder as the .cslist (just with a .jpg extension) then it should - although as no one does that I havent tested it!
JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.28.1 Update

New Features:
  • (PATREONS ONLY) Support for Audio resource types (mp3, wav and ogg formats). Audio files can now be browsed, tagged and filtered. Option to play or queue selected or random audio files.
  • (OATREONS ONLY) New Audio Player action tab. The audio queue for each AudioSource atom can now be inspected and modified - not previously possible with VAM or other audio plugins. A scrubber for the currently playing audio file allows the currently playing position of an audio file...

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hi there im having problems with browser assist on my ntsf nvme ssd main hard drive i installed vam into program files i gave the folder admin rights and user rights but i cant get browser to mark plugins i tried reseting the browser inside vam and i tried removing the links and i deleted the system links folder and the basettings.cfg and then tried the batch file to create system links then i loaded up browser and still nothing i also saved as default settings before i closed vam any tips? it works on my other USB and ssd hard drives but not on my main drive?
hi there im having problems with browser assist on my ntsf nvme ssd main hard drive i installed vam into program files i gave the folder admin rights and user rights but i cant get browser to mark plugins i tried reseting the browser inside vam and i tried removing the links and i deleted the system links folder and the basettings.cfg and then tried the batch file to create system links then i loaded up browser and still nothing i also saved as default settings before i closed vam any tips? it works on my other USB and ssd hard drives but not on my main drive?
When you run the CreateBASymLinks.bat file can you please capture a screenshot of the command window that pops up and share it.
hi there im having problems with browser assist on my ntsf nvme ssd main hard drive i installed vam into program files i gave the folder admin rights and user rights but i cant get browser to mark plugins i tried reseting the browser inside vam and i tried removing the links and i deleted the system links folder and the basettings.cfg and then tried the batch file to create system links then i loaded up browser and still nothing i also saved as default settings before i closed vam any tips? it works on my other USB and ssd hard drives but not on my main drive?
I just did a fresh installation and noticed you need to create the "/VaM/saves/Person" directory or else there will be an error with the link.
JayJayWon updated BrowserAssist (Free) with a new update entry:

BrowserAssist v1.29.0 Update

New Features:
  • New Timeline Import option (Patreons Only) to import and play Timeline animations directly from Scene files. This will replace any existing Timeline plugins on the target atom. Some errors may be reported by the Timeline plugin - due to dependencies on Atoms in the source scene which dont exist in the current scene. Feature works best on simple Timeline setups (e.g. VAMTimbo animations) rather than from more complex scenes.
  • New option to Suppress loading Pose...

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when browserasist open and i click tab button my game freezing. not a game but i cant click anything then. what is a wrong ? ty
when browserasist open and i click tab button my game freezing. not a game but i cant click anything then. what is a wrong ? ty
The standard VAM behaviour when you press the tab key is to activate "Mouse Look" in Desktop mode. That means the mouse cursor will disappear and you will be able to rotate the screen camera to change where you are looking by moving the mouse. Once in "Mouse Look" mode you cant use the mouse cursor to select anything. All of that is standard VAM behaviour and nothing to do with BrowserAssist.
Is that what is happening or are you experiencing something different?
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