wow, this is totally amazing. can group different "levels" of intensity together and then have them play awesome!
Another challenge I noticed is if I open a scene with Vammoan like ascorad's Head's Will Roll for example, and the pitch is set by the creator at something like 1.05 or 1.10 for example which sounds good for moans, it auto changes the default pitch audio to that. If I set pitch audio to 1.0 so it plays the audio from the folders with something like RandomSoundFromAB on the model, it adjusts the default pitch to 1.05/1.10 on all the local dirty talk audio and sounds off. I usually just go into Vammoan and pick another voice that works with 1.0 pitch. So it seems having an option to keep moans at 1.05/1.10 in Vammoan is fine but maybe without effecting what a user manually changes the default pitch to for other main dialogue audio. Some user may not even know Vammoan is overriding pitch and think it's coming from timeline so may not even know how to fix it. Just something to consider, if that's even possible.
but the sound is still very small when it is adjusted to the highest level. If there is music in the scene, the vocals can hardly be heard. I hope it can be improved in the new version.
No can't do sadly.
The wonderful audio setup of Unity ( this is obviously a /s), is "AudioSource based". If you prefer, the sound itself contrary to Unreal Engine or middleware like FMOD/Wwise does not contain informations for the playback. The source is the one responsible for the final pitch. Which means that if you want a sound to shift in pitch during playthrough, you need to update the audio source.
So, I have no real way of knowing what "pitch" you'd expect for each VA file.
The only thing I could add is a "VA pitch" slider, which would default at 1 and would set the audio source to that pitch when you playback a VA file then would go back to "Voice Pitch" for vanilla VAMM2 moans.
But I won't be able to give the ability to set pitches individually for each VA files.
- Added a "Voice (VA) Pitch" suggested by @VamEssentials. You can now have a different pitch for VAMMoan's voice and your VA.
Bug Fixes
- Attempt at fixing other VA bugs:
- Switched everything into a coroutine and let the loading process of the audio files go on by one to avoid fails during heavy scene loadings
- Converted paths to absolute paths from the root of VAM instead of keeping a potential relative...
Amazing news, this new version looks really good and more advanced than the original (which serves its purposes well enough I'd say in most cases).
Scripting it by hand will yield good results but is also a ton of work for mocap'ed animation. I can't imagine going through 15+ minutes of mocap to place slap sounds of varying intensity.
TL/DR: both external triggers and customizable colliders should be supported
Also, to reframe a bit: no one does 15minutes of "riding/slapping mocap". I've never came accross one scene like that...
Worst case, I can hook it up to my triggers plugin. Maybe I'll write a plugin to add custom colliders to anything, at some point.But custom colliders, not gonna happen.
Worst case, I can hook it up to my triggers plugin. Maybe I'll write a plugin to add custom colliders to anything, at some point.
- Added Life 14 support
- Improved code to allow manual headAudioSource playback (which allows you to play sounds from normal triggers without VAMM2 interrupting them)
In depth explaination for manual headAudioSource playback
Before this version, VAMM2 was playing sounds on a schedule system. Which meant that, if you tried to play any sound file from, let's say... a UI Button, directly on the HeadAudioSource of the character with VAMM2, this...