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Plugins + Scripts BodyLanguage

Not necessarily the last, but below Timeline. I'll see if I can fix the issue by delaying and retrying stuff multiple times, so it probably doesn't matter from the next version onwards.
Hi again, I did refer to general actions like the OnPoseEnter trigger. O still have some issues there with new scenes and no clue why...
I've noticed a couple of quirks in BL I find annoying.

If there is a mirror in the scene, the Gaze section of PoseMe enables it, so the character will look in the mirror. The way I use the mirror is to reflect the other side of the action, so it's on the other side of the characters from the normal viewing position. This makes the character look away from the viewer. If I turn off the mirror under Gaze>Performance, and save the pose again, the mirror keeps getting enabled again and again. I can't keep it turned off.

If there's any HJ action in one pose of the scene, then in every other pose, the fingers of that hand can't be posed. Hand Grasp and Fingers Grasp have no effect. The hand seems to be stuck in that "Where's the cock?" position, spread open flat.
1. I noticed that too. There's an issue with the obstruction and view angle calculation for virtual targets.
2. Not for me. You've probably set your Hand Control to be JSONParams. BL uses this mode during BJ but switches back to whatever it was before as soon as the HJ ends. This setting isn't stored with BL poses, so once you manually set it to JSONParams it will stay like that through all poses. The HJ will still work but not your traditional hand posing through morphs.

Keep in mind that the sides are messed up in the VAM UI (left is right).
@oppai500 Hmm, you're the first one reporting this issue. I know for fact that a lot of people use the OnPose/OnCamEnter triggers. What exactly did you do with them?

!> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Transform].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Gaze+Ass..ctor (CheesyFX.Person person, System.String side) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Gaze.RegisterPerson (CheesyFX.Person person, CheesyFX.Gaze gaze) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Person.Init (CheesyFX.CapsulePenetrator penetrator) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.AddPenetrator (.Atom atom) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Transform].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Gaze+Ass..ctor (CheesyFX.Person person, System.String side) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Gaze.RegisterPerson (CheesyFX.Person person, CheesyFX.Gaze gaze) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Person.Init (CheesyFX.CapsulePenetrator penetrator) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.FillMeUp.AddPenetrator (.Atom atom) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object
at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[Person] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[Person] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.PoseMe.GetSceneContent (Boolean init) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.PoseMe.Init () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
!> System.NullReferenceException:
at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Renderer:set_enabled (bool)
at CheesyFX.Orifice.SetPenetrated (Boolean val) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Vagina.SetPenetrated (Boolean val) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at CheesyFX.Orifice.set_isPenetrated (Boolean value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Version 71
Cant handle this error, would be apreciate for any help
PoseMe also dont work for me
BTW probably fount a problem, might be a conflict with Awas.AwasAutoJuice im using on dalily basis.
When deleted from scene, cleared error log, error didnt happen again.
Is there any chance to make them work together ?
Thanks in advance!
I didn't change any hand control settings. Setting it back to Morphs in a non-HJ pose did fix the rest, thanks.
BTW probably fount a problem, might be a conflict with Awas.AwasAutoJuice im using on dalily basis.
When deleted from scene, cleared error log, error didnt happen again.
Is there any chance to make them work together ?
Thanks in advance!
I don't use that plugin. Based on the picture it seems that it adds some custom colliders (triggers) to the female. This has great conflict potential because it messes up what I get when I serch for things - like in your case - a native collider on the ass of the model.
I don't think I want to start adding exceptions for edits made by arbitrary 3rd party plugins, especially if I don't use them.
I didn't change any hand control settings. Setting it back to Morphs in a non-HJ pose did fix the rest, thanks.
If you did not set this manually, you probably had an error during HJ which prevented BL to restore the setting afterwards. Or you deleted the plugin during HJ. I'm not sure if I handled that case specifically.
@oppai500 Hmm, you're the first one reporting this issue. I know for fact that a lot of people use the OnPose/OnCamEnter triggers. What exactly did you do with them?
Hi! I took Ghostwalden´s hotel room, added a female and a male character and let them have a conversation with the dialogue option, then added action triggers clothing-load preset with path, the new clothing doesn´t load and there are no dialogues. I tried person-geometry-trigger clothing on/off, no action, i.e. clothing stays on. I checked if there are any plugins BL might not like, but there is nothing, very strange. Reloading the scene or the plugin did not help.
I did a new scene with no hotel room and it worked again. Then I tried a different CUA environment, again no dialogue and no action.
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Hi! I took Ghostwalden´s hotel room, added a female and a male character and let them have a conversation with the dialogue option, then added action triggers clothing-load preset with path, the new clothing doesn´t load and there are no dialogues. I tried person-geometry-trigger clothing on/off, no action, i.e. clothing stays on. I checked if there are any plugins BL might not like, but there is nothing, very strange. Reloading the scene or the plugin did not help.
I did a new scene with no hotel room and it worked again. Then I tried a different CUA environment, again no dialogue and no action.
First, does the trigger work if you press "Test"?
Where did you add the clothing trigger? OnPoseEnter or OnDialogEnter?
The triggers are in no way tied to an arbitrary CUA you might have in your scene or not.
First, does the trigger work if you press "Test"?
Where did you add the clothing trigger? OnPoseEnter or OnDialogEnter?
The triggers are in no way tied to an arbitrary CUA you might have in your scene or not.
Yes, strangely the trigger works if I press "Test". The clothing trigger is added OnPoseEnter. The dialogues do not work for scene or camera load.
Yes, strangely the trigger works if I press "Test". The clothing trigger is added OnPoseEnter. The dialogues do not work for scene or camera load.
Not sure what you're doing wrong. I just tested and everything works alright for me, even after reloading (and for others as I said).
Thank you any
Not sure what you're doing wrong. I just tested and everything works alright for me, even after reloading (and for others as
Thank you anyway. If I find out what caused it, I let you know. Looking forward to the next update, maybe it is gone with that.
I think I know what the issue with the hands is. If you save the scene in the HJ pose, then exit Vam, the next time you load up the scene, the hand is stuck in the find the cock pose. If you save the scene in a different pose, with the hand control set to Morphs, then everything's fine. Maybe what's happening is the plugin has to set it to JSONParams on HJ pose enter, but it wants to put it back the way it was before. If it was in JSONParams mode before, it's stuck.

I created a 0 pose where she's just standing there admiring his tool. Saving the scene in that pose made the others work OK.
I think I know what the issue with the hands is. If you save the scene in the HJ pose, then exit Vam, the next time you load up the scene, the hand is stuck in the find the cock pose. If you save the scene in a different pose, with the hand control set to Morphs, then everything's fine. Maybe what's happening is the plugin has to set it to JSONParams on HJ pose enter, but it wants to put it back the way it was before. If it was in JSONParams mode before, it's stuck.

I created a 0 pose where she's just standing there admiring his tool. Saving the scene in that pose made the others work OK.
Thanks! Yes, that's definitely the case. The scene saves the setting as it is. Not sure if I want to revert it and exit HJ uppon scene saving. Better save in a non HJ pose.
I could also revert to "Morphs" on exit no matter what the setting was before. This would be even easier to do as I wouldn't had to cache it. But some people might use the JSON mode to drive their fingers via timeline.
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Yeah, now that I know, and it's on record here, having a non-contact 0 pose makes sense.

I've also noticed that I can't turn off the Cleavage options. They keep getting re-enabled. I'd really like to be able to turn something off and have it stay off.
Yeah, now that I know, and it's on record here, having a non-contact 0 pose makes sense.

I've also noticed that I can't turn off the Cleavage options. They keep getting re-enabled. I'd really like to be able to turn something off and have it stay off.
Those settings are (re)stored with each pose. Update it after changing.
Hi! I'm having a problem where I'm adding some animations from timeline like Update 71 with levels and such. But, when I click on the other poses that don't use the timeline animations, the models get all wonky and do that scary slapping sound where they're breaking and the models continue the animation unless I press stop in the timeline plugin. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
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Hi! I'm having a problem where I'm adding some animations from timeline like Update 71 with levels and such. But, when I click on the other poses that don't use the timeline animations, the models get all wonky and do that scary slapping sound where they're breaking and the models continue the animation unless I press stop in the timeline plugin. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Hi! How did you add the clips? You need to make sure Timeline is locked (no ingame edits) when done editing. Else you'll override the keyframes of the currently selected clip. This is also true when applying another pose (at least if timeline is on another atom than BL).
[Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
CheesyFX.FlexRegionSupportTracker+<FlexRegionSupportTracker>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 ()
CheesyFX.FlexRegionSupportTracker.RegisterCollision (UnityEngine.Collision collision)
CheesyFX.FlexCollisionTrigger.OnCollisionEnter (UnityEngine.Collision collision)

From v40 to v71, I keep getting errors. When I delete an atom by chance, the game will keep waiting. Then, if I continue to delete or add new atoms, all of them fail and I have to restart the game.
Hi! How did you add the clips? You need to make sure Timeline is locked (no ingame edits) when done editing. Else you'll override the keyframes of the currently selected clip. This is also true when applying another pose (at least if timeline is on another atom than BL).
I'm remixing an already made scene for personal use, one of Zeeko's Smasher scenes. I stop the timeline for both, make minor adjustments, and then add the clip in Actions and then save the pose with BL. But, when I click on the neutral pose the models snap back to the animation before unless I stop the timeline again. How do I make sure the timeline is locked? I'm sorry if this has been answered already ?

Edit: Locking the Timeline didn't seem to help. Do I have to click lock the Timeline for every pose?
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I don't use that plugin. Based on the picture it seems that it adds some custom colliders (triggers) to the female. This has great conflict potential because it messes up what I get when I serch for things - like in your case - a native collider on the ass of the model.
I don't think I want to start adding exceptions for edits made by arbitrary 3rd party plugins, especially if I don't use them.
I undestand, still works pretty good even in V.56, after these.. something that was added after conflicts with fluid system. As to me it s the best fluid plugin where you can make triggers with vammoan etc to make some realistic conclusions in scenes and it would be fantastic to have it working with yours, cause it s just a great combo.
Nevertheless.. it s your plugin and you rule the ship, i can only ask for help :D
[Error : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
CheesyFX.FlexRegionSupportTracker+<FlexRegionSupportTracker>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 ()
CheesyFX.FlexRegionSupportTracker.RegisterCollision (UnityEngine.Collision collision)
CheesyFX.FlexCollisionTrigger.OnCollisionEnter (UnityEngine.Collision collision)

From v40 to v71, I keep getting errors. When I delete an atom by chance, the game will keep waiting. Then, if I continue to delete or add new atoms, all of them fail and I have to restart the game.
This has nothing to do with BL. It's a Shakit Error.

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