Now you can add a Movement component to any pose. This allows you to create periodical dance or twerk moves that are automatically played with the pose. It provides an alternative way to create customized idle movements as well as spicing up your sex poses.
- A Movement is a set of 3 forces and 3 torques acting on a rigidbody (body region)
- It has a target person and a target rigidbody (yes, you can also make the male dance)
- The forces and torques are periodical by default but can be set to constant (useful for idles and other things to come)
- Each of them is highly configurable in the same way as the known thrust forces, with lots of randomization options
- The Movement is part of the pose. So whenever you share this pose the user will also have the movements working (same as with slaps, thrusting etc.)
This is the UI item represeting the component (PoseMe/Movement > Add Misc Movement):
Use the toggle to temporarily disable the movement. If you want to get rid of it use the red "X".
The big button displaying the name and region brings you to the configuration:
With "Transform Space" you can select whether the forces act in the local space of the rigidbody or the space defined by the Root Controller of the atom. For "Local" please observe the debug coordinate frame drawn on the model to know how it is aligned. "Root Controller" is generally more stable, but if you adjust the pose through the other controllers the forces may be off (e.g. turning her to the left with fixed root).
But huh, nothing happens, despite you've come that far! Why is that?
By default, all aforementioned forces are disabled. Please press "Configure Forces":
For each of the six forces in the top bar you get settings like these. You probably know them already. It's the same as the thrust forces in FMU, but they act in a fixed direction.
To get one started, increase the Amplitude Mean or Delta. The button will get a green frame, indicating that the force is active. In my example I have a force in Y, and torques in X, Y and Z. This creates the following movement (sound recommended):
Settings for this example (non defaults only). Keep in mind that the outcome depends on the pose:
- ForceY:
- Amplitude Mean 60, Delta 50
- Period Mean 0.5, Delta 0.05
- TorqueX;
- Amp Mean 30, Delta 10
- Period Mean 0.5, Delta 0.05
- TorqueY:
- Amp Mean 20, Delta 10
- Period Mean 0.5, Delta 0.05
- TorqueZ:
- Amp Mean 40, Delta 20
- Period Mean 1.0, Delta 0.05
Other examples: Each pose has it's own movements
The feature set of this addition is not yet completed. But I thought it would be good to release this anyway to give you guys some time to get accommodated. Plus this gives you a nice playground to learn something about customizing thrust forces as well, as the settings are really the same. The only difference being that the thrust direction is automatically calculated.
Things to come:
- Elliptical movements for waxing cars etc
- Sychronize specific forces