A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing


Miles Davis said to Prince "A little bit of great is better than a whole lot of nothing" and make no mistake he admired him. I start with that quote from one goat to another, because this entry is not meant to disparage creators, but instead simply draws attention to the sometimes hard process required to get better. Creating models is like drawing in several points, and the more you practice, the better you get. See for example Vecterror how far he has come, at least with faces that he demands something for his work is completely fair. There are several in here who are at the same level. I have no right to decide what is good or bad. But for me, if this hub is to be taken seriously, it is fair to ask if a number of creators should perhaps take Davis's advice to a colleague to heart, and continue a little more in the rehearsal room before they publish?. The pictures were created by me after about 3 years with VAM, I can now see the proportions are wrong and make them look better. And I still have a long way to go, but closer to the stage where I finally dare to publish my material. So what I'm saying is this hub is overflowing with great stuff, but there's also a lot of, well…


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Pulp Fiction Thinking GIF

I understand where you're coming from, but, just like artwork and drawings the saying art is subjective has meaning(yes, sometimes to excuse bad stuff lol... or maybe most times).
What will one say to someone that has a style of ugly looks and bad proportions and with users that actually like such. Isn't that creator creating for them and not for you. People have their own markets creating their own styles that may evolve or not.
The human body isn't produced in a factory or by using a casting mold. If someone takes a look of your posted image and say it's lame face is too round breast is too small/big, she's not sexy, yet, another says it's awesome because she looks like a real person reminding them of someone they saw and thought that person was attractive. Who's in the right? To each his own and let it not grieve you in any way. You do you and they do likewise.
But hey, they "may" grow becoming better.
Pulp Fiction Thinking GIF

I understand where you're coming from, but, just like artwork and drawings the saying art is subjective has meaning(yes, sometimes to excuse bad stuff lol... or maybe most times).
What will one say to someone that has a style of ugly looks and bad proportions and with users that actually like such. Isn't that creator creating for them and not for you. People have their own markets creating their own styles that may evolve or not.
The human body isn't produced in a factory or by using a casting mold. If someone takes a look of your posted image and say it's lame face is too round breast is too small/big, she's not sexy, yet, another says it's awesome because she looks like a real person reminding them of someone they saw and thought that person was attractive. Who's in the right? To each his own and let it not grieve you in any way. You do you and they do likewise.
But hey, they "may" grow becoming better.
I want to be the last to judge beauty, in fact I cultivate the imperfect, none of my models wear makeup. Now I'm getting intolerantly metaphotic, so bear with me. Sometimes it's like opening a hub where it flows with "drawings created in a kindergarten that are hung up and we can all admire them. Maybe it's just me who is acting immature, and should instead look at the works and just keep my mouth as an adult would do. The point of this thread was to be a little more self-critical. This hub has great help for pretty much everything, but it lacks a thread with feetbacks for those creators. Not just a thumbs up or something like that. I have no doubt that there are creators out there who know the frustrations of creating models, but who do it for the joy of creating. Maybe it would be good idea of creating a thread where you naturally treat each other with respect and not, as I have done above, speak before thinking.
You're saying that you're not judging but with this post you criticize other. Lookin to your last sentence you already saw this.
I don't see drawings like in a kindergarten. maybe because I'm untalented as fuck.

I think it's giving the site a soul like any other mods site to see the imperfect models, too. And like you said with every model you're getting better. It's good to mess withthe best, but why not sharing them?

If you want to give someone an advice what they could make better write a private message to them, I doubt that there are many. But don't wonder if someone don't want your help. Or make a tutorial that is showing the hints.
Each posted var has a discussion section and there's the rating post also. I actually saw someone rate a scene one star and commented "it is just what it looks like". The creator replied "It's that bad huh". So you can freely express yourself with commenting or giving advice yet we have to be respectful.
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