My UIAssist buttons for better experience in VR


I want to share my UIAssist buttons because this improved my experience a lot in VR

Hopefuly is useful for someone else too

Thanks to all creators for your amazing work! I'm tryng to learn how to create plugins to return something to the community, sadly this is the only contribution I can make now


Remove all Clothing: remove clothes from last viewed female (problem: it removes makeup, tattoos etc too)

Mirror ON: toggle on/off mirrors (for performance)

EMBODY: add embody to last viewed male/futa if not added, and activate/deactivate it

Browse Cloth: Open BrowserAssist with filtered clothes presets
Browse Hair: Open BrowserAssist with filtered hair presets
Browse Cloth indiv: Open BrowserAssist with filtered clothes (individual not presets)

VIP, FANTASY, VIPVIP, FUTA VIP, REAL, RAND FUTA: all these buttons load some random appearance preset using BrowserAssist tags (for example "Rand Futa" will load some of my preselected futa appearance preset on the last viewed male/futa)

Enable Supress Clothing: preserve current clothes when loading appearance

Only Penis: load plugin on last viewed male with settings to hide everything except penis (this button has 2 operations, first load a naked male without hair etc, because the plugin does not hide clothes and hair)

Ghost Male: similar to only penis but using this plugin:

Reset Animation: restart the scene animation

More FPS: activate "Give me some FPS" from
Less FPS: activate "VAM defaults" from GiveMeFPS plugin (I use this for high quality but it will eat fps)

Tits plugin: open UI for (I use this for better tits whith clothing, nipples problem, and also tight tits etc). I think is better Naturalis but I don't know how to use it :(

Align Penis: load plugins on the last viewed male, sadly this is not eough sometimes to align the penis inside vagina/moth again when is broken :(

Master Volume: Open UI for:

Disable PostMagic: activate (useful for VR, sometimes the effects from PostMagic are problematic there)

Pause: toggle "Freeze Motion Sound"

Glance: load in last viewed female

Supress Scale is ON: toggle scale supress when loading appearances (useful to not break the animations)

Face Expre, Face Expre Futa: load merge plugin preset from: in last viewed female/male. The problem here is I need to open the timeline and start the animation :(

LIFE: load into last viewed female

Body Language: load in last viewed female

Reset Scale: reset scale action from UIAssist

Focus on Me: add plugin: and open the UI (useful to change lights from any scene)

Hair Color: add plugin and open UI to change hair color (not always works, sometimes UI is empty maybe a bug with the plugin)

EMISS EYES: add plugin and open plugin UI

Teleport: trying to use teleport action from UIAssist to move the camera always in front of girl, but I couldn't make it work

Post Process: load into scene and open plugin UI

PENDING BUTTONS (not sure if they are possible with UIAssist):

- Teleport always in front of girl or to the "head" of male

- Remove everything except persons from scene and activate color background for passthrough

- Change morphs, for example change breast (maybe copy breast from another appearance etc, or change their size)

- Activate buttons with voice (I was trying with but it does not read UIAssist buttons)

- Animation speed

- Remove face animations (some scenes are nice except for the facial expressions, specially mouth)

- Buttons for navigation settings (disable navigation, lock height etc)

- Remove specific plugin (if it exists)

- Remove specific clothes (or with some condition/filter), for example remove all pants, or some eyes (to avoid conflict with emissive eyes)

- Activate edit/play mode (now it has toggle option only, but for better multi operation buttons we need to force edit mode sometimes)

- Remove clothes without removing makeup (or anything applied to the face/head or skin like tattoos)

- Simulate "settimeout" and "setinterval" actions. With this could change something (for example appearance or lights etc) every X seconds

- Actions for global scene lighting

- Add mirror (and allow to move it)

- Rename person name (some plugins and presets requires specific names to work)

- Change Iris and Sclera materials
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