thank you and no problem =)

thanks for your reply @ascorad . i am pretty much new and i am not familiar with other animation methods other than timeline. if that what you meant please point me to what you had in mind and i'll check it out. if not, could you please explain more?
No problem. Just add the timeline plugin to another empty atom, then add your cloth grab sphere triggers/animation to that instance of timeline. I will try to post screenshots later on if I can :)
No problem. Just add the timeline plugin to another empty atom, then add your cloth grab sphere triggers/animation to that instance of timeline. I will try to post screenshots later on if I can :)
omg you are a genius! i just noticed when you mentioned it that i can control other atoms as targets from any other timeline. thank you so much for your suggestion. also there is no need for screen shots, i think i get it and i just tried it, works perfectly ?. strangely enough, the empty atom's timeline can still animate the movement of the cloth grab's atom even while its on off state.

in my case, i had to re animate the from scratch on the new empty atom as i couldn't simply copy the cloth timeline to the new one nor import it in using any method that i know, if only we could at least copy the position data of an atom and paste it quickly. i hade to take a screenshot of the move data of all the frames that i originally created and fill it again it to the new time line again, then delete the original one to prevent any conflicts.

thank you again, you are a life saver indeed :love:

@Acid Bubbles i am tagging you just for a reference as you requested earlier, and just in case somebody else (like me ^^) asks you a similar question, this could be a very valid method to use.
omg you are a genius! i just noticed when you mentioned it that i can control other atoms as targets from any other timeline. thank you so much for your suggestion. also there is no need for screen shots, i think i get it and i just tried it, works perfectly ?. strangely enough, the empty atom's timeline can still animate the movement of the cloth grab's atom even while its on off state.

in my case, i had to re animate the from scratch on the new empty atom as i couldn't simply copy the cloth timeline to the new one nor import it in using any method that i know, if only we could at least copy the position data of an atom and paste it quickly. i hade to take a screenshot of the move data of all the frames that i originally created and fill it again it to the new time line again, then delete the original one to prevent any conflicts.

thank you again, you are a life saver indeed :love:

@Acid Bubbles i am tagging you just for a reference as you requested earlier, and just in case somebody else (like me ^^) asks you a similar question, this could be a very valid method to use.
Hey, glad it worked! Also, you can't copy/paste just like you said, but you can still export the animation and import it to another copy of timeline. That might have saved you some leg work, but glad it worked out in the end (y)
Hey, glad it worked! Also, you can't copy/paste just like you said, but you can still export the animation and import it to another copy of timeline. That might have saved you some leg work, but glad it worked out in the end (y)
that was actually the first thing iv tried, but it didnt work. exporting the animation from the cloth atom to the empty one, it gave a bunch of errors.
Hi all, is there a way to easily debug these console errors:
!> Received message name SendPlaySegment but no handler exists for that event
Hey @Acid Bubbles
I don't understand, I have a problem with this version 282 :(

I animate all the time with my VR headset so I use the controllers.

If I record the head for example over 10 seconds by "record animation", the recording stops by itself before 10 seconds (9.75 or 9,88 or 9,97 sec etc...).

When I use Timeline 280, I don't have any problems, it records completely :unsure:
It's a big problem at the end of every animation.

Or maybe it's a new setting to make it work like version 280 ?

Thanks for your help (y)

is it possible to trigger another animation with morphs only out of an animation with a trigger target asynchronously without influencing the triggering animation?

is it possible to trigger another animation with morphs only out of an animation with a trigger target asynchronously without influencing the triggering animation?
I don’t really understand the question. Maybe use a bit more sentences? You have two animations? One with morphs only (animation #1) and another animation which has a trigger (animation #2) And animation #2 needs to trigger animation #1 using a trigger in animation #2? That is possible, but “asynchronously” and “without influencing the triggering animation” confuses me.
I can't really imagine VAM without your plugin.
It's really a great plugin.
And it's easy to see it, through all the contents over here using your plugins, and specially timeline.

And for all this, thank you.

I want to ask if there is any chance to do a layer animation (Like in Maya). (Not the same meaning as layer animation in timeline).

Let me explain:

Lets imagine, i want to animate in a first place, the movement of a hande (only transition)
in a second time (layer).... i'll animate a rotation. ( or a transition in another axis). of the same hand.

the two animations will transpose. One uppon another. and we'll have animation of the hand moving and rotating.

And at the end, we have the option to bake everything together and have a new animation track having averything together.

Just to say, you already have something to transpose a certain animation to another place. (to change position).
but it's a unique changing of the whole animation.
the Idea is to make this transposition animable too.

it can be very usefull for exemple in a mocap animation. it gives possibility to correct the position of a hand or other, only in a certain range of the global animation.

I don't know if VAM allows you to do that, but it's just a suggestion.

and I insist: big thanks for all your works. ur a magician :D
@Acid Bubbles Hi. I’ve just started delving into Timeline and so far it all looks very comprehensive. Amazing job.

I have a beginner question (I guess this probably gets asked a lot), I did do some searching about and have talked with some other Hub members but I’m still not sure, basically:

After importing a Timeline animation onto a female atom in a scene, how can I offset the female atom “as a whole” within the scene, so that the animation still plays as normal?

Basically, I want to import a pre made Timeline animation (or multiple different animations) of some idles (sitting on a chair/end of bed) and align the female atom with that animation to the pre existing furniture in my scene.

I can also foresee moving furniture about inside my scene and therefore would also need the ability to move the female atoms (with the corresponding animations) to match, quite frequently whilst I set things up etc.

I imagine there is a workflow for this but currently I do not know Timeline (or VaM) that well so looking for some guidance.

Many thanks for any tips you can give me.

EDIT - through trial and error, I think the "Overwrite Pose" button is possibly what I am looking for. It seems to do what I want, even if the terminology used here doesn't mean a lot to me in terms of what I am trying to achieve.

A label like like "Save Atom Position" might make it more obvious to total beginners like me :)
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Just verifying the new features: will the new global triggers for On Play make it to where I can, for example, RegisterAction in my own plugin's C# code for when a new animation starts playing in Timeline?

I have a plugin I'm developing that does some semi-complicated audio patterns depending on the animation. So far, I have had to painstakingly try to calibrate and calculate the duration of each animation and change those durations in code when I change the animation duration in Timeline. It would be far easier if my plugin could attach to a trigger like this and receive new play events to know which animation is currently playing.

I'm open to better suggestions too if I'm missing one. And code examples if you or anyone like @cheesywheesy has them.
@Acid Bubbles Hi. I’ve just started delving into Timeline and so far it all looks very comprehensive. Amazing job.

I have a beginner question (I guess this probably gets asked a lot), I did do some searching about and have talked with some other Hub members but I’m still not sure, basically:

After importing a Timeline animation onto a female atom in a scene, how can I offset the female atom “as a whole” within the scene, so that the animation still plays as normal?

Basically, I want to import a pre made Timeline animation (or multiple different animations) of some idles (sitting on a chair/end of bed) and align the female atom with that animation to the pre existing furniture in my scene.

I can also foresee moving furniture about inside my scene and therefore would also need the ability to move the female atoms (with the corresponding animations) to match, quite frequently whilst I set things up etc.

I imagine there is a workflow for this but currently I do not know Timeline (or VaM) that well so looking for some guidance.

Many thanks for any tips you can give me.

EDIT - through trial and error, I think the "Overwrite Pose" button is possibly what I am looking for. It seems to do what I want, even if the terminology used here doesn't mean a lot to me in terms of what I am trying to achieve.

A label like like "Save Atom Position" might make it more obvious to total beginners like me :)
Your solution works, but it "hard switches" to a new pose (so it does not only save the position you want, but also the pose). So if your animation has some transition, this will basically pick up the character and immediatly switch it into the pose at the position you saved it at. This might work for your use case, but can make things miserable if you want continuous animations with transitions. (Because it will not only move your character to the position you saved it at, but also into the pose it was saved in).

Another solution is to add the "control" variable to the timeline. So next to head, hips, whatever, you can also add "control". This gives you control over the position of the character. I think this is what you want.
@falbst I'd really like to understand the broken keyframe issue you have shown but I don't understand the steps, nor the result. https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/timeline.94/post-122622

Can you help me and:

1. Either record or lead me step by step on what you do? "Recording with Embody" should create tons of keyframes and in the screenshot there's only one, and "multiple curve types" is also unclear what it means in practice.
2. Send a "broken" scene with exactly which keyframe is broken? That might be enough for me to figure it out.
Acid Bubbles updated Timeline with a new update entry:

Timeline v6.3.1

- Fix compression so it doesn't trip up text editors (NOTE: Animations saved with 283 cannot be opened in earlier versions!)
- Fix issue that targets the main gender of a morph when the added morph was actually for the other gender
- When using Split Position and Rotation, split for all animations of the layer
- Real time now supports time scale
- Fix copy paste controls on an animation that doesn't contain them

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hey all.

I was reluctant to make an account here and I have looked for an answer to my question for days now... so here I am.

My question is:
Is it possible to run two separate animations independent from each other using only one copy of the plugin or do I have to use two like I have been?

For example running a interactive scene where some atoms are running in a loop and then other animations can be activated along side it, proving they don't interfere with the main ones of course.

I did see the wiki regarding anims, layers and segments but I found it a little vague and left me with more questions.
Hi, I have a small suggestion :
When a target is the control of some atom, instead of using 'control' as the track name in the timeline view, use the atom's name instead. When 'control' targets are grouped together in a custom group, they all show as just 'control' currently, and you're not able to tell which is which.
Is this a bug? I had an instances where selected targets stopped showing up on the scubber line on the left. The targets could be selected but the graph was empty. they just vanished when I was changing the selected atom.
When I restarted VAM everything was set to default as if I didn't do anything and all the work was gone..
Would love to see a future feature/function to easily delete an animation and all of its associated layers. It's currently a real pain to delete an animation with multiple layers... Unless I'm missing something?
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