A pair of goblin looks meant to be used in PetaZwega's shortstack scene. PetaZwega.Shortstack_Shenanigans.9 or even the new one.
RenVR skin edited by me to have goblin freckles and the body morph is basically the same as PetaZwega's characters. I wanted the animations to work properly.
Save both looks as a preset first then you can load them as a preset look into the Shortstack_Shenanigans scene or PetaZwega's new one.
Most dependencies are the same as the PetaZwega scene.
RenVR skin edited by me to have goblin freckles and the body morph is basically the same as PetaZwega's characters. I wanted the animations to work properly.
Save both looks as a preset first then you can load them as a preset look into the Shortstack_Shenanigans scene or PetaZwega's new one.
Scenes - Shortstack Shenanigans
Important Note: Loading this scene can take several minutes, do not close while the Restoring atom contents message is displayed. Furthermore you need at least 32GB of Ram for the default scene to open, if you have 16GB open the Performance Mode...
Most dependencies are the same as the PetaZwega scene.