
Plugins BodyLanguage

Sothere's a pose pack, with aweome creator like Vam_herous.
With in the pose pack, when you change the pose, the Xray option reverts back to default, is there anything I can change so that stays?

Try this:
After changing a pose, apply your own Xray setting, then go to PoseMe plugin option, click the Update Pose button. The Xray setting will stay for this particular pose.

The above is based on my own experience and memory.

I wonder if there’s a “global” Xray setting that makes the Xray setting apply to multiple poses at once.
AltFuta is the only way to go futa if you ask me. XRay should work unless I've messed something up. The stimulation and orgasms for the AltFuta plugin holder are based on the main stim shown in ReadMyLips rather than the one shown in the males tab. It definitely works. See here
I couldn’t make the Xray to work on Alt Futa. I have tried the following two cases:
Case 1: Apply bodylanguage plugin to both female and altfuta female.
Case 2: Apply bodylanguage plugin to only the female.
@CheesyFX i think i found what cause the bug with the audio, the new tongue colliders plugin, check that out
Good call. I don't have to check, I already know what's happening:
1. On load, BL sets all Colliders of the model except the fingers to be ignored by my triggers.
2. If the collider is added later on it will be missed and hence be registered as a penetrator when it touches my mouth trigger. But it isn't handled correctly because the way it's built (MeshCollider). But the mouth is full => no moaning.
3. The plugin probably adds the collider later on once it comes into play. But even if it would add it immediately on load it would depend on the threaded loadorder of plugins whether it is catched during BL initialization or not.
4. When you reload BL after the issue appears (collider is present) it will be found and ignored. But not on scene load.
It's a great plugin. But can I just use a slap trigger? Just that one thing. Except Read My Lips and Film Me Up, Watch me, pose me.
Try this:
After changing a pose, apply your own Xray setting, then go to PoseMe plugin option, click the Update Pose button. The Xray setting will stay for this particular pose.

The above is based on my own experience and memory.

I wonder if there’s a “global” Xray setting that makes the Xray setting apply to multiple poses at once.
First is global, second is tied to the pose. But the global "on" state does not override the poses "off" state. It's a AND relation.
It's a great plugin. But can I just use a slap trigger? Just that one thing. Except Read My Lips and Film Me Up, Watch me, pose me.
You can disable most of the features in the UI, but you're probably better off searching for other solutions if you just want to trigger something on touch; e.g. a native TouchTrigger atom.
I couldn’t make the Xray to work on Alt Futa. I have tried the following two cases:
Case 1: Apply bodylanguage plugin to both female and altfuta female.
Case 2: Apply bodylanguage plugin to only the female.
Yeah, what I said was wrong. XRay is male only.
@CheesyFX ? I'm so happy that i got rid of that tongue collide plugin, it sounds cool, but if i have to choose it over your plugin, there ia no doubt that your plugin wins.

I have a suggestion, i really like the plugin that comes with 'BodyLanguge' with the 'gaze' effect, tho i all the time turns it off since i'm getting unwanted eye focus or neck focus for the female, but i found that you can enchant it if you can make the female sometimes gaze at user cock, his head, he legs... just give us the oppertunity to set the interest by %, that what will be her parioriy to look out.
for example, when i had the female get penetrated on the edge of the bed, i found that cool that shes looking on her knees while her legs spread open, then ahe switch to male head, male cock.. its so immersive!!!, but then she's looking at camera which is immersion breaking, when not using VR specialy, and its sad you can't turn that feature off.
can you do something about that?
@CheesyFX ? I'm so happy that i got rid of that tongue collide plugin, it sounds cool, but if i have to choose it over your plugin, there ia no doubt that your plugin wins.

I have a suggestion, i really like the plugin that comes with 'BodyLanguge' with the 'gaze' effect, tho i all the time turns it off since i'm getting unwanted eye focus or neck focus for the female, but i found that you can enchant it if you can make the female sometimes gaze at user cock, his head, he legs... just give us the oppertunity to set the interest by %, that what will be her parioriy to look out.
for example, when i had the female get penetrated on the edge of the bed, i found that cool that shes looking on her knees while her legs spread open, then ahe switch to male head, male cock.. its so immersive!!!, but then she's looking at camera which is immersion breaking, when not using VR specialy, and its sad you can't turn that feature off.
can you do something about that?
I'll probably add my own kissing solution since that's a long term request and I'd like it too.

I don't fully understand. There are all sorts of interest settings in Gaze/Interests. Set the player face interest under [CameraRig] to zero if you don't want her to look at you. But be aware that she'll always look at you if no other targets are visible/unobstructed. It's the fallback target no matter what your settings are.

I personally find it very immersive if she looks at the cam during sex. I like it when she's aware of me and enjoys me watching her getting fucked. Like in porn: the girl always tries to look into the camera.
I'll probably add my own kissing solution since that's a long term request and I'd like it too.

I don't fully understand. There are all sorts of interest settings in Gaze/Interests. Set the player face interest under [CameraRig] to zero if you don't want her to look at you. But be aware that she'll always look at you if no other targets are visible/unobstructed. It's the fallback target no matter what your settings are.

I personally find it very immersive if she looks at the cam during sex. I like it when she's aware of me and enjoys me watching her getting fucked. Like in porn: the girl always tries to look into the camera.
Yeah i understand, because ur playing with VR i guess, i just bought Meta quest 3 and i'm trying to understand how to use it with embody, so far without success, and yeah, i have virtual desktop, just need training, the vr set just came yesterday.

For what i'm meaning, i want to be able to control the interest of her gaze with ur plugin using buttons triggers, and to be able to turn off completly her abillity to gaze on camera (with checkbox) because so far im not using the vr.
And trigger thw interest with chances of course, if not, she will gaze on the default sex position, or not use the 'gaze' effect at all from time to time
Yeah i understand, because ur playing with VR i guess, i just bought Meta quest 3 and i'm trying to understand how to use it with embody, so far without success, and yeah, i have virtual desktop, just need training, the vr set just came yesterday.

For what i'm meaning, i want to be able to control the interest of her gaze with ur plugin using buttons triggers, and to be able to turn off completly her abillity to gaze on camera (with checkbox) because so far im not using the vr.
And trigger thw interest with chances of course, if not, she will gaze on the default sex position, or not use the 'gaze' effect at all from time to time
No, I actually don't "play" at all. I'm constantly testing and developing the plugin. Desktop only.

I don't see a reason why one would change the interests through UI Buttons or sliders. They are already restored with each pose. Just set the general guidelines and let the system do its thing. Occasionally disabling the gaze would make her stare like a puppet or constantly look at you (default vam behavior).
Where should she be looking if no target is visible and the cam is disabled completely? Yeah, I could make her eyes snap to staring straight forward like Acidbubbles Glance does it. But I hate that.

If you want direct control over where she's looking at any time you should rather animate the eye target atom or manipulate it manually and skip my Gaze.
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Are you planning to fix the Use Mirrors issue with gaze? I've tried updating each pose with that turned off, but it keeps getting re-enabled.
Are you planning to fix the Use Mirrors issue with gaze? I've tried updating each pose with that turned off, but it keeps getting re-enabled.
Not sure what you are doing wrong. It gets restored per pose with plugin and scene reloads. I just tested. You know that you have to save the scene to have it stored? Updating the poses is not necessary, like with all settings inside PoseMe.
@SlimerJSpud I tested on my current build. It may be that I have fixed it over the last month.
I'm using version 71. That's the latest, right? In the scene I have the ReflectiveSlate as the mirror, and Enable Reflective Surfaces on in user prefs. I did like you said. I turned off Use mirrors in PoseMe under Gaze in each pose. I ran through the poses again and it was still off. I saved the scene, but when I reloaded it, all the poses had Use mirrors checked again. It must be happening on scene load. I checked in the scene file, and there's nothing saved under gaze that sets the mirrors to off.
I have an issue where pressing 'next cam' stop and reset my timeline animation.
If I don't use 'next cam' then the animation plays without issue. I don't have triggers linked to the cam

It seems to be a problem with this animation only. It is a rather long animation with only body controllers. I triple checked the playback options in timeline, but I don't see a link between your cam system and timeline. Never had this issue before, too.

Edit: I tried stripping the scene, even a new anim with 'next cam' trigger will 'stop and reset the anim'. I used a new pose, new cams, new controllers... Something in my scene must be the culprit, but I have nothing except CUAs. The plugins are all BLs with ShakeIt.
What the hell
I will try tomorrow with a new scene, something must give.

Edit 2: same problem with another scene. It simply refuses to go past the next cam trigger, and reset my animation everytime.
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Hello Cheesy ! I still have some issues with the eye target. It seems to do random things. I know the auto behaviour eye control needs to be set to "custom". This changes from time to time back to target without me doing anything. Is this because of the "gaze" in poseme ? Could you please explain a bit more the settings for gaze so that the girl keeps looking at the guy and her eyes don´t tweak randomly ? Thank you !
Hello Cheesy ! I still have some issues with the eye target. It seems to do random things. I know the auto behaviour eye control needs to be set to "custom". This changes from time to time back to target without me doing anything. Is this because of the "gaze" in poseme ? Could you please explain a bit more the settings for gaze so that the girl keeps looking at the guy and her eyes don´t tweak randomly ? Thank you !

Maybe I can help you as I had the same trouble making the PoseMe Gaze work. You go to the 'interests' tab of the 'Gaze' section, select any atom you don't want your model to look at, and lower their interest to the minimum. You can also disable the 'auto switch to random target' in the 'target' tab. Don't forget to update your pose after that, just in case.
Maybe I can help you as I had the same trouble making the PoseMe Gaze work. You go to the 'interests' tab of the 'Gaze' section, select any atom you don't want your model to look at, and lower their interest to the minimum. You can also disable the 'auto switch to random target' in the 'target' tab. Don't forget to update your pose after that, just in case.
Thank you so much. I guess SPQR AliveCore is interfering with the gaze. I cannot have both at the same time it seems.
Hi, I'm sorry if my question seems silly, but how can I set different target for different characters in 'gaze'? Or will the target be common to all customers?
And is it possible to add unicode support for dialogs? when I use a non-Latin layout (Cyrillic), the dialogs show only punctuation marks.
and yet, I saved the scene, but when I loaded it, the PoseMe plugin opens an empty tab
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I'm wondering how switching on and off idles works exactly. I see there is an option for Apply Idles (global), and Apply Idles (this pose). I'd like to only have the idles on for a single pose, and preferably a single person, but when I switch Apply Idles (this pose) on I'm not seeing the idles being applied. I went into Configure Idles and I made sure that both force and torque were set to on for some body parts, but I don't see any change in the bottom right text box (or movement). When I toggle Apply Idles (Global) to on, I am seeing the idles being applied. Wondering what I'm doing wrong? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting what Global means?

I've been searching through this thread, but there are many posts so I'm not sure if this has already been answered. Sorry if that's the case! Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I think I figured it out? For anyone in the future:

Looks like Apply Idles (Global) doesn't actually apply the idles, you have to have Apply Idles (global) + Apply Idles (this pose). So to control pose specific idles, you leave Apply Idles (Global) on and Apply Idles (this pose) ON or OFF depending on whether you want them applied to the current pose.

That may not be right...
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Hey cheesy, congrats on almost 1 mil downloads =).

2 questions:

1. If I have for example a scene with 100 poses and 2 person atoms and want to add a third person atom.
As far as I can tell, I now have to pose the new person atom in every single pose, because it could be in the way of the other atoms otherwise and I have to update every single pose, which is a lot of work.
Could you add a option in the future, where every atom that is not actually saved or wanted in the pose is turned off?
That way person atoms are only actually in the pose and turned "on" when needed and it would be much more performance friendly, if you have only the atoms you need in this particular pose, instead of the other atoms being teleported somewhere but still active draining ressources.

2. Is there head movement for the female enabled by default when penetration is active?
I have poses where I don't have any idles or movement selected no gaze and she still rotates her head up and down every few seconds, which is extra annoying for poses with penetration + bj.

One possible bug:
When I load a pose and directly after press F1 to close the UI and try to move the camera, the camera often doesn't move and stays in one place
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I'm wondering how switching on and off idles works exactly. I see there is an option for Apply Idles (global), and Apply Idles (this pose). I'd like to only have the idles on for a single pose, and preferably a single person, but when I switch Apply Idles (this pose) on I'm not seeing the idles being applied. I went into Configure Idles and I made sure that both force and torque were set to on for some body parts, but I don't see any change in the bottom right text box (or movement). When I toggle Apply Idles (Global) to on, I am seeing the idles being applied. Wondering what I'm doing wrong? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting what Global means?

I've been searching through this thread, but there are many posts so I'm not sure if this has already been answered. Sorry if that's the case! Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I think I figured it out? For anyone in the future:

Looks like Apply Idles (Global) doesn't actually apply the idles, you have to have Apply Idles (global) + Apply Idles (this pose). So to control pose specific idles, you leave Apply Idles (Global) on and Apply Idles (this pose) ON or OFF depending on whether you want them applied to the current pose.

That may not be right...
Yes, that's how it works. The global toggle is there to quickly disable all idles while editing. The best place to search for info is the updates tab. I explain every feature once it's released.

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