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BodyNet (Free)

Plugins BodyNet (Free)

Do you have specific questions? Let's take it step by step:
  1. Open the scene that comes with the plugin
  2. Press U to toggle the UI on
  3. Press E to enter edit mode
  4. Select the female atom called "source"
  5. Go to the "Appearance Presets" tab
  6. Select and load the look you want to match the bone structure of
  7. Select the female atom called "target"
  8. Go to the "Appearance Presets" tab
  9. Select and load the look you want to adjust
  10. Press "Female Replaced"
  11. Press "Apply" or "Refine / Train"
I hope this helps.
excellent, very well written step by step instructions, thank you
TBD updated BodyNet (Free) with a new update entry:


Attention: please restart VAM after updating BodyNet. Otherwise, VAM will continue to use the previously loaded dll.

changelog v1.31
  • Major rework of how the plugin determines the body to head ratio. It's using collider positions with pose compensation instead of skin vertices now, making the algorithm work in any pose.
  • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
i am new to this so excuse me. Can anyone tell me how to use the Body Net plugin. As far as i understand you load the look of the character you want to replace, go into edit mode, select the atom, go to plugins and select the body net plugin. But after that i get an error and an stuck. what did i do wrong? open custom ui is empty
i am new to this so excuse me. Can anyone tell me how to use the Body Net plugin. As far as i understand you load the look of the character you want to replace, go into edit mode, select the atom, go to plugins and select the body net plugin. But after that i get an error and an stuck. what did i do wrong? open custom ui is empty
Please take a look at the overview page. If the guide there doesn't help, there are step by step instructions four posts above you. In a nut shell, you need to use the scene the plugin comes with instead of adding the plugin yourself.
I was able to use this at first and than it would not load the second time and loading freezes at "Paused-Waiting For: Scene Load"

error message:

!> TBD.BodyNet encountered an error: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at a.P.A (TBD.BodyNet.BodyNet ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at A.P+A.A () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at A.B.A (System.Action ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Also, this was not created: "Saves/PluginData/TBD/BodyNet/network.json"

If I do a search for all "BodyNet" files on Virt-a_mate and delete all except
and re-start VaM if will load again.

Also, I do not see the "bone guides" on the models.

I tried "Save" on the UI but the network.json file was not created.
Which version of vam are you on?

> Also, this was not created: "Saves/PluginData/TBD/BodyNet/network.json"

This file should not be created. Rather, the plugin creates two folders "Custom" and "Default" under "Saves\PluginData\TBD\BodyNet\Networks"
Sorry, I don't quite follow. What exactly do you want that plugin to do?
Whoops! I thought I was replying to a different thread. Sorry. Anyway - I’m not sure exactly what that would look like, but I’ll try. Take for example CuddleMocap’s “sex on the beach” scene. If you change the default model with one that has different bone lengths, the alignment can diverge and wacky things happen. The model you’re trying to swap in could be the same height but have long legs and a short torso, etc, and the leg mocap will diverge as it plays out. I’m thinking that we could make something that trains the mocap data to fit a different model, and maybe use the feet, ankles, elbows, and hands as anchor points? I’m just speaking hypothetically and probably not making a lot of sense.
Whoops! I thought I was replying to a different thread. Sorry. Anyway - I’m not sure exactly what that would look like, but I’ll try. Take for example CuddleMocap’s “sex on the beach” scene. If you change the default model with one that has different bone lengths, the alignment can diverge and wacky things happen. The model you’re trying to swap in could be the same height but have long legs and a short torso, etc, and the leg mocap will diverge as it plays out. I’m thinking that we could make something that trains the mocap data to fit a different model, and maybe use the feet, ankles, elbows, and hands as anchor points? I’m just speaking hypothetically and probably not making a lot of sense.
In theory, the controls could be moved around to compensate for another model. However, timeline doesn't give other plugins access to such modifications.

It'd be very hard to change positions in a way that doesn't mess up the model's interaction with the environment, i.e. keep her from floating due to shorter legs, make sure she touches the same spots and so on.
It's also not that simple to figure out how moving a control node modifies the body's position. Think of it as a marionette on rubber strings. They don't even have the same elasticity, which could even change throughout the scene.
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