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I mean try it yourself.

I have zero idea what your situation is, nor what is your vam version is, vammoan version, and so on... I have dozens of plugins on the hub, if everytime someone had an issue I'd have to bindly try it myself, the answer would be 95% of the time "it works on my end". And honestly, I wouldn't have the time to do that.

Make a scene and make a person moan and then save scene. When you reload scene person just stops moaning. You have to manually start moaning again from plugin menu

This proves my point from the initial question or my answer above: you might need to understand how VAM / VAMMoan works. The buttons inside the plugin have a main title on top of them "Test states". Those are test buttons, this is not saved in the scene.

I suggest you try HZMDemos, scenes like the bathrooms enviro, or Icicles demo are good enough to understand how you should use VAMMoan. You need to use triggers and set them properly in your scene according to what is happening.
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