@kanjobanjo @Bob Nothing This will only be a dream.
First, "so few"... I wouldn't say that

Not all are on the "top notch" side, but you got already several options if you need : )
Second, there are several reasons why it won't happen :
- I will never go down the road of "funding" VAMMoan, or my work. I already explained that on a profile post : you start tiny, everyone is gentle and happy and gives you cheers. Next thing you know... you have people insulting you because you don't release whatever they want, whenever they want.
You're gonna argue that, it's only a "couple" of people, and the vast majority is nice and supportive.
But even with that ratio, I don't want to even deal with a single rude person. My freedom is important.
- It's a lot of work. A lot.
When you get a new voice in VAMM, i've worked dozens of hours to get the recordings, clean the file, slice them, sort the samples. I won't make my main "production" for VaM around VAMM only. I want to do LD, VFX, sound, cool plugins.
- Last but not least : voice is extremely expensive. The 2.x recording scheme, if you want an estimate, is between 250$ and 800$ the session depending on the actor or actress. And this is without the total work i'm injecting afterwards.
You're also refering to "scenarios" / "dirty talk", it's never gonna work. VAMM is a way to control a "part" of the performance. It has never been made thinking it would replace an actual voice performance if you need dialogs.
And again, even if I'd consider it... you bring some dialog lines... first thing you know, someone reviews the thing saying that he/she doesn't have the
It is an actual wild dream to imagine VAMMoan being the best library ever made, free of charge, of the best adult voice actors and actresses in the community. If voice actors are not cheap and make a living out of this, it's because they're talented and there is a market for that.
If you look at any other plugin with similar concepts (bringing voices to VaM), they have like 1/1000 of the amount of samples and work injected in VAMM, and they have never been supported long. And for the other part, the samples are so bad, that it's not even worth using them.
Just because voice is not cheap... and the work behind that, is just... simply boring (even if I love my sound designer job).
So, yeah... i'm pragmatic : D
That would be so cool an all... but it's just gonna stay that way. Evolve slowly, from time to time. But a neverending flow of top tier voices... it's going to remain a wild dream